Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Civil War Insurgent Movement United States Radical Blacks Radical Muslims Radical Illegal Aliens Barack Obama leads the insurgency against the United States Constitution and he has a lot of help

There is a fight, there is an insurgent movement within the United States.  Power brokers are lining up to bring the fight to your neighborhood.  Do you have a NAACP office in your area?  Do you remember ACORN and the criminals at SEIU? Do you have a Islamic Muslim Mosque being built, thousands of new Muslim No Go Zones are being built inside America, this very day.  When you combine the radical left progressive socialist, spear headed by Barack Obama and his black panther radicals, union organization and money and terrorist you have a major problem.  

If you are to save your family you must draw a line in the sand and you must stand firmly your ground on principles, never backing up,and start teaching your children today about the Constitution.  You do know, that most young people are not voting.  Most young adults have no knowledge of the way government is by and for the people.  Your young adults are in debt, ignorant of government, culture driven, technology driven, in school debt, still living off their parents.

 It seems that Barack Obama has brought war to the entire world. Barack Obama is a jihadist.  Barack Obama is a black radical.  Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and thousands more believe in Communism - Socialism - Islamic Muslim Jihadist Wars that are breaking out across the world and it all goes back to Barack Obama and others.

Benghazi was no accident but, Hillary Clinton walks away.  The financial disaster of 2007-2008 was cause by evil men and they walked away free.  Mayor of New York City Bill De Blasio goes to Cuba and nobody blinks.  Castro is about dead and Obama morns for the murdering bastard.   The 9-11 attacks will seem like a little firecracker in a trash can compared what's coming to America.  The Obama DHS Department of Homeland Security does nothing about open borders, thousands will cross today.  The tens of thousands of illegal aliens (children) that have already crossed, never showed up for their CBP DHS court hearings.  The media ABC CBS NBC MSNBC CNN stands silent.  You have no media, you have no freedom, the war has already started, you're the last to know.  Obama is shrinking the military, very fast now, what's the reason.  

Iran and the evil Muslim bastards want Nuclear bombs to wipe Israel off the earth but Obama has not been impeached, but John Idiot Kerry makes side deals with Iran, Iraq, Syria, Cuba and Russia.   Black radicals roam and kill cops but the press struggles to keep the real story under cover.  France is being murdered one Islamic Jihadist Terrorist attack at a time, are you ready America.  Barack Obama believes in the Muslim Brotherhood, so does Hillary Clinton, what about your next door neighbor. Putin plans on killing you if the Muslim Brotherhood can't get the job done.  Crimea and the Ukraine are lost, Europe just stood there and watched.  Putin knows that Obama is a coward.  Putin knows that John Kerry is a Vietnam radical not worth the bullets in his gun.  China is watching, building and dispatching technology and troops.  Sony is hacked.  Freedom is assaulted but Obama talks about community college.  

You have to think about all the people on the other side of the line, the bad side, the criminal side, the radical side, the Muslim loving anti-American side.  Barack Obama hates America.  Barack Obama has many evil friends.  Do you like the way the world is moving today.  Thousands are killed daily.  Obama does not believe in the law, just watch how he deals with his friends and supporters. 

Race Baiting Jesse Jackson, Nation of Islamic Jihadist Louis Farrakhan, Communist Jail Bird Van Jones, Lying Crook M.I.T. Professor Jonathan Gruber, Filthy Vulger Rahm Emanuel, Communist to the Bone David Axelrod, White Water Benghazi Hillary Clinton, Socialist Castro Cuban Lover Cop Hater NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio, Rich Bitch Elizabeth Warren faking out the poor, Flat Ass Killer let Loose by Law O.J. Simpson, DOJ Fast and Furious Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, Whore Monger Robert Kennedy, Progressive Whore Monger Killer Ted Kennedy,  Vulger Race Baiter Lyndon B Johnson, Race Hustler Hoax MSNBC IRS debtor Black Face Al Sharpton, God Damn America Preacher Wright, 5th Amendment Criminal Lois Lerner IRS, Impeached Whoring Lying Cheating President Bill Clinton, and even Lost and Found Henry Louis Gates, that Harvard professor that lost his keys and a thousand more names,  and think about all their activity poured in one bucket.

Everything they say and do is racial, anti-government, anti-freedom and liberty and they want total progressive socialist democratic control over the population.  They are taking your wealth and re-distribution is their game but you'll notice they alone grow their great wealth.  These people are getting the population ready for something very harsh.  These people are stirring up colored people to fight the constitutional government. 

They have created or at least have set the stage for an insurgent movement within the United States.  We paid off the Negro's that claimed they were farmers or wanted to be farmers, billions of dollars. 

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