Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

As Bill Clinton leaves an admiration puddle for Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire the young women frown at him and look away. Young women know all about the dark and intimate and his little dangle dangling

Hillary Clinton doesn't have to talk about her rapist husband any more, because everybody else is and his rotting history with women has come to the surface, just like Bill Cosby.  His little dangler was dangling and the young voting age women were turned off by his painted doll smile and his nervous laughter when he started to lie about Hillary, the Benghazi bitchy bitch knowing that Bill Clinton is possessed with sex outside his marriage.  He's been caught so many times that he doesn't even bother to point his finger anymore at the voters as he stumbled through his first New Hampshire speech as the women ignored him.  

There is a puddle forming under Hillary Clinton as she quickly tries to pull up her knickers as Bill Clinton pulls his shorts down and the girls give him an evil eye. 

Everything has flashed and burned for Hillary Clinton as most women noticed that Bill Clinton received the evil eye from the young female voters in the crowd.  

That Clinton odor is spreading around the country because the young people are learning more and more about the Clinton's, most adults agree, they have no idea.

Hillary Clinton is a political squatter, she follow other people around like her x-president impeached Bill Clinton and the radical negro Barack Obama and then claims a spot.  She has never earned her place in national politics but she has clearly slept her way to the top starting with Webb Hubbell, Vince Foster and at last Bill Clinton.

Hillary Clinton has no female vibrating charm, no elegance but she is spoiled and unmanageable as the Benghazi murders and her husbands sexual abuse proves to the world.  Hillary Clinton will not become president but she will become a number in that the number on her shirt will be her prisoner number as the old nanny goat will be locked up.

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