Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, January 19, 2015

Listen to Barack Obama, the last lie, before the Economic Collapse. The great stock market crash of 1929 was a big surprise. You might note that stocks reached a all time high before tumbling down and down to the financial catastrophe you call the crash. I bet you have stock today, your IRA account, your 401K at work and you have no idea what's about to happen.

Listen to Barack Obama, the last lie, 
before the Economic Collapse.

The great stock market crash of 1929 was a big surprise.  You might note that stocks reached a all time high before tumbling down and down to the financial catastrophe you call the crash. I bet you have stock today, your IRA account, your 401K at work and you have no idea what's about to happen. 

Prosperity was everywhere before the 1929 wall street economic collapse, clerks, dock men, drivers and even the guy sweeping the sidewalk owned stocks.  Optimism.  Everyone could get rich, just buy some stocks, even if you had to use (margin) credit to get on the bandwagon to wealth and prosperity.  You didn't have to work, you just had to put some money in the magic pile of stocks and you could become richer, without lifting a finger.

The guy digging a water well owned stocks, the barber and all the business people had their hand in the money pie.  People were spending money like it was play money.  Buy anything.  Buy anything, anywhere.  

But, beneath the surface, lay disturbing economic facts even though most of them were left unnoticed until it was too late.  Its the rip-tide that takes you out and spins you around.  We have 47 million people on food stamps.  Obama won't talk about the government starvation plan, used by Stalin, and others.  When government food feeds your family what happens when the government goes broke?  Unemployment has crushed the middle class.  Only part-time minimum wage burger jobs are being created, don't plan on buying a home or a new car.  That's for government workers, with high salaries and pensions but, Obama won't talk about that. 

Unemployment wasn't that high back in 1929, percentage reported but,  there were millions of men unemployed, just not counted.  The exact same thing today.  Once you're off unemployment you're no longer counted.  You're off the list.

Ominously, the distribution of wealth, 24,000 families owned just about everything and the bottom six million didn't do so well.  1929 was a long time ago, millions of people were starving and everybody was promising the economic fix.  The communists, socialist and even the KKK had all the answers.

This distribution ratio of 1 to 250 meant that most American families owed money on everything they almost owned.  With the use of excessive installment buying industrial and retail sales were great but it was all on credit.  People were buying things they couldn't afford.  How's your credit card balance?  Do you have a second mortgage?  How's the college loan balance look?  How much was your last raise?  Whats the balance of your cash savings?  You do have savings?

The public was caught by surprise by the crash and even the economic expert economists, both private and government were caught off guard and the entire U.S. economy failed.  The total collapse of the economy.  Total. 

Nine million savings accounts vanished as the banks were failing by the thousands.  Did you know the FDIC has, by law, 99 years to pay your money back if your bank fails?

Over 85,000 businesses failed and went under, wages dropped to 10-25 cents an hour and breadlines formed and the great depression loomed to cover the world.  American will have a new normal.  No jobs.  Street riots.  Food riots.  Energy riots and the plan is to let you die in the fields.  Agenda 21.

After the crash, 14 million were unemployed.  The economists were sure it could never happen but, many thought it would be a permanent depression.   This is the time when America made a hard left and started learning about Marx who promised to cure unemployment and then Keynes solving the depression.  Obama believes in Marx or Marxism - Socialism - Communism and he does not believe in free enterprise, private property rights or even the military.  

We've been here before so listen to Barack Obama tonight, hear the promise, the great progress as he reads a speech written by another radical.  You are in danger tonight, let there be no doubt, the darkness is upon America.

Barack Obama is bound to destroy America so the more you listen the more you hear the history repeating.  You don't think Lois Lerner IRS acted alone?  You know that millions of black radicals, with islamic radical names listen to Louis Farrakhan.  You know the black man listens to the lies of Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, Van Jones, George Soros, Jesse Jackson, Hillary Clinton, and others.

Listen and learn tonight,

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