Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Yes, CNN sucks, Total Revolt Total Unrest No Retreat Goals, Legal Citizens will protect the Constitution - The main stream media empires are all about money and survival and what's the best way.. bribe and help the criminals in national government and never tell the entire story.. Most media are whores.. Most media are press-titutes. Most media are helping Clinton and trying to bury TRUMP. Not so fast whores.. We've got your number. The American 2nd Civil War Started over a Year ago and the Main Stream Media is trying to survive through absolute lies to the legal citizen

The American 2nd Civil War Started over a Year ago and the Main Stream Media is trying to survive through absolute lies to the legal citizens. The press is corrupt, they don't have enough ink for their rag newspapers because citizens are armed with electrons moving at the speed of light.  As the giant rotary printing presses spin off millions of newspapers,killing millions and millions of trees and using millions of gallons on cheap China imported ink the knowledge bases and fact based citizens goes on the internet to learn and also publish the truth before the New York Times is dry enough to bundle.

Yes, CNN sucks, CNN has sucked for years.. they're failing even using electrons and the internet as millions of Americans are better, faster and cheaper doing research, publishing instantly and millions read and learn daily.. even before the CNN radicals complete their makeup in the morning.

Look at the pictures of the so-called traveling press with Hillary Clinton...

Most are punk ass millennials 
that don't know shxt.  

ask stupid questions by rolling fruit down the isle of Hillary 
Clinton's plane.. they don't care,free ride,free food and 
the expense account to get fuxked up with the Elites. 

The main stream media empires are all about money and survival and what's the best way.. bribe and help the criminals in national government and never tell the entire story.. 

Most media are whores.. 

Most media are press-titutes.

Most media are helping Clinton and trying to bury TRUMP.

Not so fast whores.. 

We've got your number.


As the Republican nominee has resorted to more extreme denunciations of the press in recent days, his supporters have followed suit. Chants of “CNN sucks” have become commonplace at Trump’s rallies this week and members of the traveling press were called “whores” and “press-titutes” as they filed out of a Thursday afternoon rally in West Palm Beach. Minutes before, Trump had accused reporters of participating in a vast globalist conspiracy against his campaign and American workers.

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