Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

GDP Numbers Barack Obama Don’t fail to read this powerful article. It is a solution. The C.E.O.’s within the skyscrapers don’t want you to learn the secrets. The financial districts around the world don’t want you to learn the secrets of their great wealth. Starting with your local governments, state governments and national government in Washington D.C. they keep laying smoke screens. You’re not supposed to see the real events as you would become enraged and incensed. Attacking in formations foreign corporations and American corporations are moving hundreds of billions of dollars at the speed of light out of America. They’re building factories and hiring millions of people and paying them only a few cents per hour. The staging of this great Global shift has been in the works for tens of years. All the Fortune 500 American corporations play the game, hide the rules and keep you in the dark.

GDP Numbers Barack Obama
Don’t fail to read this powerful article. It is a solution. The C.E.O.’s within the skyscrapers don’t want you to learn the secrets. The financial districts around the world don’t want you to learn the secrets of their great wealth. Starting with your local governments, state governments and national government in Washington D.C. they keep laying smoke screens. You’re not supposed to see the real events as you would become enraged and incensed. Attacking in formations foreign corporations and American corporations are moving hundreds of billions of dollars at the speed of light out of America. They’re building factories and hiring millions of people and paying them only a few cents per hour. The staging of this great Global shift has been in the works for tens of years. All the Fortune 500 American corporations play the game, hide the rules and keep you in the dark.

There is a vast concentration taking place right now. As you read this you will become weaker as the dollar in your wallet or purse is being marginalized and drops in value by the minute. These heroes of business are making billions of dollars selling American values, ideas, systems and entire manufacturing plants to communist nations enslaving millions of people.

Now you may suffer the full force of Global markets and Global government and you will have to fight back, individual combat. There is a new strategy that creates individual wealth. It creates profits for you and your family and will create millions of jobs in America.

The First Quarter, Financial Collapse, and that's with the NBA still in business. After the NBA is gone it will be a lot worse. The Obama Economy, Failed Today. GDP Alert, Failure.

The First Quarter, Financial Collapse, and that's with the NBA still in business.  After the NBA is gone it will be a lot worse.  The Obama Economy, Failed Today.  GDP Alert, Failure.

The Democratic Party Shuddered today as the Benghazi Email's were discovered and made public. The President of the United States, Barack Obama, the national leader of the Progressive Democratic Party was about to accept another donation of cash money from yet another defense contractor when the nation was made aware during the dinner hour. Barack Obama knows how to cozy up to cash money but his old buddies in Chicago never taught him how to properly hide the truth from the American people. The retired Air Force General, now representing a major defense contractor described the affair with the president as merely cocktails and dinner but off-the-record comments painted the true picture.

The Democratic Party Shuddered today as the Benghazi Email's were discovered and made public.  The President of the United States, Barack Obama, the national leader of the Progressive Democratic Party was about to accept another donation of cash money from yet another defense contractor when the nation was made aware during the dinner hour.

Barack Obama knows how to cozy up to cash money but his old buddies in Chicago never taught him how to properly hide the truth from the American people.  The retired Air Force General, now representing a major defense contractor described the affair with the president as merely cocktails and dinner but off-the-record comments painted the true picture.

The party, by invitation only, was suddenly cancelled when FOX News broke the story about the Benghazi Emails at the very moment the president was closing up the last of three suitcases in the Los Angeles Hotel.   The General had paid the asking price in cash money and the ten million dollars cash was neatly packed away inside the three cases.  This once high ranking Air Force General suspected that the Obama Administration was always hiding the Benghazi truth from the public but he never blinked when White House aides rushed in with the news.  The president is famed for his parties for men with cash and foreign dignitaries that could keep a secret.  The bastards in the press had got their hands on the Benghazi emails so serenading the press would start almost at once.

As the evening was over the retired General didn't bother to shake hands with the president as Obama never offered.  The conversations about the contractor deal ended and the general and his industry moguls stood up to leave with little notice.

Most big defense contractors simply fight for the deals but these guys just bought their business.  A bribe to the right man in some fine hotel is quick and rewarding.  The ten million dollars would buy a 500 million dollar energy grant and the retirement of the General and his industry friends were assured. 

What if this was a true story?

Negroes Need Better Air Water and Clean Land, So says Obama Idiot EPA Chief McCarthy The EPA in full Environment Justice and Social Justice Mode Obama Clinton Holder

 The EPA chief, who was appointed by Obama in July of last year, claimed that black students are the "most vulnerable to climate change" and they should become "champion climate justice advocates."  Now think, this is the same EPA chief, McCarthy idiot, that most likely had to sign off on the Bundy Cattle Raid in Nevada.  McCarthy things that White People are not harmed, just black people, which means they must have a very different DNA than white people or she's a black radical racist?

Turning pollution into an excuse to throw the race card, McCarthy claimed that stopping pollution is all about "equity" and that minorities have been "overburdened by pollution and environmental health hazards for far too long."  The Climate Change Green Group Communists enjoy the McCarthy comments because she gets paid by the taxpayer to discriminate against all those white people that pay her salary.  The Obama plantation, broadly speaking, plans on slavery for all people. 

The environmental official went on to claim that Obama was going to institute "environmental justice" for minorities.  That would be good if the negro could stop snorting drugs and breath some fresh air once in a while. 
“You can’t ensure environmental justice, and we can’t deliver on this president’s promise of opportunity for all without giving people clean air and clean water and clean land to live on," she said.

In another message given to the activist group and posted to its website, the EPA head made the outlandish claim that pollution is "holding back" African-Americans.

"Pollution is holding back millions of African-Americans fighting for middle class security," McCarthy said. "Environmental justice is social justice.”
“We have a moral obligation to act now," she added.

