Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, January 4, 2016

Obama The World's First Global Slave Master - China - American Stock Market Dump - Factories by the hundreds are being closed in China, lock stock and barrel and are being moved to Vietnam by American holding companies, follow the slave, follow the money.

Barack Obama's levitating the stock market trick is coming to an end.  Barack Obama savaged honest hard working people that saved their money forcing and then keeping interest rates to almost zero year after year. Hillary and Bill Clinton the China of today, trading technology secrets, missile secrets, letting their money (yaun float) and letting them join the WTO at the same time they were killing, most likely hundreds of thousands of slaves (called citizens in the west). 

The entire secret to the stock market is actual real life performance and profits which creates the magnet for investment.  Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton removed the actual stock market based on free market principles, and under your nose, replaced it with a centralized state capitalistic stock market, controlled by Barack Obama and his Federal Reserve.  The economic collapse of 2008 destroyed America and all the false economic programs created a 95 million person pool of non-working Americans.  Now you have millions of illegal aliens inside the U.S. job market, creating our own slave like worker class to mirror China, Vietnam and Russia to compete within globalization. 

Barack Obama 
has destroyed the Middle Class  

This socialist Obama and Clinton  stock market trick has been tried before and it's always the same result.  When Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton decided to control the free markets we became a state capitalistic system like in China and Russia.  The free market is no longer free and interest rates were lowered and held there by a centralized progressive socialist government to force the stock market up and up, now the bubble. 

To energize the U.S. Free market Barack Obama will have to be replaced or jailed for crimes against America with the likes of Hillary and Bill Clinton.    The virtually drop today in the stock market may not correct and become real after all the foam is blown off the top, revealing actual values of each company.  Big companies buy their stocks back to inflate their stock price, hold on to their stock prices and hide their real performance.

This Chinese Slave was killed by her Masters moments later.

The smart people that worked and saveed their money got raped out of their interest income, forcing millions of savers to place their money within the high risk, winner take all, loser beware stock market.  

The progressive socialist Federal Reserve played the game so Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton kept the stock market high by forcing real money into his Ponzi scheme.  

Now the Obama worm has turned and the true values are being revealed as China dumps within their own Communist Slave Labor economy.  

Slave Labor in China - since the 14th century.

Like a beer that Barack Obama is holding, once you blow off
the head of the stock market, it will reveal actual values,
which are much lower.

The slaves will revolt in China and maybe they will kill off the Chinese Communist Leadership before the leaders kill them.  The state capitalistic system ( Communism That Makes A Profit ) will fail because people love freedom and the cruel masters in China are now on the losing end.  Factory orders in China have faltered because orders have dropped off about 40% this year as other slave State Capitalistic Communist markets are coming on line to take orders away from China.  Vietnam is now a major player within the slave market game. 

The Chinese Communists pay about $3.27 an hour for labor while the Vietnam Communist master pay about $1.02 per labor hour.

Factories by the hundreds are being closed in China, lock stock and barrel and are being moved to Vietnam by American holding companies, follow the slave, follow the money. 

The White House with Barack Obama inside does not govern.  He rules by executive order which is against the law and he should be removed.  The U.S. owes the world about $ 20 Trillion dollars which is impossible to pay back in a thousand years.

Our dollar value has been destroyed by creating fiat money, with no value.

There is a civil war brewing, around the world.


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