Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Sunday, June 28, 2015

She could be a Negro idiot but Negro Bree Newsome, the Negro Black Bat Woman climbed the pole flying the legal Confederate Flag, Negro woman being held back by the evil whites found in their graves. 600,000 people died in the Civil War so she could be a Negro idiot, which she proved.

Bree Newsome Tap Dancing, the Old Negro Song and Dance, beats working. The Confederate Flag Removed - Bree Newsome - Invokes Negro Black Privilege by illegally removing the Confederate Flag which makes some point about hate and history according to Bree Newsome, arrested and will have to face the judge.  Liberal Radical - Barack Obama Sheep flock to the Confederate Flag like fly's on a light bulb as the so-called Black Americans want to tear down and destroy government funded statues, products and flags across America as they re-write the history of the United States.

Another Free Negro breaks the law to get what they want.  

The young Negro girl is doing the old Negro Song and Dance because Bree Newsome discovered she was black and they were slaves in the world 150 years ago.  Many are waiting for Bree Newsome to take up arms and start her own version of a Civil War to make sure it's over, over here?

Yes, Bree Newsome climbed the greasy white privilege flag pole and took down the Confederate Battle flag of North Virginia because she hated it so much she just had to do it. Nothing could stop the Negro as she moves back and forth and takes down the flag, owned by the citizens, authorized by law, seemingly didn't matter, Bree Newsome had a black point to make. 

It's clear that America has treated her poorly, maybe feeding and educating her and most likely paying most of her rent, giving her a free phone and discounted bus rides just wasn't enough. 

Bree Newsome wanted to fight back against the white privilege America that feeds her family, provides health care and education, paves the roads and answers the "911" police calls when danger spills onto the streets. 

ObamaCare free health care didn't make her feel good so she had to prove her point. 

Her most likely hero's like Al Sharpton, Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Louis Farrakhan, Eric Holder, Valerie Jarrett, Jesse Jackson and others gave her the courage to use her meager black power to fight the white privilege as she broke the law and climbed the pole of the evil past.  The ole Dixie flag had to come down, even though she never really cared before, well, not that much. 

Bree Newsome is most likely convinced that the color of her skin holds her back from the secrets of success, not her actions.  She knows all about white privilege survival as food stamps, free phones, free health care and other white privilege government taxpayer funded plans does not provide enough stability so she picked up the light torch and struck out against the white bastards, her fellow citizens.

The Negro girl, Bree Newsome, is just another example of just doing what you want, when you want and at any time you feel the urge.  Having more babies, living off other peoples money, protesting and burning isn't enough, even Barack Obama is using the N-Word now so it's time to take to the streets, or at least climb the greasy pole of racism. 

This pretty young lady has been confused by others and her actions created another black criminal, herself.   Bree Newsome wants to fight back against something and the NAACP, The White House and her political leadership has taught her to fight the white man privilege even though her neighbors are high school drop outs, unemployed, carry around guns and criminal records, drug dealers and pushers never notice her, Bree Newsome is too white to be black. 

As Bree Newsome takes the fall her leaderships cashes more and more checks at the bank.  
The old Negro song and dance is a great recruiting tool for the progressive socialist Democrats and Bree Newsome will gain recognition from the hard left, the fools that gave you gay marriage, Islamic warriors, open borders, unemployment, factory closings, illegal aliens and where a mother now can marry her own son to gain health care insurance.  

The lack of respect for law and order is the cause of Negro failure in society and in general as the Supreme Court just proved again.  Social justice and financial benefit is the plan but Bree Newsome is in a hurry.   

Bree Newsome now gets to stand in front of a judge, write on her facebook page, brag about kicking some ass on Twitter kind of like ISIS and ISIL does to get attention.  Bree Newsome wanted her 15 minutes of fame at least so she broke the law, climbed the pole, took down the Confederate flag as the white cops watched.  She would love to ride in the back of the bus, but she missed that boat of opportunity. 

Bree Newsome needs to understand world history first and then American history and stop playing the black bat woman protecting the masses from hate and history.  Abraham Lincoln wanted to move all the Negro's back to Africa so maybe he's got to go?  Lyndon Johnson tricked all the Negro's to vote Democratic for the next 200 years.  Robert Kennedy used them as a political black block of votes and Hillary Clinton can talk like an old Negro on demand.  What school did Bree Newsome attend, and was she paying attention to anything?

Bree Newsome needs a lot more education and life experience before she makes another 150 year jump back in time, playing the slave, playing the hero, climbing the racial pole as the outraged Negro woman being held back by the evil whites found in their graves.  

600,000 people died in the Civil War so she could be a Negro idiot, which she proved but she doesn't have to stay dumb and broke like Al Sharpton and Barack Obama want.  Bree Newsome is clueless and her no brainer move just makes the Negro look silly again.

Her Negro leaderships yells "go girl" as they send out millions of emails cashing in on the little girls dramatic actions.  If the black community had more Bree Newsome's everything would be great again?  

If Bree Newsome wants to be a Negro terrorist inside America we could suggest that she move to Baltimore, Detroit, L.A., Philadelphia, Washington D.C. as each of these cities have direct bus services.  The state of South Carolina clearly doesn't need another criminal like Bree Newsome, but she wanted the role, her picture in the paper, facebook likes but the flag will fly until the people decide. 

Her actions give and sustain the negative image of the Negro, already unemployed, under-employed, working at McDonalds, demanding higher minimum wages, under-educated and prone to stupid actions that are against the law.

In the mean time, don't grease the pole of racial violence Bree Newsome and take some history lessons and stop moonlighting as the black cat woman saving your little world.

If you think it's tough here, go to Syria, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, China or maybe Russia and write us on facebook and tell us how it works out, breaking the law is not a game so thank God that we still love you, no matter the silly things you do.



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