The NBA Thugs Mug The Owner Donald Sterling for His Free Speech if disgusting Free Speech The NBA NAACP and Obama have a lot in common - Forget about the Constitution - Just Hang the Old White Man - But keep his money - Plantation Obama Radical Black Racist Thugs Gangs Drugs Guns Rape Disgusting NBA White Supporters Plan Empty Seats Protest Hundreds of Thousand of White Cash Customers Plan on Empty Seat Boycott ABC CBS NBC MSNBC Radical Media Slave Status Change

THE PROTEST AGAINST THE NBA and their Gangster response.  There is a boycott being planned called the "empty seat boycott" where nothing is said, but tens of thousands of empty NBA seats during games will demonstrate the point.  The old white bastard Donald Sterling had the total right to say what he wanted and where he wanted.  The NBA is so afraid of the black players that they agreed to kill off the U.S. Constitution on Free Speech even as Donald Sterling makes disgusting racial comments.  The NBA sports league, afraid of their own players, kicks Donald Sterling to the curb even when it was clear that the old wind bag was set up by the young half and half chick.  Follow the money.  Don't follow the NBA.  By the way, does anybody know if Al Sharpton really owes the IRS 1.9 million dollars?

Here, then, is a brief list of things that will not get you banned by a sports league for life. The good news: if we tape record all of these people and then hand the tape to Harvey Levin, presumably we can get them banned relatively quickly. Because privacy now extends only to comments with which we agree as a society.

1. Discriminating against black people in housing. Donald Sterling, as mentioned above, settled a lawsuit from the Department of Justice in 2009 in which the DOJ alleged that Sterling had discriminated against Hispanics, blacks, and families without children in housing. According to the lawsuit, Sterling said that “black tenants smell and attract vermin.” The NBA did not react. When specifically asked today, NBA commissioner Adam Silver explicitly said that the NBA’s ban on Sterling had nothing to do with past actions, only his nasty views. Because words speak louder than actions.

2. Strangling somebody. In 1997, Golden State Warriors All-Star Latrell Sprewell, playing for coach P.J. Carlesimo, decided to go berserk after Carlesimo asked him to “put a little mustard” on his passes. Sprewell then wrapped his hands around Carlesimo’s neck and dragged him across the floor for seven seconds. He then emerged later and punched Carlesimo. Two years earlier, he had accosted a teammate with a two-by-four. He was suspended for a grand total of 68 games.

3. Being a publicly vicious racist while black. Spike Lee has stated that white gentrification of Harlem has been horrible, has posted the address of George Zimmerman’s parents online to spur violence, has explained after visiting South Africa in the early 1990s, “I seriously wanted to pick up a gun and shoot whites. The only way to resolve matters is by bloodshed.” He, like Donald Sterling, is no fan of interracial dating: “I give interracial couples a look. Daggers. They get uncomfortable when they see me on the street.” He’s currently a host on NBA Radio on SiriusXM, stars in NBA commercials, and had a front-row seat to the Sterling announcement.

Then there’s Jay Z. Jay Z isn’t just fêted by the President of the United States. He’s a former part-owner of the Brooklyn Nets and, as an agent, works closely with the league. He was spotted recently at an NBA game wearing a necklace medallion for the Five Percent Nation, which sees black men as gods and white people as devils.

4. Using anti-gay slurs. In 2011, Kobe Bryant called referee Bennie Adams a “faggot.” He received a $100,000 fine and no suspension. In 2012, current Clippers forward Matt Barnes called an officer a “f***ing faggot,” then made an attempt to handcuff him. There was no fine. He was suspended for one game. The suspension was unrelated to the slur. In 2012, Amare Stoudemire of the New York Knicks sent an anti-gay slur to a fan via Twitter. He was fined $50,000. There was no suspension. In 2013, Roy Hibbert of the Indiana Pacers used an anti-gay slur and was fined $75,000, without suspension. The Houston Rockets team is currently being sued by a gay waiter for their alleged use of anti-gay slurs. The NBA has taken no action.

5. Attacking patrons of your sport. In 2004, Stephen Jackson and Ron Artest of the Indiana Pacers leapt into the stands in Detroit to attack fans. Jermaine O’Neal fought fans on the court. A full-scale melee ensued with players fighting fans and fans fighting players. The result: Ron Artest was suspended the remainder of the season, Jackson was suspended for 30 games, and O’Neal was suspended for 15 games. In 1995, when Houston Rockets guard Vernon Maxwell didn’t like the comments of a fan, he charged into the stands and punched him. That resulted in a whopping 10 game suspension.

6. Pushing your girlfriend to have an abortion, then harassing her about it. In 2013, the press reported that current Clippers guard JJ Redick had an abortion contract with girlfriend Vanessa Lopez. When she became pregnant, the contract stipulated, she would have to have an abortion, and Redick would then have to “maintain a social and/or dating relationship” with her for a year or pay her $25,000. When she refused to have an abortion, he pressured her to do so. So far, there have been no repercussions.

7. Drawing your gun on a fellow player. Gilbert Arenas was suspended for 50 games, and his teammate Javaris Crittenton was suspended for 38 games after they drew firearms on each other while arguing over gambling debts. In the locker room.

8. Reckless driving resulting in a passenger’s death. In 2009, JR Smith, then of the Denver Nuggets, pled guilty to reckless driving. His reckless driving resulted in one of his passengers dying. He was suspended a total of 9 games.

None of this makes Donald Sterling’s repulsive and disgusting racism okay. None of it means that he shouldn’t have been tossed out of the NBA – for his racist activity. But it does demonstrate that for the NBA, the only reason Sterling is gone is media-driven hysteria over a private tape release. It certainly isn’t the NBA’s high moral standard with regard to language, race, or activity. And that is more of a commentary on the culture of the NBA and the lack of standards in the media than anything else.

