Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Al Sharpton Goes To Jail, Barack Obama's Best Friend Forever is headed to jail, FBI, IRS, Has Al Sharpton been put in debtors prison yet?

IRS, Has Al Sharpton been put in debtors prison yet?  Imagine owing the IRS a few million dollars and then going to the White House and having a taxpayer beer with idiot Obama, only in America.  The Al Sharptons of the world are almost extinct as he fights the police he can barely breathe.

Al Sharpton owes millions in state and federal liens, according to New York Times report out today about the activist and MSNBC host’s finances.
Sharpton owes more than $4.5 million and has “regularly sidestepped” his financial obligations, the report finds. His advocacy group National Action Network has not paid federal payroll taxes for years, and has “repeatedly failed” to pay money owed for travel and living arrangements.
The report tracks not just Sharpton’s financial history, but its relationship to Sharpton’s rise from outsider activist to influential insider. And it also notes that the revenue from Sharpton’s group has spiked in recent years, coming in from plenty of corporate sponsors.
The Times report even goes so far as to note that what Sharpton did is characterized by the Treasury inspector general as “‘abusive,’ or ‘potentially criminal’ if the failure to turn over or collect taxes is willful.’”

What about Al Sharpton? Shouldn’t the media be pointing out that a known racist rabble-rouser who was allegedly involved in drug dealing…who was filmed negotiating cocaine deals (the video aired on HBO)… who was a federal informant doing business with the mob…who tried to destroy the lives of police and prosecutors back in the 1980’s based on false rape allegations (see Tawana Brawley) …who owes over $4 million dollars in back taxes (as reported by the New York Times)…is one of Obama’s BFF (best friends forever) and has visited the White House 81 times…to give the president of the United States advice on race relations.

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