Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Name Rank and Serial Number - The FBI Stalled Out by Lynch and Obama - The Hillary Clinton Commandments for All Negro's -The protection racket of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama is famous around the Negro neighborhood all across America. Clinton is gone and all her flimsy lies.

Clinton's only Rent the Negro's for Voting - The protection racket of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama is famous around the Negro neighborhood all across America.  In South Carolina today, the Negro is lining up just like pool cues on the Clinton's white mansion walls.  In South Carolina, the Democratic Party chairman once famously dismissed the notion that Democrats buy “the black vote” down there.

“I just want to rent it for one day,” he said.

Are You Shovel Ready Again

Hillary Clinton,  will soon be exposed for using her connections in the State Department to enrich her family, her foundation, and her supporters.  She'll use the Negro Vote for power and then ban them from the kingdom of the billionaire Clinton's.  

“They were selling out the national interests of the United States directly to adversaries and others for money,” he said. “There is just nothing that satisfies them. They are the greediest white trash I have ever seen.”

The Clinton's and the Obama's impervious to the harsh reality of the black family in America have always operated the Negro Protection Racket just like Lyndon Johnson started back in 1964.  Make lot's of promises, say the right things, take the correct pictures, have the lunches in camera view and grab up the Negro Colored Vote - after all you only have to be nice a few days to gain absolute power, wealth and influence for a life time.

The young and aggressive Negro of today has been suffocated by the Barack Obama socialist government and Hillary Clinton promises more of the same, more and more.

Hillary counts on the blackened crust of the Negro to stay together and vote for the Dixie loving Clinton.  The black colored vote used to be safe for the Democrats but now filled with more empty Hillary Clinton promises they want chests of gold dust from Bernie Sanders as the advancing flames of socialism keeps them warm.

Barack Obama lied to every Negro and colored man with the help of Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton so expect the reflection of lies during voting.  Planned Parenthood is trying to kill millions of Negroes and Black Lives Matter, very little. 

Clinton is gone and all her flimsy lies.

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