Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Clinton was famous for booze, girls and cocaine, now it's the Clinton Foundation - The young girls were giving Bill Clinton the evil eye. - Bill Clinton tends to stick his cigars in young women, and then claims no sex.

The lagoon of filth that surrounds Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton is calm right now, but it's just calm at the surface as Bill Clinton gave his first New Hampshire Elect My Stupid Wife Speech.  During the Bill Clinton speech, which was really nothing to watch it became clear that women all across America, don't love Bill Clinton any longer.   The screaming woman is a representative in the state of New Hampshire, Hillary ignores the sexual abuse question concerning Bill Clinton, the x-impeached president.  Hillary Clinton, the Benghazi bitchy bitch announced that she will simply not answer questions and will ignore Donald Trump as she claims the Oval office as a prize, regardless of her criminal behavior.  The progressive socialist Hillary and Bill Clinton are under investigation by the now corrupt Obama FBI which is in the process of removing citizens gun rights, in spite of the Constitution.  DOJ Lorretta Lynch, Barack Obama, and FBI Come decided to forget citizen rights and impose regulations on citizens, the fight has just begun and the Lagoon is stirring. 

Many of the women wanted to throw stones at Bill Clinton but the Secret Service tends to round you up, cuff you up, toss you out and within 24 hours the Clinton Machine starts to threaten, bullets on car seats, visits from the local Sheriff's department and Democratic political leaders. 

Bill Clinton tends to stick his cigars in young women, and then claims no sex.

Former President Bill Clinton hit the campaign trail today in Nashua, New Hampshire for his wife Hillary Clinton, recalling when the couple first fell in love.

“When we met—soon to be 45 years ago in a couple of months when we met—we fell in love,” he said. “I thought she was the most amazing person.”

He recalled that in the seventies there were fewer women who were earning law degrees.

“There she was, Yale law school, she could have written her ticket to go anywhere she wanted. All she was really interested was providing legal services to poor people,” he said, reminding the audience that Hillary didn’t take a “fancy clerkship” when she got out of college.

Clinton spoke warmly about his wife’s legal career after they first met.

“It’s hard to remember 40 years ago what that was like … everything she touched she made better,” he said.

He insisted that Hillary was the one candidate that could meet the moment in 2016, praising his wife for her efforts in the 90’s as First Lady and for the efforts she made in foreign policy

Clinton portrayed himself as a doting husband and spoke warmly of his wife’s professional career, describing her as a “change maker” wherever she went.

“I’m a happy grandfather. I’m not mad at anybody,” Clinton said as he took the stage.

The young girls were giving Bill Clinton the evil eye.

Clinton was famous for booze, girls and cocaine, 
now it's the Clinton Foundation

The abuser of women stood in front of a small crowd and in his frail voice he started playing the new game of getting Hillary Clinton in the White House.  

What you must remember, The Clinton Foundation has already accepted cash payments and their foreign customers want what they paid for; direct access to the Oval office with Hillary in the White House. 

If you want the country back, jail the Clinton and Obama gangs.


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