The Tea Party Graduation Event is planned for November 2014. The famous Tea Party Groups across the United states will graduate this November 2014 as they remove the power from the Obama Progressive Democrat movement in the United States. The armed and not so famous members of the Tea Party around the country have followed the Benghazi Obama Clinton Scandal from the beginning and now the emails have been discovered that tells the story. The White House Celebrities, not government servants, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Eric Holder and Barack Obama now must explain the real life story about the White House and the president of the United States cover up story about dead Americans in Benghazi Libya. Other government celebrities in training helped Obama lie to the American people about ObamaCare, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS citizen rights violations, NSA domestic spying, Open border and illegal aliens and a thousand other things. We would suggest that CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC has no plans to cover the Tea Party Graduation Event in November but we would like some investigation about Al Sharpton owing the IRS 1.9 million dollars, if the rumor is true. We would also appreciate the story of Bill Clinton (impeached president) having a black child and being moved outside of the United States with bags full of cash. And, if given the chance some updates on Jesse Jackson Jr. and how he's doing in federal prison, we have had no updates. If the national media decides to investigate anything, please let us know.

The Tea Party Graduation Event is planned for November 2014.  The famous Tea Party Groups across the United states will graduate this November 2014 as they remove the power from the Obama Progressive Democrat movement in the United States.  The armed and not so famous members of the Tea Party around the country have followed the Benghazi Obama Clinton Scandal from the beginning and now the emails have been discovered that tells the story.  The White House Celebrities, not government servants, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Eric Holder and Barack Obama now must explain the real life story about the White House and the president of the United States cover up story about dead Americans in Benghazi Libya.  Other government celebrities in training helped Obama lie to the American people about ObamaCare, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS citizen rights violations, NSA domestic spying, Open border and illegal aliens and a thousand other things.  

We would suggest that CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC has no plans to cover the Tea Party Graduation Event in November but we would like some investigation about Al Sharpton owing the IRS 1.9 million dollars, if the rumor is true.  

We would also appreciate the story of Bill Clinton (impeached president) having a black child and being moved outside of the United States with bags full of cash.  

And, if given the chance some updates on Jesse Jackson Jr. and how he's doing in federal prison, we have had no updates.   If the national media decides to investigate anything, please let us know. 

Did Wendy Davis admit that she lied to everybody in Texas yet?

We've had no medical reports about the president, you know the annual check up, where we found out that Obama smoked and drank too much.  Any update would be nice.

Has it been confirmed if Hillary Clinton is a Lesbian?

Is Lois Lerner going to jail?

How many illegal aliens are living in the United States/ plus or minus 10 million.

Did the Bundy Cattle Rancher get shot yet by the BLM or the Clarke Counties Sheriffs Department?

Is Putin doing O.K., are the sanctions working?

How many hundreds of thousands of people have been killed in Syria, since the red line announced.?

Is CNN still in business?

Is under-employment and unemployment problem resolved yet?

Thank God the NBA killed off that Bastard Owner, for using his free speech.

Obama continues to inject the American People with Black Lies and should be sentenced to life imprisonment after convicted. The hideous act of lying is Obama's Clinton's Holder's and Biden's way of gaining power and avoiding paying the price of their policy failure. Benghazi Emails Reveal The Benghazi Bastards, Hillary Rodham Clinton, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Eric Holder and Uncle Sam Six Pack Joe Biden stacked the cards holding the truth under their sleeves about the Benghazi Terrorists attacks on 9-11 in Libya. Every person, inside and outside of the White House, that knew anything about the truth of Benghazi should be in front of a federal judge before the day ends today. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama (Barry Soetoro) is directly responsible for the death of the four Americans in Benghazi and now there is no doubt. The White House cooked up the story for the dummy Rice to spread on the dumber national news. ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC has no intentions digging for the truth when it comes to the Obama White House, the disgrace of our nation. It is clear that Muslim Islamic Nut Jobs can kill Americans and due to an election too close to call the President of the United States, helped by dozens if not hundreds on insiders, lied to the world.

The Hideous Acts Against The American Public; White House Emails; Remarkably The Truth Revealed About Benghazi; The Benghazi Bastards, Hillary Rodham Clinton, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Eric Holder and Uncle Sam Six Pack Joe Biden stacked the cards holding the truth under their sleeves about the Benghazi Terrorists attacks on 9-11 in Libya.  Every person, inside and outside of the White House, that knew anything about the truth of Benghazi should be in front of a federal judge before the day ends today.  Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama (Barry Soetoro) is directly responsible for the death of the four Americans in Benghazi and now there is no doubt.  The White House cooked up the story for the dummy Rice to spread on the dumber national news.  ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC has no intentions digging for the truth when it comes to the Obama White House, the disgrace of our nation.  It is clear that Muslim Islamic Nut Jobs can kill Americans and due to an election too close to call the President of the United States, helped by dozens if not hundreds on insiders, lied to the world.  

As we long suspected, the subversive in the White House deliberately blamed free speech for the Islamic terrorist attack on our people and our consulate in Libya. He provided cover for the murderous Muslim group. He aided and abetted the jihadists who slaughtered our people. The Obama State department outsourced their security to an al-qaeda linked group.

Do you think, for a minute, that if the American people knew what really happened in Benghazi that they would have re-elected this enemy?

There is no way Obama can play the dumb clown on this again. Are we supposed to believe that he is not in touch with close advisers concerning the a terrible terror attack on 9/11/12? And if we are to believe that, then the question is — why not? Is he mentally unbalanced, unsound? If he is not concerned with that, what then?

