Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A Secret Government, One World Order, Proven Illegal Actions- White House - Lawless - The Shadow Government Revealed; The militant radical president Barack Obama has been cheating the citizens for years

The Shadow Government Revealed; The militant radical president Barack Obama has been cheating the citizens for years, another dramatic scandal revealed; The Center for Immigration Studies released a report Monday that said the Obama administration has operated a “shadow” immigration system for years, one that has handed out millions of work permits to illegal aliens and aliens with unknown legal status.  Illegal aliens, some may be insurgents, militant islamists, jihadist terrorists, extremist radicals but Obama helps them, against the law, in the shadows. 

So you think Barack Hussein Obama has reached his power level?  
You think the true Barack Hussein Obama has been discovered and doubtlessly stopped by the U.S. Constitution and the free citizens of the United States of America? 
You’re in for a big surprise and it’s not the kind of surprise you’ve been hoping for.
In several remarkable interviews I have discussed or at the very least listened to young and old colored people and took note of their thoughts and even their feelings for the first socialist Marxist President of the United States; Barack Hussein Obama.
You see Barack Obama is an invention.  
Created by low living parents of different colors their invention or creation grew and advanced his hatred for his parents and his country while living freely off the people of the United States and its taxpaying citizens.
We know you can convert black coal to energy but how do you convert black energy back into coal?
  Barack Hussein Obama isn’t really black as black goes because he shows the marks of his bastard creation. 
His unremarkable color is nothing new and his off-color is really the new normal for the black African that really didn’t stay black at all.  Black is beautiful is gone forever as you notice their straight hair, white man trappings, homes, cars and white girl friends.  Barack Obama does not want to be black, he does not want to be president, he wants to be a gangster living in a big white house. 
The black energy, just like black coal held deep in the ground was needed all over the world, well before the United States of America was even a dream to help bring in the crops, build the shacks, feed the animals and even pull the weeds and carry the water.
This black energy, called the colored or the Negro was used around the world to haul and push things around for other, more powerful human beings.  
The United States wasn’t even around when the first colored or so called indentured servant and then the so called colored slave first stepped foot on the North American continent.
It’s been a long struggle for colored people and amazing discoveries of aptitude, courage, knowledge and wisdom has been displayed for the entire world to see.
But it seems that the marvel of Barack Hussein Obama wants to bring back the good old days.  
You see, Obama uses slavery just like you use butter.  Spreading racism think and heavy on everything he puts out of the White House.  
Obama is taking the old principles of slavery and the slave master and putting that old Negro spin on everything he says.  
Since 1964 the colored man has again tripped the light fantastic and lives off the labor of other people.  Much has been accomplished on the behalf of the colored class but it seems they refuse the new principles of freedom, liberty, free enterprise and competition for the old and safe slavery rules.
If you have a slave master you can complain.  If you have a free enterprise job you have to work.  Since the worlds work must be done the white middle class struggles along to invent and inspire the rest of the world as the colored man waits for a better deal.

The colored man knows that inevitably he’ll be shut down by the taxpayers but he’s in no hurry for that day to arrive.  The cowardly federal representatives buy the colored vote with colored money called the greenback.  Once the middle class white taxpayer ran out of money several decades ago the federal government simply printed worthless money and borrowed from every nation around the world.

According to government data that CIS received in a Freedom of Information Request, the Obama administration used its discretion to give out nearly 5.5 million work permits to aliens with varying legal status since 2009

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