Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Barack Obama, Trans-Pacific Partnership,In small print, it's called Labor Mobility, your grandfather would call it an Invasion or a Direct Attack on the United States ObamaTrade

In small print, it's called Labor Mobility and it means the total destruction of your wealth, private property and civil liberties.  The secrets of the ObamaTrade deal is leaking and now its flooding out and you had better pay attention.  

Labor Mobility means that any company, from the 50 countries that will be involved with the ObamaTrade One World New World Trade Plan can move people, anywhere at anytime by any number.  That means you will.. wake up with a Chinese Communist Factory in your town, with 1,000 communist Chinese workers and you'll be unemployed forever. 

Your kids cannot find a job now.
46 million Americans being fed by government.
94 million people not working.
Your rights are being removed.
Government records are being destroyed.
American uranium sits in Russia and Iran.
Your food is mostly imported.
God is bad, Government is good.

If your Congressional Representative approves this ObamaTrade deal they must be removed from office at once. 

This is the New World Order - Power Shift Move that will link all nations together, under one body of lawyers and business owners.  Imagine 12 men deciding the fate of your country and family?  This is evil. 

How did Hillary Clinton get two billion dollars?
How did Russia get U.S. mined Uranium for Iranian Nuclear Weapons?
How did North Korea get nuclear weapons?
Hod did China get the U.S. technology and missile guidance systems?
Who moved 4,000 U.S. troops to Iraq?
Who released six more Islamic Terrorist Warriors from GITMO?
Who traded the GITMO Five for A U.S. Traitor?
Who said the the NSA, FBI, DOD could keep a file on you?

“It is essential that there be no misunderstanding: fast-track pre-approves the formation of not only the unprecedentedly large Trans-Pacific Partnership, but an unlimited number of such agreements over the next six years,” Sessions said. “Those pacts include three of the most ambitious ever contemplated. After TPP comes the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the United States and the European Union, followed by the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA), seeking as one its goals labor mobility among more than 50 nations. Together, these three international compacts encompass three-fourths of the world’s GDP. Including the nations whose membership is being courted for after enactment, the countries involved would encompass nearly 90 percent of global GDP. Yet, through fast-track, Congress will have authorized the President to ink these deals before a page of them has been made public. Then, the Executive sends Congress ‘implementing’ legislation to change U.S. law—legislation which cannot be amended, cannot be filibustered, and will not be subjected to the Constitutional requirement for a two-thirds treaty vote.”

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