Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, October 14, 2016

Don't be alarmed, these are pictures of SEX ROBOTS. WikiLeaks The Secret Sex Clubs of Washington D.C., Bill Clinton Hillary Clinton Sharia Sex Clubs Saudi Arabia A pending Civil War in America means that Hillary Clinton must take your guns, control your food, stop your free speech, measure your energy, limit your right to assemble, and make the decisions of life and death through a government medical scheme.

You're living in today's world, so using your past experiences as an America if you've outgrown the Millennial generation (18-34 years old) you tend to be confused and wonder often who broke your America?  Maybe ABC, CBS, NBC,MSNBC,FOX, should always just report the news, like the Obama Daughter caught on film smoking dope.. maybe unemployment, maybe terrorist attacks, maybe Syria, Iran Nuclear the Russian Bear... Don't let Michelle Obama fool you.. she's heard the word pussy before.. 

This has happened before; when elites try and take over the's the Hillary Clinton dream, open borders, open trade, everything controlled by a centralized power, no congress.. just force..

Yes, self-identified liberals such as the Clintons and Barack Obama speak in the language of liberalism while selling out the poor, the working class and the middle class to global corporate interests. You don't have $250 million dollars in your pocket by just giving speeches, they want a lot more.

Hillary Clinton sold everything she could get her hands on, take a look at WikiLeaks and discover the inner workings of a global criminal organization.  So let there be no doubt; FBI James Comey is corrupted, DOJ Loretta Lynch is corrupted, and this corruption started decades ago with Bill and Hillary Clinton and their Clinton Foundation.  They grew their criminal enterprise and sold top secrets right under the nose of Barack Obama, playing golf as America burned down to the ground.

By the classical definition, the Clinton's are criminals and stand on top of a global criminal organization, they are the crime family.

The de-industralization of America took years, but we know that over 50,000 factories are no longer open, the workers sent home, it explains how 95 million Americans are at home, jobless, using SNAP Welfare food stamps, but it gets a lot worse now.

If you invented a new product today you must understand that it also must be affordable, the cheapest in the market.  Go ahead and invent the best cell phone that would cost five thousand dollars, but invent and build one that sells for a couple hundred bucks and you will become a billionaire. 

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan, George Bush, George Soros, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and thousands of others have forced you into the global economy. 

The global corporations and foreign nations have filled the deep pockets of the Clinton's and the Obama's to make sure laws and regulations support their efforts.

The Global corporations needed a silent stream of influence to get inside the American Government and that was the Clinton Foundation.  Do you know that only about $0.05 cents of the donated dollar is used for charity?  What did the Clinton's do with the other $0.95 cents donated?  They have collected almost $2 Billion Dollars.

Your jobs have been outsourced and foreign nations have paid the Obama's and Clinton's to make sure it happens according to plan.  The Democratic Socialist Government of Clinton and Obama forced your jobs out to low cost, mostly Communist nations like China and Vietnam. 

Other third rate third world countries like Mexico have sold their citizens as slaves or at best low wage workers, long hours and freezing winters.  The Obama Clinton administrative state sent your jobs to other countries where people are treated like slaves and live like slaves. 

The big corporations also need domestic slave labor and that's why Hillary Clinton, secretly exposed by WikiLeaks wants open trade and open borders which means she will fully support TPP Trade agreement.  The unskilled and uneducated Mexican is the best example of low-cost labor being imported into the United States by Clinton and Obama because that's what big business paid them to do. 

People struggle with the facts in front of them, now supported by actual emails hacked by WikiLeaks, 11 million Mexican slaves are not enough, big business needs more and more at super low wages, so the U.S. Government taxpayer makes up the cost difference.  Welfare food stamps, section eight housing, ObamaCare, free internet and phones, low cost transportation.  Now our own citizens don't have jobs and the lower end of our own citizens are revolting.

A pending Civil War in America means that Hillary Clinton must take your guns, control your food, stop your free speech, measure your energy, limit your right to assemble, and make the decisions of life and death through a government medical scheme.

Don't be alarmed, these are pictures of SEX ROBOTS.

Don't be alarmed, these are pictures of SEX ROBOTS.

Don't be fooled by Hillary Clinton, she will own you in the end.  Open borders, government health care, socialist economy, high taxes, death taxes, government schools as the elite will rule over you and a global government will be brought to life.

It's time to fight, not just talk.

It's time to take your government back, not just talk.

You have a right to vote for Donald Trump, take it, it's your last chance.

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