Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Your New Neighbor The Muslim Brotherhood Saudi Arabia and Barack Obama in the White House

The Obama Administration’s embrace of the

 MB the Muslim Brotherhood, whose creed or goal is to destroy America from within by our own miserable capitalist hands and replace our freedom Constitution with the draconian radical Islamic Extremist Jihadist Shariah Law, should have been a wake-up call but, you were too damn lazy over the last six years to learn about Barack Obama and his one world order.

For a number of years, the Muslim Brotherhood (CAIR in America)  has been penetrating our government agencies with the help of Pelosi, Reid, Biden, Holder, Clinton (just as the Communists in the 1930s and ’40s did), but that has been greatly accelerated by the Administration’s “outreach to Muslim” policy.  Barack Obama, the first president to call for the destruction of America is a direct national threat to your constitutional rights.  A total transformation calls for destruction, not a paint job. 
The Islamic Extremist Muslim penetration has been institutionalized at the top levels of our national security agencies, and the entire intelligence community. If you think you're safe from Terrorists, just watch the news.  Think about Paris France. 
As a result of the MB Muslim Brotherhood CAIR Progressive Socialist influence, the Barack Obama Administration directed all of our training manuals that accurately described the Islamic threat to be purged by removing anything that didn’t portray Islam as a religion of peace.  Islam might be a religion of peace if you rounded up all the killers, thugs, gang members, drug dealers, gun hustlers and jailed them.
Today, all our military, the FBI, local police forces, and the entire national security community have effectively been neutralized.  We have a very small Army, Navy and Air Force now thanks to Barack Obama and the radical progressive liberal Democrats.
Yes, their is a working plot to kill off the United States and thousands of people in the federal government are playing to win.  Nation media is a joke.  You have a chance to learn so start right now.  Are you ready to defend your family?  Can you protect your wife and children? 
Political Correctness (Barack Obama Bull Shi.t) has silenced our military leadership. You do know that Obama has removed hundreds of experienced generals? We are essentially repeating the mistakes in Afghanistan that we made in Iraq.  President Obama’s announcement of the end of offensive operations in Afghanistan was a clear signal to the Taliban. It will be only a matter of time before they return to Kabul.  Yemen has fallen and tell me what Obama has done?  Saudi Arabia is going to be a radical mess for years now, what has he done?  
Our failed Counter-Insurgency (CI) with its restricted Rules of Engagement (ROE’s) needlessly exposed our military forces in Afghanistan, causing many fatalities and permanent injuries in the futile hope of winning the hearts and minds of a tribal society. The Taliban knew our ROE’s as well as our own forces and exploited them. For example, there were many engagements when our forces were placed in jeopardy because they were prevented from employing available resources for fear of collateral damage.
Such dereliction of duty also caused the death of four Americans in Benghazi. The failure to respond when there were forces available was un-American. However, it did send another signal of where this Administration stands.

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