Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Islamic Radical Killers, they're here, trained and ready and Barack Obama just violated your 2nd amendment constitutional rights to keep and bear arms. Barack Obama must be removed from office but Congress is too weak and afraid, that's the sole reason for our constitution. The people are the government, not Obama and not the Congress, you are.

Wahhabism, the radical Islamic ideology that dates back a lot further than that of the Islamic State.  So start learning all about Wahhabism since the grand leader Obama is taking your guns which is against the constitution and lawless.  Hillary Clinton has already made it very clear that she fully supports that radical Obama.   If you don't think the hard split between Saudi Arabia and Iran means a full blast middle eastern war, including the United States and Russia you're out of your mind.  Expect ground troops from Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya and the United States in full conflict by the end of this year.  Barack Obama has done the perfect job lining up everything he needs for breaking apart the United States and NATO and his mocking you openly. 

The top 25 Most Wanted by the FBI are all Muslims

Hillary's best friend is more than a best friend, her family has direct ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

These Islamic trained killers, murdered 14 Americans

The Muslim Brotherhood is known as CAIR inside America

The Very Close Associate was born in Iran

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are going to get all of us killed, so enjoy your progressive socialist government and join in the fun and give him all your guns, exactly what the Islamic Radical Jihadist in Saudi Arabia Wants;  Saudi Arabia pretends to hate terrorism or Islamist Terror but then you start to understand Wahhabism, which changes everything.  Some Islamic nut job named Muhammad Wahhab started Wahhabism in the 1700's and ISIS wants to go back even further to the earliest nut jobs on the 7th century.

You see ISIS ISIL wants to go all the way back to the original Muslim Islamic idea of white sex slave, kill all Christians and conquer the world and form a global Caliphate.  Sounds like a bad movie but start counting the dead bodies in the Middle East.

This Wahhab guy helped the Saud family fight their battles north of Riyada and sent word that all Muslims should be converted to Wahhabism.  If you refused they killed you.

Now this original King Saud guy, just like today was chosen by Allah which meant that all slave Muslims had to pledge everything, including allegiance or be killed.  

From around 1744 to 1818 these Wahhabist preachers roamed around with troops and set up the very first kingdom or the House of Saud that we call Saudi Arabia and we buy all their oil and die in the desert sands for them.  The Ottoman empire tried to kill off all the Wahhabists but the little bastards multiply like rabbits so here we are. The Ottoman empire (Persians) like in Iran tried to kill off the House of Saud but their still around and kicking so the war was never finished.  Iran will get a load of cash ($150 Billion) from Obama and a nuclear weapon thanks to John Kerry, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. 

Obama is releasing Islamic Jihadist warriors right now from GITMO and he plans on giving GITMO back to Cuba ( we only lease GITMO Cuba ).  The U.S. borders are open so you can expect lots of soldiers to cross our border, gather arms and start killing Americans. 

In 1824 the Saudi Kingdom reemerged and the new capital of Riyadh was the center point for the many Muslim Islamic tribes.  So today, Saudi Arabia controls the center point of the Muslim's and you guessed it, Iran wants it. 

You've heard of King Faisal Ibn Abdulaziz Al-Saud and he proclaimed that Wahhabism that proclaimed the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as the only and sole defender of Islam, which would assure the kingdom's survival.  Kings can do that.

The ass wipe Al Saud armed up some Islamic Radical Jihadists, under the theme of Wahhabism and spent billions of dollars on mosques, preachers, ignorant students, books, manuals and guides to spread the Wahhabi creed. This includes America.  You've heard about the Muslim Brotherhood ( CAIR ), everything is paid for by Saudi Arabia. 

Not Holy men, Jihadists.  Saudi Arabia has been training terrorists for years and we met some of them on 09-11-2011 during the World Trade Center Attacks on the United States. Every killer on 09-11-2001 was from Saudi Arabia. 

So if you think Saudi Arabia is your friend, shut the door.

If you think Barack Obama is a Christian, shut the door.

If you think San Bernardino California is the last attack, do whatever you want.

The Islamic Radical Killers, they're here, trained and ready and Barack Obama just violated your 2nd amendment constitutional rights to keep and bear arms.  Barack Obama must be removed from office but Congress is too weak and afraid, that's the sole reason for our constitution.  The people are the government, not Obama and not the Congress, you are. 

We're under attack, from outside and inside.

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