This cannot stand. Can you imagine, if this were a Republican president, what the left would do? And that should be the clarion call for every pro-American, pro-freedom member of Congress. What would the left do? — and that is the course we should follow. It is our country, our freedom — our very soul — that is at stake. Take no prisoners.

It is clear that Barack Obama must breed dumb Nut Jobs like Mike Dickinson, the Virginia Progressive Nut Job Democrat who recently vowed to wage “war” on the Tea Party, urged his followers on Twitter to call police on “tea partiers” Monday just to harass them. He also posted pictures of license plates allegedly belonging to Tea Party member. It is clear that Mike Dickinson must be arrested for terrorists threats against "John Doe" Tea Party Members. He has vowed to harm and kill Tea Party Members and ask everybody he hopes to know on Twitter to wage war, harm and kill, Tea Party Members, so the report says. Mike Dickinson, Virginia Progressive Democrat is a terrorist, using his own words. He has pledged to wage war against me and my family and every other Tea Party Member.

It is clear that Barack Obama must breed dumb Nut Jobs like Mike Dickinson, the Virginia Progressive Nut Job Democrat who recently vowed to wage “war” on the Tea Party, urged his followers on Twitter to call police on “tea partiers” Monday just to harass them. He also posted pictures of license plates allegedly belonging to Tea Party member.  It is clear that Mike Dickinson must be arrested for terrorists threats against "John Doe" Tea Party Members.  He has vowed to harm and kill Tea Party Members and ask everybody he hopes to know on Twitter to wage war, harm and kill, Tea Party Members, so the report says.  Mike Dickinson, Virginia Progressive Democrat is a terrorist, using his own words.  He has pledged to wage war against me and my family and every other Tea Party Member.  

Gun control advocate Shannon Watts shows her face even on facebook. Shannon Watts, doesn't like guns but she does like money, power and influence. Gun Control, all about Shannon. Shannon Watts might just be the perfect dope for gun control advocates. She has no idea that guns protect her and children around the world. She's o.k. with Obama Cops having guns, but not citizens. Another Obama Mom that has destroyed the American Economy, and Constitutional Rights. Come on Shannon, get a job.

Gun control advocate Shannon Watts shows her face even on facebook.  Shannon Watts, doesn't like guns but she does like money, power and influence.  Gun Control, all about Shannon.  Shannon Watts might just be the perfect dope for gun control advocates.  She has no idea that guns protect her and children around the world.  She's o.k. with Obama Cops having guns, but not citizens.  Another Obama Mom that has destroyed the American Economy, and Constitutional Rights.  Come on Shannon, get a job. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Government Troops Were Killing American Citizens There was no more civil authority, a total social breakdown and the federalized national guard troops were on the move. The Patriots had to move back and then further back and the devastating consequences of failing to defend their original strong point position had cost them dozens of fighting men. The national guard troops were fighting with the Patriots but they too had lost ground and men so they too pulled away from the nuclear reactor.

There was no more civil authority, a total social breakdown and the federalized national guard troops were on the move. 
The Patriots had to move back and then further back and the devastating consequences of failing to defend their original strong point position had cost them dozens of fighting men. The national guard troops were fighting with the Patriots but they too had lost ground and men so they too pulled away from the nuclear reactor.
The nuclear power plant outside of the capitol city was close to melting down which gave the Patriots little time to fight their way back and cool down the nuclear reactor.
The bare facts were simple; the federal government had tried to shut down the nuclear power plant that had lost all temperature control due to an Islamic terrorist attack.  It was thought that the Islamic Muslim Terrorists had set off some kind of EMP device that knocked out all the electronics and the nuclear reactor would melt down and explode without immediate correction of the cooling system.
Inside the control rooms at the nuclear power plant a hand full of lone survivors locked behind blast proof doors were trying to cool down the reactor and survive continuing small military attacks launched by the terrorists.
There were tens of thousands of cars that simply stopped on the highways and roads within a ten mile radius.  The EMP device crippled all T.V. and radio broadcasting and three commercial airplanes crashed at the regional airport killing hundreds of people.  Police and Firefighters could not respond as their radios were dead and no vehicles would start.  The EMP blast placed over one million people back into the stone age, with no ability to communicate, to travel, to operate hospitals, no water could be provided, no electricity and all necessities had stopped.
If the nuclear reactor melted down millions of people would be affected and hundreds of thousands could die within weeks due to radioactive exposure.
Everything was lacking and everybody was rushing around trying to calculate how to save Harrisburg Pennsylvania.
In the total absence of civil authority "Virginia" decided to activate her EMP protected short wave radio and called out to her Tea Party Members for help.  The electrical grid was shut down as the EMP electro-magnetic pulse attack created a electro-magnetic pulse that destroyed everything that needed electricity to work properly. 
Any wire coming from the nuclear power plant carried the EMP pulse so Virginia knew that the damages would reach out hundreds of miles, if not thousands of miles.  The massive damaging pulse did hit Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. and the magnetic pulse destroyed electrical wiring and hardware across thousands of square miles.
NSA computers were protected from EMP pulses and they were the first government agency to sound the national alert that the United States was under yet another terrorist attack. 
Virginia didn't know the half of it as several dozen nuclear power plants had been attacked at the same time.  The EMP explosions and the pulses had knocked out half of the power in the United States and part of Canada.   It wasn't about the nuclear power plant in Harrisburg Pennsylvania it was about a direct attack on the infrastructure of the United States.
"Ginny" had heard the radio call from "Virginia", however, her own city hundreds of miles away was disabled so Ginny was telling Virginia about the Iranian Muslims command and control troops wandering around Richmond Virginia.  The Iranian Islamic Muslim Terrorist had been killing the students at the University but that was only the beginning.  The Richmond cops had been fighting them using pistols and shotguns but the terrorist had automatic weapons and first strike experience.  Ginny wasn't sure but surely hundreds had been gunned down in the streets of Richmond by the terrorists and she was told that the cops had no intention of making any arrests and were shooting to kill.
"Virginia", the beautiful school teacher of fifth graders in Harrisburg Pennsylvania listened to the fantastic stories of "Ginny" who was necessarily a prostitute and was half drunk by Martini at seven fifty five Sunday morning talking on her survival short wave radio.
The EMP bomb was produced in North Korea and delivered by Iranian Islamic Terrorists and believed to be financed by Russia and the Soviet Union KGB agent Putin.
It was a man made solar phenomenon that disabled most of the national commerce and transportation and only a few federal departments were protected from EMP attack.
Brooklyn was in full scale riot and Manhattan bankers were stuck in elevators as local cops and fireman used axes to free people from wrecked city buses and automobiles.  Despite the evidence of a full scale terrorist attack president Barack Obama judged the attack as a rogue event without coordination. He did not intend to involve the U.S. Military until he was forced to by national leaders once some communications were established.  Naturally fantastic the EMP attack took the American people by total surprise but in the words of a teacher in Harrisburg Pennsylvania named "Virginia" - "no shit Sherlock" - when asked by her mayor if it was truly a terrorist attack.
Indiscreetly perched on her bed fully naked "Ginny" lit another cigarette and in her early yawning figured out that she didn't have any clothes on and informed "Virginia".  "Ginny" had a nice plush apartment and told "Virginia" that she operated her own home based business in the bedroom.   The school teacher "Virginia" laughed at the banana split joke for a hundred dollars but the radio was rather crowded at this point.  The girls were not alone and the two other people were talking over them and told the girls to shut the fuck up. 
Abruptly the couple of "Joes" scared the two women quite as the men described the warfare in Baltimore Maryland.  There were not a working street light in Baltimore one man reported and they described the gun fire during the morning hours.


