Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, January 30, 2015

The Insurgent Barack Obama AlJazeera CNN ABC CBS NBS MSNBC Militant government Islamic Muslim Brotherhood CAIR Jihad Terrorists Extremist Radicals White House Struggles with Death of America by the first Negro President Barack Obama

Al-Jazeera combined with Barack Obama and his supporters Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR and others are frauds and have caused harm to the United States.  Barack Obama has funded an insurgency inside the United States, 

Senior Staff of Obama was born in Iran
Muslims Militant Islamists Jihadists Terrorists Extremists Radicals
have their base in the KORAN

to disrupt and in the end destroy the Constitutional United States and his right black hand is Eric Holder, a radical with a DOJ government job.  When you think of CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, L.A. TIMES, NEW YORK TIMES, BOSTON GLOBE and more you really need to consider that they are just the Al-Jazeera of the Barack Obama radical insurgent administrative state.  I can find no person that supports Barack Obama but the radical continues his destruction as the now Republican Congress talks little and does less. 

The radical militant president, Barack Obama, was duly elected by the people and now the people, in a great wave election, has removed his power.  Barack Obama abuses the people of the United States and now is a direct threat to the U.S. Constitution and the freedoms, liberty and private property rights of every American, of any color.  You wealth is being removed very quickly now and your rights are being removed.  As Obama continues to threaten Israel he also threatens you.  If Iran get the nuclear bomb of their dreams John Kerry (state department) doesn't have a song for that.  Hillary Clinton has destroyed the middle east but she wants to be president.  The Russian bear (Putin) crosses his fingers every morning and hopes that the American people do not impeach President Obama until he can complete his military invasion of Ukraine.  The Iranian Islamic Muslim Jihadist Terrorists and Killers pray to Allah that the American people wait to remove Obama as they will gain their nuclear weapon using the ignorant black president. 

As Barack Obama, tends not to understand complex issues is is dangerous to our Republic because he ignores the voices of the people and stands against the citizens.  Obama understands how to extort from business owners, government and even insurance companies but he doesn't know how to play with North Korea, Iran, Syria, Russian, China and other killers of the world.

Barack Obama is dumb enough to think and believe that world leaders like Putin will play softball or accept John Kerry bribes.  He thinks the Islamic Muslim Nut Jobs in Iran, Syria and other parts of the world are afraid of Barack Obama.  You never hear about the red line in Syria and over 300,000 people are dead now, Obama did nothing.  ISIS ISIL TALIBAN AL-QAEDA and others roam Iraq and Syria and we drop a few bombs, launch a few attacks against guys in pickup trucks as we leave the middle east to burn.  Benghazi was nothing compared to our future.  As Terrorists Islamic Muslim Extremists Radical Killers roam the world they kidnap young girls, turn them into sex slaves and murder the ones they don't want but no main stream media empire digs into the truth about Bill Clinton and his Billionaire friend having fun with young girls for cash? We have no way in knowing if the rumors are true, nobody wants to truly investigate a Clinton as they have hit lists, some say.  No media wants to touch Al Sharpton owing millions to the IRS as he holds anti-American, anti-White sermons on MSNBC.  Something is very wrong.  We close the coal plants but worry about wind turbines killing a few birds.  We shut down charter schools and then complain most Negro's read at the fifth grade level.  We cry about the middle east but Obama goes to Saudi Arabia but doesn't bother with Paris France. 

These evil world leaders know that Obama is a street punk that was created by a main stream media that is progressive, communist, socialist and liberal and got lucky, lied big and often to get his job and cannot take a global hit as he had downgraded the U.S. Military.  As we now realize that the ACA Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) is a force to destroy free enterprise other nations are making their moves against a now much weaker United States.  GDP growth running around 2% means no jobs, no wealth, no prosperity, no nuclear power plants no nothing.  Obama is killing off Free Enterprise to be replaced by forced labor controlled by a centralized government.  You can tell now that your vote means nothing.  The Tyrant is alive and well and continues with Presidential Executive Orders to avoid the Congress. 

A Russian war ship sits in the Cuban harbor today monitoring every communication of our own great leader.  We don't know what Obama was doing on Benghazi night but Putin does and his agents by the thousands are your neighbors.  With the Muslim Brotherhood, Russia, Illegal Aliens and others, dig a hole and save yourself. 

Obama will void the GITMO lease with Cuba and hand over GITMO to the Cuban people for all their help in killing people, jailing people, starving people, drug smuggling, gun running, spying and other deeds against the United States.  

As the crude oil prices continue to drop the Russian bear will get hungry and make many global moves at once and we all agree now that Obama doesn't even take the time to  attend NSA DOD CIA DOD FBI security meetings.  

