Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Hillary Clinton Good Morning Mrs. President Scam Secrets Scandals Sex Dirty Henchmen Primaries Fraud Communist Socialist Marxist Women Voters Negro Voters Beware of Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hillary Clinton

America's most prominent clinical psychopath

O villain, villain, smiling, damned villain! ... That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain
Madness in great ones must not unwatch’d go
- Shakespeare
Test for Psychopathy Try scoring Hillary before and after reading about her
How to spot a sociopath 18 simplified questions
Hare Psychopathy Checklist the full monty - 20 questions to ask of Hillary Clinton
Dr Robert Hare the world's leading expert in psychopathy
From Nixon Girl to Watergate: The Making of Hillary Clinton how Hillary posed as a radical while privately scorning them for not working within the system; how she turned her back on liberal causes to look after big corporate interests at the Rose Law Firm
The Seeds of Corruption: Hillary Clinton in Arkansas how Hillary exaggerated her abilities as a lawyer; ties with Jim McDougall that were to flower into the Whitewater property speculation and later a huge federal investigation into that deal; her friendship with James Blair, general counsel of Tyson Foods, and his bodyguard Robert "Red" Bone, who miraculously used cattle futures to turn $1,000 of her money into $99,000 in nine months; how she lied that this money had been a gift from her parents; the chamber of secrets at the Clinton Campaign headquarters in Little Rock; how she tried to get the Wall Street Journal to produce a book showing how innocent she was but didn't appreciate their researcher's awkward questions about her contradictory stories; how she stalled Kenneth Starr's investigation by using the words "I can't recall" in answer to 50 questions; her conduct amid the collapse of Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan, when she denied having worked for them until her billing records were discovered; how she taxed the poor to improve education in Arkansas - without improving it at all; how she accepted a place on the board of Wal*Mart, a company which makes no secret of its contempt for its workers; how she pushed Bill Clinton to regain the governorship and run for President, long after he thought he would be found out; how she crushed Sheffield Nelson, a Little Rock lawyer running against Bill, who had a dossier on him; how she made an enemy of Jim McDougal of Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan, who had more dirt on Whitewater
Secrecy, Intransigence and War: The Vices of Hillary Clinton How Hillary made the ruthless private investigator Jack Palladino smear Gennifer Flowers; how she recovered from insulting Tammy Wynette on live TV; how she was adamant that Bill should not admit that he had wanted to avoid the draft; how she got Vince Foster to keep her secrets and do her dirty work; how money that could have given the House back to the Democrats in 1996 was snatched by the White House purely for the self-preservation of the Clintons; how she ordered a full-bore attack on Lewinsky as "a stalker with a weight problem" and shoved Bill toward the doomed posture of total denial; how there's never been a war since Vietnam that Mrs. Clinton didn't like
Will Hillary's Legacy Be "Putting Foster and Obama 6 Feet Under"?
Hillary's Psychohistory
Hillary's Criminal History
Hillary Clinton Lies
Hillary for President
Hillary Clinton Photos, info and news
Rewriting History
HillCap - the Hillary Clinton Accountability Project Documenting the largest campaign finance fraud in America's history
Hillary Uncensored DVD - $25.99
What you won't find in the Clinton Museum and Library After becoming involved in politics, Wellesley graduate Hillary Rodham ordered her senior thesis sealed from public view
The Peter Paul vs Hillary and Bill Clinton Album read the letter Hillary wrote to Peter Paul two days after denying to the Washington Post that she even knew him!
