Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, December 7, 2015

Ask God to help the F.B.I., even if you call him Allah. The incidental president Barack Obama found himself alone in the forest of Radical Islamic terrorism again but American's are now used to Obama being wrong, now deadly wrong.

The incidental president Barack Obama found himself alone in the forest of Radical Islamic terrorism again but American's are now used to Obama being wrong, now deadly wrong.   In all reality nobody cares what Barack Obama has to say on a number of topics, and that includes Islamic Radical Extremists that want to murder us.  Barack Obama knew for over a year that ISIS was spreading their murder across Iraq and Iran and did nothing.  He was told by his NSA DOD DIA FBI advisers over a year ago.  

While Obama farts around with Hollywood and plays the big shot 14 American's lay dead because he's too busy to do his job and too dumb to understand the alarm bells ringing and all the warning.  

The only reason he's pretending to be tough today is that he was all wrong again, the Radical Islamic Jihadist are inside America, most likely by the tens of  thousands, maybe more.  He worries about you having a gun, but the Muslim nut job down the street from your school was allowed to walk across the border with the other millions of illegal aliens.

Barack Obama continued his speech by telling us what not to do and what to do about controlling the distribution of guns.  In the great scheme of arms and commerce guns will be bought and sold with or without Obama as proven by Fast and Furious when the U.S. again entered the gun running business under Erick Holder and the DOJ.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were running guns and ammunition through Benghazi Libya but that's, well, off limits for public consumption.

Studying every angle of the Obama speech gave American's nothing to cheer about so nothing will change.  Obama and Kerry will sneak Syrian refugees into America as already seen by FedEx Cargo Jets hauling Obama's human cargo to smaller airports.

ISIS will continue to murder Christians and the Islamic Muslim Radical bastards will pull off another San Bernardino California style attack in a mall, school or government house.  

After the Christian bodies are counted, Obama will read another speech and Loretta Lynch will point her fat little finger at free speech and gun rights, all for the good of the little people.

When you consider the collapse of the American culture, economy, diplomatic strength, social fabric, geographical lack of security with open borders, intellectual destruction of college campuses, martial failure and unwed baby factories, medical segment destroyed by ObamaCare, political instability, civil unrest, and many forms of psychological problems from job loss, under-employment, welfare, corrupt administrative state and other sundry problems don't worry about Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.

Go out today and buy a weapon, a gun and lot's of ammunition so you can guard your family and property.  When you see a cop, hug a cop and buy them a cup of coffee because that tiny little blue line is keeping you alive this very day.

Ask God to help the F.B.I., even if you call him Allah.

God Bless America.


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