We now know that Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Van Jones, George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Bill De Blasio, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder and thousands of others have plotted against the United States, their own version of Islamic Jihad against the freedom and wealth of the people.  

Barack Obama, properly considered, is the Islamic Extremist Radical inside the United States as he always supports the enemies of our nation.  GITMO warriors are being released even though they return to the battlefield to kill U.S. military personal and troops deployed to protect our national interests.  

You have been fooled by the radicals.  

Just like Adolf Hitler and Stalin promised to create a great nation you might recognize some of the same tactics used against you.  The concentration camps of WWII have been replaced by a centralized government starvation plan, like Stalin and Mao used to reduce and control their population.  The SNAP Food Stamp program is a starvation program as 50 million people cannot eat or feed their children without Barack Obama and his administrative government.  

All the Barack Obama programs have been brought about by confusing the minority groups of the nation, Negro's and Latino's in particular, fooling them to think everything in their dreams are free.  The re-distribution of wealth, in all reality, is the theft of wealth from the workers and given away to the non-workers without any real qualification.

As the CBP border patrol struggles to comply with illegal actions from the White House the end result is open borders.  Millions of illegal aliens now live inside the United States and they are on government programs, draining the wealth of the free and honest citizen.

The use of food, money and health controls, the radicals, have a direct control of everything inside the country.  ObamaCare, the Affordable Care Act, supplies free health care, regardless of citizenship or wealth and unemployment, food stamps and other programs allow the illegal aliens (criminals) to be comfortable waiting for better times promised by the DNC Democratic Party, which is now mostly communist, socialist and has moved well past the traditional Democrat. 

Shovel ready jobs turned out to be empty promises and now Barack Obama wants to spend more and more fiat (fake money) (borrowed money) of government projects to create artificial jobs and incomes.  Barack Obama says, just down GITMO and save money as he spends millions of vacations, White House Parties and we know little of the truth.

U.S. Military generals have been forced to retire because they refuse to break their oath to protect the nation.  There will be a war.  Israel and Iran will lead the way into another World War prompted by Terrorists, Extremists, Radicals, Islamic Jihadists, Militant domestic Negro and Latino insurgents being funded by Barack Obama. 

Iran will have a Nuclear weapon, expect an EMP bomb.  The electromagnetic bomb will be exploded over the land mass of the United States or a single city, everything electric will die, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths as food, energy, security, water and all essentials will fail and experts cannot fix the damage.   You must imagine and hold as true that an EMP bomb exploded over NYC New York City would destroy the United States.  The rest of the nation, cannot save or support 20 million people without food, water, transportation, medical care and essentials.

As Obama and Biden brag about saving General Motors and without speaking to the cheating of stock holders and investors they fail to discuss failed products by GM that killed people.   

Teacher unions (democratic supporters) are forcing black students into the funnel of poor education, thus a life of poverty and Democratic promises.  Sanger wanted to kill off the Negro and Planned Parenthood seems to be doing, with government money, and over 40 million Negro's have been killed by the U.S. government since around 1964.  The only other nation that kills off more of the unborn human being is China, the communist and deadly nation of thieves, cowards, crooks, drug dealers and thugs.

Taxpayer money is being used to kill off the unborn Negro before they hatch and Jonathan Gruber seems to think killing off the Negro is a lot better than feeding them, housing them and providing them jail cells and health care.  You must wonder what the NAACP spends on research and development.  Just like ACORN the NAACP and people like Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson and other Negro insurgent anti-American radicals set up organizations that can be paid cash by the government.  As long as the cash flows, the Negro dies before birth.  Planned Parenthood received about 500 million dollars last year and killed off 300,000 human beings.  People may argue, but what is the difference between a concentration camp with (gas chambers) and a nicely painted clinic operated by organizations that provide government funded murder of the unborn?

There have been tens of thousands of White Men that understand the Black Man Game and it started with slavery and continues today.  Lyndon Johnson, and JFK and every Democratic President since they know cash to Negro's paves the way to power.  The Negro, Man or Woman and all their children suffer poverty, unemployment, ignorance and poor education as they accept the few dollars in benefits and other hand outs. 

Benghazi was burning and Hillary Clinton was sleeping on the job.  Hillary cannot sell a book because she has no fans but she wants to be president.  Eric Holder is in contempt of Congress and his female version Lynch thinks illegal aliens have the right to work inside America and draw off tax dollars to support their illegal life style. 

Bill Clinton was flying around with a billionaire using one of his 21 private Clinton phone numbers playing around with high school girls. Coal mines are being shut down and oil pipelines are not being built.  The militants fighting against you are in the White House, Communist and Socialist and Islamists and they have guns, government, regulations and other traitors supporting them, as they have taken your power and your newly elected Congress whimpers at the challenge.

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