President Obama has the track record of a loser, so no matter what the DNC may do, most likely employing the IRS, NSA, EPA and other fiends of centralized Soviet Style Communist government their going to lose in 2014.
With Democratic 2014 Senate and House the dopes of hopes receding faster than
the rise of the tides flowing around the toilet under President Obama lazy ass, the Obama administration and
Democratic Party have decided to resort to their favorite page in the political
playbook: distraction and misdirection. Hey! look over here. You've got to be kidding.
We understand that they play the race (NAACP) (Sharpton) (Jesse Jackson) (Jesse Jackson Jr) and the white female dumb card but enough is enough so the Democrats have to go.
Benghazi, I.R.S. Scandal, Fast and Furious Scandal, NSA surveillance Scandal and the list goes on and on. When a government agency C.I.A. will reach out and search government computers (Senate) to review and pull secret classified information anything can happen. When a government I.R.S. will resort to illegal activities of the Tea Party to stop their constitutional rights, anything can and will happen.
We understand that they play the race (NAACP) (Sharpton) (Jesse Jackson) (Jesse Jackson Jr) and the white female dumb card but enough is enough so the Democrats have to go.
Benghazi, I.R.S. Scandal, Fast and Furious Scandal, NSA surveillance Scandal and the list goes on and on. When a government agency C.I.A. will reach out and search government computers (Senate) to review and pull secret classified information anything can happen. When a government I.R.S. will resort to illegal activities of the Tea Party to stop their constitutional rights, anything can and will happen.
The Tea Party Community of Patriots are having a tough time keeping up with the current and past events of Barack Hussein Obama, Harry Reid, Eric Holder and Nancy Pelosi plus hundreds of government Czars and thousands of Obama supporters inside the Washington D.C. beltway.
Psychologists posit that the brain can only handle so many narratives at one point; if we are distracted by problems at home, for example, we tend to perform less well at work. You are being distracted by the centralized government of Barack Hussein Obama. Your confusion has been designed. If they can confuse you, they win.
The same holds true in politics: if our brains are occupied with worries about the war on women, for example, we’re less likely to be thinking about the horrors of Obamacare. Over five million people woke up one morning without medical insurance because of Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Eric Holder. This is a fact. Obamacare will kill off the middle class and that's the reality of Obama. Kill the middle class, re-distribute the middle class wealth.
Our bandwidth is filled with lower but sexier priorities.
Psychologists posit that the brain can only handle so many narratives at one point; if we are distracted by problems at home, for example, we tend to perform less well at work. You are being distracted by the centralized government of Barack Hussein Obama. Your confusion has been designed. If they can confuse you, they win.
The same holds true in politics: if our brains are occupied with worries about the war on women, for example, we’re less likely to be thinking about the horrors of Obamacare. Over five million people woke up one morning without medical insurance because of Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Eric Holder. This is a fact. Obamacare will kill off the middle class and that's the reality of Obama. Kill the middle class, re-distribute the middle class wealth.
Our bandwidth is filled with lower but sexier priorities.
That’s the strategy pursued by the Obama administration, which
is busily mirroring the campaign strategy of 2012, in which President Obama and
his minions successfully directed attention away from his own incompetence and
toward binders full of women, a dog strapped to the top of a car decades ago,
and contraception.
So, what are the top areas for misdirection from the Obama
administration? Here are the top five:
Minimum Wage. On Tuesday, President Obama jet-setted to New York
City to continue his push against income inequality by shopping at the Gap, a
store which recently announced that it would be voluntarily raising its minimum
wages. He told the sales associates, “I think the ladies will be impressed by
my style sense.” The White House announced, “In his State of the Union address,
the President called for businesses to raise workers’ wages, and today the
President will visit a Gap store to show his support for Gap Inc.’s decision to
increase wages for their US based employees.”
The push for minimum wage increases has now gone national, with
the City of Seattle now considering a $15 minimum wage – a fight led by
Socialist city councilwoman Kshama Sawant. Invoking fairness and equality,
Sawant and Obama are leading the charge to mandate that businesses increase
their baseline wages, even though the Congressional Budget Office estimates
500,000 jobs lost thanks to such increases on the federal level.
