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Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Obama Dreams About America with No Borders No Constitution No Guns and No Free Press, Warning Alert ObamaTrade, The Barack Obama Trade Deal, ObamaTrade, is another ObamaCare fraud on the people of the United States. The trade deal is being approved and the members of Congress have not read the bill, sounds about right. The Congress, both House and Senate continue to defraud the American people by making secret deals, never reading the bills and sticking to talking points. The Trans-Pacific Partnership, with its new commission, seeks to "rule" the member nations through "policy and regulations"

ObamaTrade, The Barack Obama Trade Deal, ObamaTrade, is another ObamaCare fraud on the people of the United States.  The trade deal is being approved and the members of Congress have not read the bill, sounds about right.  The Congress, both House and Senate continue to defraud the American people by making secret deals, never reading the bills and sticking to talking points. 

Updated Today, ObamaTrade
“It appears there will be another attempt by Tuesday to force through new executive powers for President Obama. A vote for TAA next week is a vote to send fast-track to the President’s desk and to grant him these broad new executive authorities. 

If that happens, it will empower the President to form a Pacific Union encompassing 40 percent of the world’s economy and 12 nations—each with one equal vote. Once the union is formed, foreign bureaucrats will be required to meet regularly to write the Commission’s rules, regulations, and directives—impacting Americans’ jobs, wages, and sovereignty. 

The union is chartered with a “Living Agreement,” and there is no doubt it will seek to expand its membership and reach over time.

Fast-track will not only apply to the Pacific Union, but can expedite an unlimited number of yet-unseen international compacts for six years. T

here are already plans to advance through fast-track the Trade in Services Agreement, the goal of which includes labor mobility among more than 50 nations, further eroding the ability of the American people to control their own affairs.

Americans do not want this, did not ask for it, and are pleading from their hearts for their lawmakers to stop it.

The same people projecting the benefits of leaping into a colossal new economic union could not even accurately predict the impact of a standalone agreement with South Korea. 

The latter deal, which promised to boost our exports to them $10 billion, instead only budged them less than $1 billion, while South Korea’s imports to us increased more than $12 billion, nearly doubling our trading deficit. 

This new agreement will only further increase our trading deficit: opening our markets to foreign imports while allowing our trading partners to continue their non-tariff barriers that close their markets to ours.

If we want a new trade deal with Japan, or with Vietnam, then they should be negotiated bilaterally and sent to Congress under regular order. Under no circumstances should the House authorize, through fast-track, the formation of a new international commission that will regulate not only trade, but immigration, labor, environmental, and all manner of commercial policy.

What American went to the polls in 2014 to vote for fast-track and a new global union? Can anyone honestly say that Congress is trying to ram this deal through because they think their constituents want it?

While elites dream of a world without borders, voters dream of a world where the politicians they elect put this country’s own citizens first.

The movement among Americans toward a decent, honest populism—toward a refocusing on the needs of American citizens and American interests—grows stronger by the day. Every vote to come before Congress, beginning with the next fast-track push, will face this test: does your plan strengthen or weaken the social and economic position of the loyal, everyday working American?”

The Trans-Pacific Partnership, with its new commission, seeks to "rule" the member nations through "policy and regulations" 

People, the Barack Obama radical Trade Deal (ObamaTrade) also include the internet, open borders and millions of illegal alien workers entering America.  After the secret deal is signed (TPP) China is free to enter the collective, so don't believe anything you have seen on ABC CBS NBC MSNBC CNN.

Barack Obama has been killing off the free enterprise system in America and we now have 94 million people out of the workforce and live off the collective socialist welfare programs, funded by debt.  Over 46 million people are living off the electric soup line known as food stamps.  College graduates have no jobs and if you're a negro teenager trying to get started, your unemployment rate is 51%.  Riots are spreading and there is a reason and its not about color, it's about the communist Chinese menace making and selling everything around the world and big American Corporations taking advantage of communist slave labor in China and even Vietnam.

Illegal aliens now take the American jobs.  The Americans are laid off and enter the welfare system which is taxpayer funded.  Ask Mickey Mouse at Disney. Hundreds of hard working Americans are gone, replaced by foreign workers at lower wages.

The ObamaTrade scheme is very clear to insiders but the insiders have pledged to be silent which is a direct breach of their sworn duty to defend and protect the U.S. Constitution and the United States.  Any man or woman that votes for or in any way promotes the ObamaTrade deal is a traitor to the United States.  Follow the money.

As Barack Obama continues to destroy America Iran will have a nuclear weapons program which dooms Israel.  Syria and ISIS ISIL Iraq and Iran will be a full blown war in a matter of months and China, Russian and Iran have joined to fund and funnel arms and troops to Assad in Syria.  Barack Obama does not have a war plan, per Obama.  But now, 48 hours later hundreds of heavily armed U.S. troops are going to Iraq to train the tribes, again.

Obama does have a plan.  It's called the One World Order or the New World Order and the ObamaTrade deal is the centerpiece.  The U.N. has already stated in public that Barack Obama has been lying about the Iran Nuclear deal and sanctions as Iran has been breaking the deal all along.

The billions of Iranian dollars that have been frozen by U.S. and U.N. economic sanctions are now defrosting and deals are being made.  It won't be long you'll again be buying Iranian - Persian Nuts as California growers fade away.  The travel restrictions against the evil doers of Iran, just a fake, their traveling all over the world.  The same with sanctions against Communist Russia and Putin.

The TPP Commision, ObamaTrade in other words, creates a new global governance that gives away the rights of the United States sovereignty.

What does that mean?

This new ObamaTrade commission can issue policies and regulations that have a direct impact on your wallet and the U.S. economy.  It will impact the last factory down the street, the workers all over the country, illegal aliens will again flood the U.S., our money (dollar) will again drop and the E.P.A will control your world.

The secret ObamaTrade deal creates another international structure leaving you on the front porch scratching your head, living off unemployment and your zero interest savings.

The radical Barack Obama has an agenda and it's not you.  Obama is tossing the U.S. in the trash and forming another European Union mess using America.

Read this twice, the TPP Commission ObamaTrade would supplant your U.S. Constitution and all your rights.  

Yes, the TPP Commission ObamaTrade, is a top Obama Secret for a reason.

The Commission would become the governing body over the U.S. that would circumvent the U.S. Constitution leaving you, your property and freedom out in the cold.

You can expect your first and second amendment constitutional rights to be removed at once upon approval.

This would of course mean another civil war in America.

A new civil war is what Barack Obama has wanted all along.

Rich against poor.

White against black.

Worker against welfare.

Citizen against police.

Iran against Israel.

Your bill of rights will be removed.

Barack Obama has many plans, and he will make full use of his power even with a Republican Congress.

ObamaTrade, the fast-track authority from Congress gives Barack Obama a guarantee of approval of any deal the radical makes.  Sounds like Putin in Ukraine.  Sounds like Iran Nuclear Weapons.  Sounds like the IRS.  Sounds like the NSA domestic spy rings.  

The Senate and House is about to give all the power to Obama, the deal ObamaTrade cannot be revised, changed or otherwise rewritten.

Your representative in Congress is giving Obama the entire country and you should impeach them at once.

The ObamaCare fiasco has killed the economy.

The ObamaTrade fiasco will kill you.

Your representative has sacrificed you and your country as again, they have not read the bill and the public will never read the agreement known at ObamaTrade.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership, with its new commission, seeks to "rule" the member nations through "policy and regulations" 

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