Another Dumb Ass Gets The Chair GOP Girl Goes Ape over Illegal Aliens for Microsoft. The House GOP Conference Chair McMorris Rodgers is for sure wanting more and more illegal aliens inside America made legal. McMorris Rodgers should be removed today from her GOP Conference Chair as her path to wealth and influence requires American Middle Class to absorb up to 15 million illegal aliens. McMorris Rodgers, hanging out with Microsoft CEO signals to the GOP base that she is an Obama Clinton Holder Biden girl and should be removed from office by her voters and thrown out of the chair by GOP members, today. Love those illegal aliens Rodgers, ObamaCare, Benghazi, Fast and Furious.. anything for a tweet...

GOP Girl Goes Ape over more Illegal Aliens for Microsoft.  The House GOP Conference Chair McMorris Rodgers is for sure wanting more and more illegal aliens inside America made legal.  McMorris Rodgers should be removed today from her GOP Conference Chair as her path to wealth and influence requires American Middle Class to absorb up to 15 million illegal aliens.  McMorris Rodgers, hanging out with Microsoft CEO signals to the GOP base that she is an Obama Clinton Holder Biden girl and should be removed from office by her voters and thrown out of the chair by GOP members, today.  Love those illegal aliens Rodgers, ObamaCare, Benghazi, Fast and Furious.. anything for a tweet...

Muslim Brotherhood Benghazi Bill Clinton Impeached 1000 Scandals Missing People Bill's Black Children Do you really want Hillary Rodham Clinton, The Women's Lesbian Advocate to become president of the United States. Really?

Do you really want Hillary Rodham Clinton, The Women's Lesbian Advocate to become president of the United States.  Really?

No Jail for Obama Buddy, That Was Close, After beating his girlfriend, Another Obama associate goes to court but avoids jail time. Obama was proud to use Gurbaksh Chahal the CEO of RadiumOne as an example of another poor, dumb and stupid imported slave doing well in Obama's America. Well, things went bad for Gurbaksh Chahal the CEO of RadiumOne

Another Obama associate goes to court but avoids jail time.   Obama was proud to use Gurbaksh Chahal the CEO of RadiumOne as an example of another poor, dumb and stupid imported slave doing well in Obama's America.  Well, things went bad for Gurbaksh Chahal the CEO of RadiumOne and his rags to riches story went bad after he pleaded guilty for beating his girlfriend.  Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama, Eric Holder believes in Slave Imports but Chahal went to far beating up this girlfriend.  He only hit his girlfriend about 100 times or so, threatening to kill her, but you can't see the video ..... Barack Obama's imported slave buddy Gurbaksh Chahal surely will do well, after his probation.

No Blacks No Hispanics and No Women Hired Here Obama's America Don't hire Blacks. Wow, that is the truth of the matter when you look at unemployment, under-employment and the black community. Barack (Black Radical) Obama - Hillary Rodham (Benghazi) Clinton - Eric (Contempt) Holder and Uncle Sam Joe Biden could care less about black negro men or women and it's be proven without any doubt. The elite of American, you know, the Democrats, and the Progressive Nut Jobs in Government are wanting to import workers. Illegal Immigrants or Illegal Aliens or Drug and Weapons smugglers, Human Slave Traders want a lot more cheap labor, not Black men or Black women. Blacks, Hispanics, and women employees are dwindling in the high-tech industry because cheap imported slave like labor is a lot cheaper. Obama knows, doesn't care and the beat goes on.

Don't hire Blacks.  Wow, that is the truth of the matter when you look at unemployment, under-employment and the black community.  Barack (Black Radical) Obama - Hillary Rodham (Benghazi) Clinton - Eric (Contempt) Holder and Uncle Sam Joe Biden could care less about black negro men or women and it's be proven without any doubt.  The elite of America, Obama, Clinton, Holder, Biden, you know, the Democrats, and the Progressive Nut Jobs in Government are wanting to import slave type cheap  workers.  Illegal Immigrants or Illegal Aliens or Drug and Weapons smugglers, Human Slave Traders want a lot more cheap labor, not Black men or Black women.  Blacks, Hispanics, and women employees are dwindling in the high-tech industry because cheap imported slave like labor is a lot cheaper.  Obama knows, doesn't care and the beat goes on. 

