Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ukraine Unemployment Guns NSA CIA DOD ATFE FBI Comrade Obama doesn't care about you. Barack Obama is a threat to your family, friends and nation and he continues to laugh at the poor black slobs that keep him in beer and golf balls. Barack Hussein Obama is a disgraced, lame-thinking, half-ass President of the United States.

92 Million Americans Not Working.  Barack Obama, the Careless Leader of the Left; Comrade Obama doesn't care about you.  Barack Obama is a threat to your family, friends and nation and he continues to laugh at the poor black slobs that keep him in beer and golf balls.  Barack Hussein Obama is a disgraced, lame-thinking, half-ass President of the United States.  Why does Obama hate America.

It’s the same today. He rarely attends important meetings. In the past two weeks he’s skipped two national security meetings focused on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a crisis that could lead to World War III. Yet our President chose not to attend.

Do you think this is conservative propaganda or exaggeration? Hardly. Obama’s absence from both national security meetings was reported by many media, including Reuters.

Why did Obama skip the first meeting? He chose to attend a White House Film Festival. Just like his days at Columbia University, Obama had more important things to do.

Even if Obama isn’t impressed by Russia invading Ukraine, certainly he finds America’s jobs crisis important, right? Wrong.

Obama could find no time to meet about the sky high unemployment in America either. Even leftist reported in July 2012 that Obama had not convened a meeting of his Jobs Council in six months.

Politico updated the report in January 2013 – Obama never bothered to convene one meeting of his own Jobs Council in a full year, even with unemployment and under-employment at crisis levels.

Even more remarkable, within two weeks of that story, Obama closed down his Jobs Council – with 12 million Americans still counted officially as unemployed.

President Barack Obama waves to a group of on-lookers while golfing at Farm Neck Golf Club in Oak Bluffs, Mass., on the island of Martha's Vineyard, Sunday, Aug. 11, 2013. (AP)

With over 92 million working-age Americans not working, and men suffering the lowest workforce participation rate since record-keeping began, Obama thought it unimportant to even continue having a Jobs Council?

So what was important in Obama’s life? Golf & fundraisers., the non-partisan fact checker, confirmed our president golfed 10 times and attended 106 fundraisers during just the original six-month period where he could find no time, or interest, to attend even one meeting of his own Jobs Council. Can you imagine the updated numbers for the full year?

And, where was he the night of the Benghazi attack? Both Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Martin Dempsey testified Obama was absent that night.

Four brave Americans died while Obama was “absent.” What could be more important than a U.S. embassy under attack with American lives at stake? What could be so important that Obama never checked in to ask a question or discuss a rescue attempt from 5:30 p.m. EST until the next morning (when everyone was dead)?

Just like his college days, Obama believes he’s too gifted to do the actual work of president. He’s just too busy to have to worry about unemployed Americans. He’s just too important to have to bother to check in every night. Those are all things only “the little people” have to do.

FILE - In this Aug. 11, 2013 file photo, President Barack Obama reacts as he misses a shot while golfing on the first hole at Farm Neck Golf Club in Oak Bluffs, Mass. , on the island of Martha's Vineyard. President Barack Obama's fourth summer vacation on the Massachusetts island of Martha's Vineyard is humming along with the usual golf games and basketball. But the family vibe is different. For the first time, daughters Malia and Sasha are missing, away at summer camp. (Credit: AP)

History will show that George W. Bush, the man the leftist media painted as “arrogant, elitist, and out of touch,” played 29 rounds of golf as president, until quitting in August of 2003 out of respect for the troops in harm’s way.

Meanwhile Barack Obama, “the man of the people” has played 163 rounds of golf and counting, while America is at war…while Russia threatens World War III…while the economy is in shambles…while millions have given up hope of ever working again…while record numbers of Americans are living in poverty…while black unemployment is double that of white…while food stamps, welfare, disability and all entitlements soar to record levels.

Nothing has changed since Columbia University. Not Obama’s personality, not his attitude, not his behavior. We have a president who thinks of himself as too smart…too gifted…too important…too busy…to give a damn about his job, or the economy, or the American people.

Either that…or he does care. And he’s not in our corner. I’ll let you decide.

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