Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, July 11, 2014

Backed by the lie of untold benefits the Negro's lined up behind the Socialist Obama and raided the treasure of all the people. Taking the plunge into crime the Obama administrative state breaks every law, restless for Communism, Obama keeps the pressure on and now hides over 25 million illegal aliens inside the United States which will become precious votes to keep his power and destroy America.

Obama was given the keys to the safe that held the greatest storehouse of wealth and treasure in the history of the world.

The progressive liberal democratic socialist movement is all about tapping the bonanzas that previous Americans and those venturesome pioneers of business had created and promised to give it all away.

The Obama - Clinton - Holder trio, in short, are traitors to the U.S. Constitution and disgrace the United States as they continue to plunder the wealth and traditions of your country.

The mammoth wealth of the United States and the future of your children and grandchildren has already been given away.  The dangerous and now impenetrable White House has used your wealth and power to create a socialist administrative state.

The U.S. Constitution, the strongbox holding your rights of liberty and freedom has been unlocked and Pelosi, Reid and others finally pissed on your grave.

Backed by the lie of untold benefits the Negro's lined up behind the Socialist Obama and raided the treasure of all the people.  Taking the plunge into crime the Obama administrative state breaks every law, restless for Communism, Obama keeps the pressure on and now hides over 25 million illegal aliens inside the United States which will become precious votes to keep his power and destroy America.

His restless urges started long ago as he failed at every attempt in his youth and college days.  He ventured into politics as a Kenya born illegal alien inside America and now he controls the vast empire of the United States.

Barack Obama discovered the unclaimed wealth that every illegal alien wants for his own.  Without his own vision he sought out men of vision and they were evil and godless.

There is no exciting story to tell about Barack Obama as he is only a small dribble of a tributary that feeds the stream of socialism and communism inside America.  Other powerful men, write his words, type his books, pay his bills and fund their own dreams only using the black boy from Kenya.

Obama believes everything is for sale or trade and he talks about wonderful opportunities but that's just another lie and false promise as 151 million Americans now receive government help.

We have all floated down the river with Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Eric Holder, Harry Reid, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Axelrod, Soros, Van Jones and thousands of others but we were surprised when the waters turned into rapids, something dangerous and violent.

The socialist communist tributary turned into a river and now the river has turned into rapids and as the waters rush ahead we can hear the waterfalls and our death ahead. 

We turn and look back and we remember the Lois Lerner IRS Scandal about this one person blocking the rights of millions of Tea Party members. 

We remember the UNCF taking millions of dollars from the Koch brothers the evil brothers that love the constitution. 

We look back and remember when Putin invaded the Crimea of Ukraine and we will always wonder why Obama didn't do anything. 

We recall the Taliban Five terrorist trade for Bergdhal the soldier traitor but it dropped out of the news. 

We know about the EPA shutting down the coal mines and energy costs moving higher and higher.  We remember the solar power scams and the BLM Bundy Cattle raid.

We will always remember the signals of the dangers we now face, we can hear the waterfall. 

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