“It is shocking that the Department of Homeland Security, charged with enforcing our laws, would meet with amnesty groups to discuss ways to further defy and dismantle federal immigration law. Yet, Secretary Johnson has not met with his own ICE officers’ union and its courageous members who have spoken out to document the unlawful directives they are forced to follow. Mr. Johnson would do well to remember the oath he took to uphold the law.”

For Immediate Release

DHS Press Office

Contact: 202-282-8010

WASHINGTON—Today, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson met with important stakeholders from across the country to discuss the need for commonsense immigration reform, and hear firsthand their comments and perspective on a wide range of immigration issues. The meeting was part of Secretary Johnson’s focus on the effective and sensible enforcement of our nation’s immigration laws, including the ongoing review to assess how the Department of Homeland Security can conduct enforcement more humanely within the confines of the law.
As part of that effort, Secretary Johnson has been taking a hard look at these tough issues, meeting with a range of stakeholders and employees, and assessing where we can further align our enforcement policies with our goal of sound law enforcement practice that prioritizes public safety.
During the meeting, Secretary Johnson underscored his focus on supporting the passage of commonsense immigration reform this year – which remains the only path to fixing our broken immigration system.
Participants in today’s meeting included:
·         Josh Bernstein, Director of Immigration Policy and Strategy, Service Employees International Union
·         Greg Chen, Director of Advocacy, American Immigration Lawyers Association
·         Ron Coleman, Government Affairs Manager, California Immigrant Policy Center
·         Joanne Lin, Legislative Counsel, American Civil Liberties Union
·         Brian Erickson, Policy Advocate, ACLU of New Mexico Regional Center for Border Rights
·         Jose Manuel Escobedo, Deputy Director for Policy, Border Network for Human Rights
·         Kamal Essaheb, Immigration Policy Attorney, National Immigration Law Center
·         Marshall Fitz, Director of Immigration Policy, Center for American Progress
·         Matthew Ginsburg, Associate General Counsel, AFL-CIO
·         Melissa Crow, Director of the Legal Action Center, American Immigration Council
·         Giev Kashkooli, Political/Legislative Director, United Farm Workers
·         Richard Morales, Detention Prevention Coordinator, PICO National Network
·         Royce Bernstein Murray, Director of Policy, National Immigrant Justice Center
·         Jumana Musa, Consultant, CAMBIO
·         Brittney Nystrom, Director for Advocacy, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
·         JJ Rosenbaum, Legal and Policy Director, New Orleans Workers' Center for Racial Justice and National Guestworker Alliance
·         Linda Sarsour, National Network for Arab American Communities
·         Paromita Shah, Associate Director, National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild
·         Silky Shah, Interim Executive Director/Communications Director, Detention Watch Network
·         Tania Unzueta Carrasco, Immigration Strategist, National Day Laborer Organizing Network

The Cheesecake Factory, Inc. CVS Caremark Corporation Hallmark Cards, Inc. McDonald's Corporation The Wendy's Company The Walt Disney Company The Coca-Cola Company Johnson & Johnson American Express Company 21st Century Fox Darden Restaurants, Inc (Olive Garden, Red Lobster, and others) Liberty Mutual Group, Inc. Allstate Insurance Company Western Union Northwestern Mutual American Airlines Inc. Motorola Solutions, Inc. The Procter  Gamble Company (wide range of well-known home and beauty brands) Newell Rubbermaid Inc. AT&T Inc. T-Mobile USA, Inc. Caterpillar Inc. The ADT Corporation Pfizer Inc. Hewlett-Packard Company HP United Parcel Service, Inc. UPS General Electric Company GE Verizon Communications Inc.  Pay your phone bill (one dollar short) Marriott International, Inc.  Stay somewhere else Hilton Worldwide  Find another room Hyatt Hotels Corporation  Say no to Hyatt McCormick & Company, Inc.  Salt and Pepper Cisco Systems, Inc.  A billionaire doesn't need you anymore, let him sail off Quest Diagnostics Incorporated Eaton E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company BNSF Railway Company Shell Oil Company General Mills, Inc. (many well-known food brands) Ingram Industries Inc. Kronos Incorporated Ingersoll Rand Company General Parts Inc. Merck & Co., Inc. United Technologies Corporation Harris Corporation Illinois Tool Works Inc. Sears Holdings Corporation  There is a reason that Sears and K-Mart is going broke USG Corporation Archer Daniels Midland Company  Destroy people that control your food Johnson Controls, Inc.  Lots of people make their stuff Ally Financial Inc. US Foods Univar, Inc. Kiewit Corporation Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.  Great company really bad leadership W.W. Grainger, Inc.  Too bad, no more money. Avery Dennison Corporation Humana Inc. Novelis, Inc. The Williams Companies, Inc. Avaya Inc. Computer Sciences Corporation Honeywell International Inc. International Paper Company  All they do is cut down trees, cut your cash flow to them Dover Corporation Danaher Corporation TRW Automotive Analog Devices, Inc. Ecolab, Inc. Avnet, Inc. White Lodging Corporation Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. Simon Property Group Daikin McQuay Americas Continental Grain Company MSC Industrial Direct Co., Inc. Hospira, Inc. Cigna Corporation The ServiceMaster Company Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Bloomin' Brands Inc. Fiserv, Inc. Carolinas HealthCare System SRA International Emerson Rockwell Automation, Inc. Parker Hannifin Corporationm Saint-Gobain Corporation General Dynamics Corporation A. O. Smith Corporation Praxair, Inc. HCA Inc. Eastman Chemical Company ManpowerGroup Fifth Third Bank Pitney Bowes Inc. Express Scripts, Inc. Cardinal Health, Inc. Aleris International, Inc. DTE Energy Company U.S. Steel Corporation Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation Cargill, Incorporated Assurant, Inc. XL Global Services, Inc Texas Instruments Incorporated ATK WESCO International

Remember Barney Frank, the man that helped destroy America?

