Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Saudi Arabia should be punished. Saudi Arabia supports the islamic muslim radicals roaming the earth killing people, Saudi Arabia is very anti-American and funds most of the radicals around the world with oil dollars,

Saudi Arabia should be punished.  Saudi Arabia supports the islamic muslim radicals roaming the earth killing people, Saudi Arabia is very anti-American and funds most of the radicals around the world with oil dollars, sucked up from the West.  Saudi Arabia must be punished in every way, including a direct invasion and the control of their oil fields and production.  Saudi Arabia is not the friend of the United States.  Saudi Arabia believes in beheading.  Sound familiar.  Sharia law is centered in Saudi Arabia and they wash their blood stained hands with dirty oil.  You notice that Barack Obama does nothing about ISIS, ISIL, TALIBAN, AL-QAEDA or the Muslim Brotherhood and this failure is growing.  Duke University, wanted to call the terrorists to prayer, but they say all Muslims are not bad, how would we know?  How many millions of Muslims standing up and fighting their Jihadist brothers and sisters?  Why is Obama mute on the subject?  Why does Duke University chime in?  The Jihadist movement is growing faster than your taxes and there can be only one reason, people, Muslims, Muslim Supporters want it to grow and make war.  The killing is growing, not shrinking. 

America has a very big dangerous problem that could kill hundreds of thousands of Americans on American soil, a recent example being DUKE University;The Duke Islamic leader has time and time again expressed radical ideals through his social media accounts, news articles, and television appearances. Dr. Safi has frequently described the worldwide Muslim community as one that is “oppressed” and “marginalized,” and excused the perpetrators of the Charlie Hebdo massacre as victims of political grievances. He also excused Palestinian terror group Hamas of any wrongdoing, but has in the recent past described Israel as a “terror state” and decried the Israeli Prime Minister and U.S. President Barack Obama as war criminals.

Criticize the appointment of  Democratic Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN) to the Intelligence Committee because he is a Muslim and Muslims with insider information are a dangerous thing.  You know that Hillary Clinton shared information with her Muslim girlfriend and this guy Andre Carson will be spilling his guts first chance he gets. 

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