Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, January 9, 2015

You have to think about Race Baiting Jesse Jackson, Nation of Islamic Jihadist Louis Farrakhan, Communist Jail Bird Van Jones, Filthy Vulger Rahm Emanuel, Communist to the Bone David Axelrod, White Water Benghazi Hillary Clinton, Socialist Castro Cuban Lover Cop Hater NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio, Flat Ass Killer let Loose by Law O.J. Simpson, Whore Monger Robert Kennedy, Vulger Race Baiter Lyndon Johnson, Race Hustler Hoax MSNBC Black Face Al Sharpton, God Damn America Wright, 5th Amendment Lois Lerner IRS, Impeached Whoring Bill Clinton, and even Lost and Found Henry Louis Gates, that Harvard professor that lost his keys and a thousand more names, and think about all their activity poured in one bucket.

It's clear that Barack Obama believes in Administrative Violence against the American Middle Class, mostly White it seems.  Racial watchdogs have stopped their barking because everybody knows that Barack Obama is an evil and pure racist, almost Hitler like.  
As the country moves beyond the black experiment of Barack Obama another clear picture is forming and it might be worse than his time in the White House.  In fact, this other picture, not based in real civil rights of Selma, the Nazi type picture is forming with Barack Obama centered in the new flag.

You have to think about Race Baiting Jesse Jackson, Nation of Islamic Jihadist Louis Farrakhan, Communist Jail Bird Van Jones, Lying Crook M.I.T. Professor Jonathan Gruber, Filthy Vulger Rahm Emanuel, Communist to the Bone David Axelrod, White Water Benghazi Hillary Clinton, Socialist Castro Cuban Lover Cop Hater NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio, Flat Ass Killer let Loose by Law O.J. Simpson, Whore Monger Robert Kennedy, Vulger Race Baiter Lyndon Johnson, Race Hustler Hoax MSNBC Black Face Al Sharpton, God Damn America Wright, 5th Amendment Lois Lerner IRS, Impeached Whoring Bill Clinton, and even Lost and Found Henry Louis Gates, that Harvard professor that lost his keys and a thousand more names,  and think about all their activity poured in one bucket.

Everything they say and do is racial, anti-government, anti-freedom and liberty and they want total progressive socialist democratic control over the population.  These people are getting the population for something very harsh.  These people are stirring up colored people to fight the constitutional government. 

They have created or at least have set the stage for an insurgent movement within the United States.  We paid off the Negro's that claimed they were farmers or wanted to be farmers, billions of dollars.  The middle class supports 90% of the Negro's in America because they refuse education and opportunity. The Negro is supported by the taxpayer but they tend to lie, cheat and steal and Obama thinks is because 150 years there were slave in America.  Obama knows, There were millions of slaves around the world.  America solved the problem by the results of the Civil War but even Abraham Lincoln wanted them shipped back to Africa.   Planned Parenthood kills off 300,000 Negro's every year, trying to eliminate the expense of Negro's on Welfare and taking up expensive prison space but all these topics can never be openly debated or reviewed.  Some of these facts might be wrong but you're not allowed to talk about any of them.  

An insurgent is a person that is fighting the established government.  An insurgent movement, centered on race based black power is now getting cops ambushed and killed.   Watch the news tonight and think about America having terrorists roaming and shooting.   Think about millions of illegal aliens gathering with guns.  Power to the people instead of law and order.

Realize that Obama is lawless.  Obama signs his name and breaks the law for his family, supporters and radicals feeding off the taxpayer dollars but, the rest of us are held accountable under the law.   You're living under a dictatorship today.  Marshall Law is already signed into law but only about 3% of the population is aware.  A FEMA camp waits for you and your parents and children.

You are living in very dangerous times.

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