Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, December 11, 2015

RICO Charges Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton - The once loyal Clinton operatives have loosened their tongues as the Fed's produce more and more top secret emails from Hillary Clinton's private email server. The Clinton's know the best is over but their still free and not imprisoned.

RICO Charges by the Fed's against the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation "The Clinton Foundation" gives the Fed's the ability to try the political mobsters for conspiracy.  

If Hillary Clinton made one phone call or sent one email on her private computer email server concerning government secrets and then received cash payments, direct or not, charges can be filed by the FBI.

The Golden Age of the Clinton's are over or we should say the mythological golden age of the Clinton's are about to be shut down.  After decades of corruption, bribes, drugs and back room deals and the antics of the swinging Bill Clinton and his Bonnie are about over. 

Bill Clinton is about to prove that you can fall further than presidential impeachment as he becomes the first president to be jailed behind bars for crimes.  

The once secret society of progressive socialists is out in the open and they don't mix with traditional American values.  The "Clinton Thing" is about power, influence and money and now you toss in Radical Islamic Terrorism on U.S. soil the game is up.

Obama lied about the Radical Islamic Terrorist threats and Americans were killed in San Bernardino California.  The names of Farook and Malik will sink the Obama boat and most likely drown the Clinton's.  As Obama and Clinton move to give Iran a nuclear weapon the traditional friends of America refuse to pay tribute to the extortion attempts by Obama, Clinton and Kerry.  Phil Haney, a U.S. Customs and Border Patrol analyst, says he was ordered to stop investigating Deobandi Islamist groups and his work on them was erased. He even says he was subjected to a disciplinary when he attempted to blow the whistle. If he’d been allowed to continue his investigation, he claims Malik’s visa application would have been flagged for greater scrutiny. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have made some kind of deal with the Islamic Radicals, The Muslim Brotherhood (CAIR) to keep money flowing as American's die.

Sure, they'll play the Climate Game but this nuclear bomb for Radical Islamic Jihadist's in Iran is getting out of hand.  Obama is about to release, right at Christmas, $150 billion in cash to the terrorist state that pray's to Allah and pray's to Muhammad for the strength to kill every American.  Are you starting to see the problem?  ISIS ISIL receive money and support from Iran, who's going to get cash from Obama and Clinton and the Muslim Brotherhood lives forever, known as CAIR, in America. 

Hillary Clinton was running guns and ammunition through Benghazi Libya and most of the weapons are now being used by ISIS ISIL to kill innocent Christians.  As the Islamic Muslim Radicalization grows around the world the rest of the world has the scent of Obama and Clinton mixed with the Muslim Brotherhood.  As despicable theives the Clinton's are cashing in and waiting for the White House. 

The twin scourges, Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton, are going to be wrapped up in RICO charges as soon as Obama is fully protected and out of office.  Hillary most likely will continue to be the progressive socialist front runner for president and maybe president if they can knock off Donald Trump.  Their friends, major media, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN is trying everything to destroy Trump but the old neighborhood smear business doesn't work with Donald Trump and millions of his supporters.  American's are taking their country back and plan on jailing the crooks.  No pardons this time, jail time. 

Hillary Clinton’s claim that she is not beholden to her wealthy donors will come under renewed scrutiny Friday when the Democratic front-runner raises fresh cash for her presidential bid at the home of George Kaiser, a billionaire whose firm was the biggest investor in the troubled Solyndra stimulus project — and who managed to walk away with a lucrative profit at the expense of taxpayers.

The loyalty to the Clinton Crime Family and the code of silence is breaking down as Hillary is under great pressure to destroy Sanders and Trump for her own political survival as the FBI and the NSA in conjunction with the CIA comb through every email that Clinton sent or received as Secretary of States.  She is dirty now.  Caught dead handed.

It is rumored that many Clinton operatives are talking to the Fed's now to avoid their own five year prison terms that may put away Hillary for life for Treason charges?  In the past government elites could keep the law away by using the collection of favors they gather but the old scams are failing and the morgue of politicians could fill up, per say.

The once loyal Clinton operatives have loosened their tongues as the Fed's produce more and more top secret emails from Hillary Clinton's private email server.  The Clinton's know the best is over but their still free and not imprisoned.  Just like Richard Nixon if they can make it into the White House their home free but still guilty.  

Imagine being the District Attorney filing charges against Hillary and Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton is really under house arrest per the orders of Hillary Clinton,  sit down and shut up and don't have sex with the receptionist.  The sex crazed Bill Clinton is older now so a pretty dull life and a little porn should hold him through the election.  He spends a lot of time trying to whack Donald Trump and others without an audience so the political blood should flow.  

The Radical Islamic Jihadist have thrown a wrench into the presidential elections as the Muslim bastards aren't happy unless their chopping off somebody's head.  Saudi Arabia is killing off Islamic terrorists as fast as they can and their heinous kingdoms live on with the U.S. Military guarding the gates. 

Oil is dropping like a rock so the economic slop in America is being hidden away as best as the Obama Clinton gangs can manage. Hardworking police officers are being killed on the streets of America and Black Lives Matter is the horror of Hillary and forcing her into the communist state on the hard left.  

Used to the big money in "the white powder of government - welfare" the Clinton's are getting shut down by a Republic controlled house, even though slowly.  The DOJ Loretta Lynch can protect them from the FBI but not for long as FBI director Comey doesn't believe in don't ask don't tell when it comes to terrorists or government crimes.

It's not over for the little guy yet, Donald Trump is pushing like a bulldozer and the progressive socialist fake charges against him are failing.  As funny as it might be even Jimmy Carter stopped Iranians coming to America 1979-1980 and killed off all the trade with the Islamic Radicals.  Donald Trump cannot be trapped even though the DNC and the GOP are trying really hard. 

As Hillary pisses money away, Donald Trump leaves the DNC and the main stream media perplexed and bewildered.

That son-of-a-bitch could win!

One son-of-a-bitch to another.


Fiction, Facts and Rumors or Wishful thinking

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