Hillary is a congenital liar - William Safire - Jan 08, 1996 FR Comments (posted Mar 26, 2008): "Hillary just doesn't have Bill's gift and like Pinocchio gets caught in her lies"
Hillary's "Vast right-wing conspiracy" remarks on The Today Show on Jan 27, 1998 the great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president
The Hillary Clinton Cheat Sheet A Guide to the Scandals and Issues That Could Stall Her Senate Run - Jun 16, 1999
Arkansas committee reviewing first lady's law license - Apr 11, 2000 Hillary Rodham Clinton's actions in the Whitewater venture have now come under scrutiny of the Arkansas Supreme Court's disciplinary arm, which is already considering a complaint seeking to disbar President Clinton
Hillary Clinton is first First Lady in Senate - Nov 07, 2000
Media Ignore Broaddrick's Scary Revelation About Hillary Clinton - Juanita Broaddrick - Nov 20, 2000
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #1: Paul Fray, F****** Jew B*st*rd - Dec 21, 2002
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #2: Children in the Hospital sick, sick, sick
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #3: She Throws Coffee in Marine's Face - Dec 22, 2002
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #4: Dissing Health Care Execs Who Offered Solution
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #5: Hillary, the Commies, and the Black Panthers
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #6: Defiling the White House Christmas Tree - Dec 26, 2002
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #7: Hillary Calls the Police Murderers - Dec 27, 2002 Shauna Carroll, the 11-year-old daughter of embattled police officer Sean Carroll, sent this angry letter to Hillary Clinton - who recently admitted she "misspoke" about the Diallo case: ... Our lives have changed a great deal because of this tragedy. I have heard death threats on my answering machine and watched people like you use my dad for political purposes...
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #8: How Did She Get her Name? - Dec 28, 2002
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #9: Sister Frigidaire - Dec 29, 2002 In high school she seemed to seek out intelligent boys, then cooly compete with them, establishing her dominance. It was not a matter of finding equality, some came to think, but a matter of maintaining a respectable superiority
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #10: Troopers and Secret Service as Servants
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #11: Beep, Beep, Get Out of My #$%&@&$ Way! - Dec 30, 2002
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #12: Hillary Lied to Zeifman, Rigged Nixon Impeachment Protocols - Dec 31, 2002 Now that America faces its second impeachment crisis in as many generations, it's worth remembering how the rules were bent by partisans committed to destroying a presidency - when the target was Richard Nixon. And how the media looked the other way when it happened
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #13: It Takes A Village To Stiff a Waitress - Dec 31, 2002 Trish Trupo, a 31-year-old waitress in Albion NY, worked for $2.90 per hour plus tips. Hillary stopped by to fill up on scrambled eggs and left no tip. The next day, when Hillary was asked about the tipping incident by a reporter in New York, she did what she does best. She lied. She said, That's just another wild story. They are all wild stories, aren't they, Hillary?
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #14: Rape, Part 1 - Jan 01, 2003 Hillary: I am proud that my husband has stood up as President to confront the violence and to protect American women Are we in a parallel universe?
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #15: Rape, Part 2 - Jan 02, 2003 Juanita Broaddrick describes the time when Hillary spoke to her, a few weeks after Bill had raped her: "She caught me and took my hand and said, I am so happy to meet you. I want you to know that we appreciate everything you do for Bill. I started to turn away and she held on to my hand and reiterated her phrase—looking less friendly—and repeated her statement:Everything you do for Bill. I said nothing. She wasn’t letting me get away until she made her point. She talked low, the smile faded on the second thank you. I just released her hand from mine and left. I was in a state of shock ...nausea went all over me ..." During Juanita's controversial January interview with NBC News, two producers refused to continue when the subject of the Hillary encounter was brought up. "As soon as I told them what happened with Hillary," Juanita said, "they stopped rolling the tape and said not to go down that road."
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #16: Rape, Part 3 - Jan 03, 2003 Juanita's letter to Hillary: "I have no doubt that you are the same conniving, self-serving person you were twenty-two years ago when I had the misfortune to meet you. When I see you on television, campaigning for the New York senate race, I can see the same hypocrisy in your face that you displayed to me one evening in 1978. You have not changed."
