Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, June 4, 2015

They were funded but an example of power would have to be indicated to the world. There something would strike out, harshly removing a world leader, leaving no calling card but everybody would know. Their act of doing would prove their point and their point was absolute power.

They were funded but an example of power would have to be indicated to the world.  There something would strike out, harshly removing a world leader, leaving no calling card but everybody would know.  Their act of doing would prove their point and their point was absolute power. 

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