Remember Barney Frank, the man that helped destroy America?

Big News In Texas, Wendy Davis, Ducks for Covers, Sex Crime and Money, Who Has Dated Wendy Davis in Texas? Texas, Wendy Davis, Takes A Dive, Democratic Cheater and Liar Wendy Davis, hiding from the hard stuff and milking taxpayers for her income won't discuss the hard stuff about borders, illegal aliens, drugs, sex slaves and other Obama points. Wendy Davis is an abortion candidate. Wendy Davis will talk about murder, killing children, the unborn type, all day long. As she moves in sync with Obama, Wendy Davis is trying to look cool, hide her past and roll the dice and F... Texas. Go Wendy, we mean, Go away Wendy.

The Texas Girl, Protected by the Media; Wendy Davis, o.k. with Planned Parenthood, Abortion and More Taxes in Texas doesn't want to talk about all the illegal aliens, running guns, running drugs, running whores across the border.  Wendy Davis, the champion of women and sneakers stays away from the real topics, just like Obama.  Texas, Wendy Davis, Takes A Dive, Democratic Cheater and Liar Wendy Davis, hiding from the hard stuff and milking taxpayers for her income won't discuss the hard stuff about borders, illegal aliens, drugs, sex slaves and other Obama points.  Wendy Davis is an abortion candidate.  Wendy Davis will talk about murder, killing children, the unborn type, all day long.  As she moves in sync with Obama, Wendy Davis is trying to look cool, hide her past and roll the dice and F... Texas.  Go Wendy, we mean, Go away Wendy. 

The Death of Liberty
Wendy Davis Story for America

Women as Slaves Muslim Islamic Sex Slaves Women Young Girls Property, Wife, Concubine, Slavery the Faith of Islam Barack Obama loves Islam, the Muslim shadow moves across America and England As Obama fiddles with racial politics The Muslim Islamic Nut Jobs Plant seeds and bombs for our youth to suffer

Remove John Kerry, no resignation required.  The Obama Administrative States does not represent the majority of citizens of the United States.  In 1899 Winston Churchill spoke about Muslim Islamic Nut Jobs? “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity.

The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities – but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”

It's time to remove Obama and other Communist Muslim American Haters from the White House. Secretary of State John Kerry, in a closed-door meeting Friday, warned that Israel could become “an apartheid state” if it does not make peace with the Palestinians soon. Kerry, the idiot, dumber than Hillary, is setting up Israel to be overrun by Islamic Muslim Radicals by warfare. The Obama - Clinton - Holder - Biden plan is for Israel to be attacked by Iran, maybe nuclear exchange. The radicals, supported by Barack Obama, supported by his inaction in Syria and not supporting Israel was clearly indicated by Kerry in his back door conversation. Just like Obama whispering to Putin that is now kicking his ass in Ukraine.

It's time to remove Obama and other Communist Muslim American Haters from the White House.  Secretary of State John Kerry, in a closed-door meeting Friday, warned that Israel could become “an apartheid state” if it does not make peace with the Palestinians soon. Kerry, the idiot, dumber than Hillary, is setting up Israel to be overrun by Islamic Muslim Radicals by warfare.  The Obama - Clinton - Holder - Biden plan is for Israel to be attacked by Iran, maybe nuclear exchange.  The radicals, supported by Barack Obama, supported by his inaction in Syria and not supporting Israel was clearly indicated by Kerry in his back door conversation.  Just like Obama whispering to Putin that is now kicking his ass in Ukraine.  John Kerry should be forced to resign today but Obama is busy worrying about basketball and the racial divide. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

You're going to be broke and homeless before or just after the next election. Barack Obama, the Imperial Tyrant of the free world is little more than a guy in a suit. He is the butler in the White House but not to worry, he'll be gone soon and Hillary Rodham Clinton will save the world. The Democratic party is now evil. Yes, evil. The Democratic Party of your grandfather is gone and dead. Over the many years the distortions and lies have brought about this depression. Now the depression didn't hit everybody, just you and your neighbor. The big banks are fine and Wall Street is looking good thanks to $85 billion in fake fiat money each month. If you're a guy or gal trying to sell your labor, you're out and I mean out. Go ahead and get a college education and owe $50 to $100 thousand and wait for a job.

You're going to be broke and homeless before or just after the next election. Barack Obama, the Imperial Tyrant of the free world is little more than a guy in a suit. He is the butler in the White House but not to worry, he'll be gone soon and Hillary Rodham Clinton will save the world. The Democratic party is now evil. Yes, evil. The Democratic Party of your grandfather is gone and dead. Over the many years the distortions and lies have brought about this depression. Now the depression didn't hit everybody, just you and your neighbor. The big banks are fine and Wall Street is looking good thanks to $85 billion in fake fiat money each month. If you're a guy or gal trying to sell your labor, you're out and I mean out. Go ahead and get a college education and owe $50 to $100 thousand and wait for a job. 