Obama wants to be seen as standing up to evil corporations bent
on greedily exploiting their employees. He’s pretending that his opponents want
people to be stuck in poverty at the behest of those corporations. In essence,
this is Obama’s “man of the people” shtick – even though, as Obama’s Gap visit
showed, he doesn’t even know how a credit card machine works.
Climate Change. On Monday night, Democrats took to the floor of
the Senate, talking for 15 straight hours about climate change. Leading voices
in that effort included Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA), who quoted Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax:
“’But now,’ says the Once-ler,
‘Now that you’re here
The word of the Lorax seems perfectly clear:
UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better.
It’s not.’”
The purpose of the all-nighter was to create the perception of
conservatives as Bible-thumping cretins. That’s also why President Obama felt
the necessity to introduce Fox’s Cosmos series, where he lauded the merits of
science – a fine message on its own, but certainly a politically-calculated one
during election season.
War on Poverty. Over the weekend, House Minority Leader Nancy
Pelosi (D-CA) said that her anonymous Republican friend had told her that
Republicans hate poor children:
“I asked a Republican friend why his party remains so opposed to
extending the vital lifelines for struggling families and really hungry
children. This colleague’s response was telling in its blunt nature and it’s
stunning in its honestly. What he said was, ‘To the Republican caucus, these
people you are talking about are invisible, and the Republican caucus is
indifferent to them.’”
This larger narrative – that Republicans hate the poor – has
been leading the Obama docket since January, when President Obama issued a
statement on 50th anniversary of the failed War on Poverty, stating, “In the
richest nation on Earth, far too many children are still born into poverty, far
too few have a fair shot to escape it, and Americans of all races and
backgrounds experience wages and incomes that aren’t rising, making it harder
to share in the opportunities a growing economy provides.” And this week, Obama
is slated to sign a package of executive orders that will broaden the
definition of overtime pay under federal law.
Sure, Obama’s economic policies are a failure. But it’s the
intent that counts. Harvey the six foot bunny rabbit told Nancy Pelosi so.
War on Women. According to Politico, Democrats are reviving the
“war on women” meme that worked so successfully during the 2012 race. “This is
a driver,” Rep. Steve Israel, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee, stated. “There may be issues that flare up or die down, but this is
a driver of the next nine months.” Obama tackled so-called women’s issues in
his State of the Union Address by fibbing about income inequality between women
and men:
Today, women make up about half our workforce. But they still make 77 cents for every dollar
a man earns. That is wrong, and in 2014,
it’s an embarrassment. A woman deserves equal pay for equal work. She deserves to have a baby without
sacrificing her job. A mother deserves a
day off to care for a sick child or sick parent without running into hardship –
and you know what, a father does, too.
It’s time to do away with workplace policies that belong in a “Mad Men”
episode. This year, let’s all come
together – Congress, the White House, and businesses from Wall Street to Main
Street – to give every woman the opportunity she deserves. Because I firmly believe when women succeed,
America succeeds.
Pelosi is now making the case for universal childcare. Of
course, the leftist media played rearguard for the Obama administration in
attacking former Gov. Mike Huckabee for suggesting that Democrats’ focus on
contraception and abortion as the centerpiece of their women’s rights campaign
was paternalistic and condescending. And now, the Obama administration is
taking part in the idiotic #BanBossy campaign designed to cast aspersions on
anyone who doesn’t want to crack down on linguistic use.
The Middle East. President Obama’s sudden uptick in interest in
the Middle East peace process mirrors the second-term obsessions of his
predecessors in the White House. But still, Obama’s latest offensive against
Israel speaks to his desire to misdirect from domestic issues. His State
Department, led by John Kerry, has already stated openly that Israel’s enemies
need not acknowledge Israel’s existence as a Jewish state. Meanwhile, both
Obama and Kerry have threatened Israel with the possibility of international
isolation should the Jewish State refuse to make concessions to its terrorist
Palestinian neighbors.
The list goes on, of course. But the bottom line is that the
Obama administration will do everything in its power over the course of the
next few months to distract from the issues Americans care about most: the
economy, and the threat of Obamacare. Republicans and conservatives will have
to work hard to avoid following him down the rabbit hole of misdirection if
they hope to win a sweeping victory at the polls in November.
Ben Shapiro is Senior Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News and
author of the New York Times bestseller “Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of
Fear and Intimidation Silences America” (Threshold Editions, January 8, 2013).
He is also Editor-in-Chief of Follow Ben Shapiro on Twitter
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