Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, April 20, 2015

Are You Ready to Die for America? Fantastically disguised, the Muslim Brotherhood, (CAIR) supported by Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Bill De Blaso and others is spreading across the globe including your backyard.

Using clever tricks and using our own constitutional
 weapons against us the Muslim Brotherhood is pilfering the
 United States by using welfare to wage war against America.   

The whispering around kitchen tables across America is getting louder now and the public scowling is growing.  Americans are tired of the men and women inside the corrupt Barack Obama White House using countless frauds against the taxpayers and cuddling up with the Islamic Extremists inside the American borders.
Fantastically disguised, the Muslim Brotherhood, (CAIR)  supported by Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Bill De Blaso and others is spreading across the globe including your backyard.
The nuclear Iran Islamic menace is now upon us and with a great deal of ingenuity John Kerry, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and other rascals are arming Iran with a full blast nuclear bomb, just like North Korea.  With technology pilfered from the United States Iran is getting ready for the next war as its already brewing in Syria, Iraq and Yemen while spreading like a grass fire to the border of Israel.
Most likely, thousands of Americans plan on going to ISIS - ISIL for combat training and then return to the United States and lurk inside our neighborhoods until they strike.  The government cannot stop a ten cent gyrocopter from landing at the capitol so don't plan on the Pentagon protecting your main street or family.  In our midst this very day we have most likely tens of thousands of Islamic Muslim Radical Jihadists that plan on killing you and your children, and eat your dog.
We all understand that all Muslim's are not evil but, they are also very quiet.  At the very least the Muslim populations have partnered with the terrorists because they do not stand against them.  The Muslim Mosque in your area must have one or more radicals praying and facing east, it just makes sense.  The government has not clamped down on Syria, Iran, Iraq or Yemen so don't be astounded when you stand alone one late night under a Benghazi style assault.  If the Secret Service cannot stop a gyrocopter or a lone runner from breaching their security lines you must wonder why we're paying for 6,537 Secret Service Agents USSS and how much they get paid.  When they're sober they fail so when they're drunk we can guess you can land on the Capitol lawn.

Now we have the startling plots of the Clinton Machine trying to use hundreds of millions of foreign dollars to take the White House in another national election.  As the dark and evil side of Hillary Rodham Clinton is being exposed you can look for hundreds of counterplots to be used against the U.S. citizens brought to life by ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, Washington Post, L.A. Times, Boston Globe and others.  


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