Jobs are in China and Vietnam to go ahead and pack but plan on working 16 hours a day for six days a week and living in a factory dorm. Obama knows that China is just like him. Exploit the weak and poor and grow personal wealth. Hillary Clinton knows that Mendela of South Africa is a Communist and just loves Castro of Cuba. Biden knows that we played both sides during the Iran and Iraq war and they sure as hell know that they're screwing you to the wall. Obama blocked a couple of Russian mobsters credit cards as Putin moves over Crimea in the Ukraine, now he puts seven more Russian bastards on this list and they stage 40,000 troops on Ukraines border.  They Syria Red line is a blood line, Obama does nothing.  Iran is about to launch a nuclear weapon, Obama does nothing.  Really? 

Major Corporations have contacted Washington D.C.and they want more and more cheap labor human beings that some call illegal aliens. Wetbacks are cheap labor. You're out. Negros are cheap labor but Fortune 500 companies won't hire them, they just talk about hiring them. The colored people stay at home eating government food, watching really big t.v.'s and eating potato chips and Obama didn't change any of that. We know that Iran will get a nuclear bomb and Israel will be at war. We know North Korea will kill their citizens but we'll send them some oil and cash under the table. We know that the real unemployment is about 25% but we promise not to call it a depression. We know that Obama saved G.M. but we can send Detroit a few bucks to save the Democratic strong hold. We know you can get shot dead in Chicago but it's due to all those damn guns not the colored killing each other. Everything is o.k.and poverty isn't that bad because millions have joined the club. Get real. ObamaCare is killing you, not just the country.

Barack Hussein Obama and his ObamaCare is a wealth distribution plan and its working very well but it's going to get worse. You're going to pay about $30 thousand a year (family of four) for your family health care brought to you by ObamaCare. Your rep in Congress is a traitor to the Constitution and its doesn't matter if their blue or red. Progressive Democrats are Communist. Yes, Communist. Progressive Republicans are Communist. You get it, don't make a damn what color of flag they wave they're destroying your property rights, working on cap and trade that will make you pay $1,000 a month for you electric energy bill, unless you're in China.

If you don't think the government won't starve you to death, wait until there is no money, no credit and the Federal Reserve game of fiat money is gone. You're going to be living under a bridge but it's o.k. speed your money on iPhones and watch some more T.V. ObamaCare is named after Obama because it's the ObamaCare wealth distribution that will force you to poverty.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Obama Exposed Again Green Movement Power Library Communism the damage to our economy the climate change lobby is now costing us is infinitely more destructive to the livelihoods of our grand-children.

Professor Les Woodcock, who has had a long and distinguished academic career, also said there is "no reproducible evidence" that carbon dioxide levels have increased over the past century, and blamed the green movement for inflicting economic damage on ordinary people.
Professor Woodcock is Emeritus Professor of Chemical Thermodynamics at the University of Manchester and has authored over 70 academic papers for a wide range of scientific journals. He received his PhD from the University of London, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, a  recipient of a Max Planck Society Visiting Fellowship, and a founding editor the journal Molecular Simulation. (h/t Climate Depot)
Professor Woodcock told the Yorkshire Evening Post:
"The term 'climate change' is meaningless. The Earth's climate has been changing since time immemorial, that is since the Earth was formed 1,000 million years ago. The theory of 'man-made climate change' is an unsubstantiated hypothesis [about] our climate [which says it] has been adversely affected by the burning of fossil fuels in the last 100 years, causing the average temperature on the earth’s surface to increase very slightly but with disastrous environmental consequences.
"The theory is that the CO2 emitted by burning fossil fuel is the 'greenhouse gas' causes 'global warming' - in fact, water is a much more powerful greenhouse gas and there is 20 time more of it in our atmosphere (around one per cent of the atmosphere) whereas CO2 is only 0.04 per cent.
"There is no reproducible scientific evidence CO2 has significantly increased in the last 100 years."
He also said:
"Even the term 'global warming' does not mean anything unless you give it a time scale. The temperature of the earth has been going up and down for millions of years, if there are extremes, it's nothing to do with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it's not permanent and it's not caused by us. Global warming is nonsense."
Professor Woodcock dismissed evidence for global warming, such as the floods that deluged large parts of Britain this winter, as "anecdotal" and therefore meaningless in science.
 "Events can happen with frequencies on all time scales in the physics of a chaotic system such as the weather. Any point on lowland can flood up to a certain level on all time scales from one month to millions of years and it’s completely unpredictable beyond around five days."
Also, the only reason we regularly hear that we have had the most extreme weather "since records began" is that records only began about 100 years ago.
 "The reason records seem to be being frequently broken is simply because we only started keeping them about 100 years ago. There will always be some record broken somewhere when we have another natural fluctuation in weather.
"It's absolutely stupid to blame floods on climate change, as I read the Prime Minister did recently. I don't blame the politicians in this case, however, I blame his so-called scientific advisors."
When asked how can say this when most of the world's scientists, political leaders and people in general are committed to the theory of global warming, Prof Woodcock answered bluntly:
"This is not the way science works. If you tell me that you have a theory there is a teapot in orbit between the earth and the moon, it's not up to me to prove it does not exist, it's up to you to provide the reproducible scientific evidence for your theory.
"Such evidence for the man-made climate change theory has not been forthcoming."
This lack of evidence has not stopped a whole green industry building up, however. At the behest of that industry, governments have been passing ever more regulations that make life more difficult and expensive.
"...the damage to our economy the climate change lobby is now costing us is infinitely more destructive to the livelihoods of our grand-children. Indeed, we grand-parents are finding it increasingly expensive just to keep warm as a consequence of the idiotic decisions our politicians have taken in recent years about the green production of electricity."
Professor Woodcock is the latest scientist to come out against the theory of man-made global warming. James Lovelock, once described as a "green guru", earlier this month said that climate scientists "just guess", and that no one really knows what's happening.

Judith Curry, chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, also said that she was "duped into supporting the IPCC" and added "If the IPCC is dogma, then count me in as a heretic."