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #17: Hillary Doesn't Really Have a Goon Squad, Does She? - Jan 03, 2003 Yes. He is Patrick Halley and he admits in his book, "On the Road With Hillary," that those who don't like Hillary in a crowd may have the opportunity to get roughed up a bit
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #18: Al Gore Learns Lesson on Inauguration Day 1993 - Jan 04, 2003 One of the reasons the Clintons were late was because Vice President Gore had just found out that the West Wing office usually reserved for the vice president was instead going to be occupied by the first lady. Hey, Al, you were apparently too stupid to realize that the Clintons didn't give a damn about you. You were a fall guy. Just like everyone who has been touched by them, they take what they need and then you are thrown overboard. Look at the silver lining - at least your body wasn't dumped in a park
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #19: Strom Thurmond Meets the Hillary Express - Jan 05, 2003 stay out of Hillary's way or get knocked down
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #20: Childish Behavior at the President's Historic Speech - Jan 06, 2003 NY Sen. Clinton shunned patriotism for petulance. While New Yorkers mourned, their junior senator sulked. After the most devasting attack ever on U.S. soil, Hillary Clinton did what she has done her entire life. She thought of herself. Patriotism be damned. It is all about Hillary. It is always all about Hillary
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #21: Why Cops and Firemen Hate Hillary - Jan 07, 2003 Why Hillary was booed off the stage at Paul McCartney's benefit Concert for New York
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #22: The Wind Up, Here Comes the Pitch - Jan 10, 2003 a lamp throws some light on Hillary
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #23: Pssssst...Hey, Can You Watch My Husband? - Jan 11, 2003 Back in the 1980's Hillary hired Little Rock P.I. Ivan Duda to spy on Bill. Duda came up with eight women that Bill was involved with, including an employee at the Rose Law Firm, where Hillary herself was a lawyer. The Clintons hired San Francisco P.I. Jack Palladino as a member of a 'secret police' force the Clinton administration used to discredit women who had sexual affairs with the President
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #24: Witches In Glass Houses Shouldn't Throw Race-Baiting Stones - Jan 13, 2003 Hillary was no stranger to the "N" word
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #25: Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue (Healthcare) - Jan 14, 2003 ...lobbyists and Clinton campaign donors, who stood to benefit financially from Hillary’s plan, illegally took part in the task force. While there were thousands of documents addressed to Hillary, there were virtually none from Hillary. There is no doubt such documents were withheld. Their release would have shed light on Hillary’s involvement in Magaziner’s falsehoods. It is a dubious proposition that Magaziner could have lied without Hillary’s advance knowledge. Webster Hubbell states in his new book, “I think the beginning of Vince’s downturn was when the Health Care Task Force was sued.” Hubbel asserts that Hillary snapped at Foster, Fix it, Vince
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #26: Madison Dies, Hillary Lies, What a Surprise (Part 1) - Jan 24, 2003 why Hillary wanted to hide those Madison Guaranty billing records
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #27: Madison Dies, Hillary Lies, What a Surprise (Part 2)
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #28: Semper Fido Hillary's ridiculous claim that she tried to join the Marines
The Real Hillary Clinton: Episode #29: Filegate; Who Hired Craig Livingstone - Feb 06, 2003 how the Clintons destroyed an FBI agent who knew that Hillary had recommended Livingstone to Nussbaum
What did hillary clinton know and when did she know it? And was she part of it? - Jun 08, 2003
Hillary and the Black Panthers: The Real Story - Aug 19, 2003 FR Comments
The Hillary Clinton Story you should Never Forget - Children at the Hospital - Dec 05, 2003
Hillary's attempt to muzzle Farah, other Net journalists - Apr 23, 2004
Book: Hillary threatened husband's accusers - Jun 01, 2005 Women say she had major role intimidating them into silence. Hillary Clinton is either as misogynistic as her husband or she is simply willing to conspire to mistreat women if that's what it takes to preserve their [the Clintons'] political careers
Hillary Clinton clears way for presidential run - Jun 01, 2005
Hannity: Enormous Pressure to Cancel Hillary Book Author - Jun 21, 2005
The Real Trouble With 'The Truth About Hillary' - Jul 06, 2005
Klein's 'Truth About Hillary' Hits N.Y. Times Again; Paper Lashes Out - Jul 10, 2005
Fraud lawsuit targets Hillary - Aug 22, 2005 Fund-raiser claims 'smoking guns' prove campaign in massive scam
National Women's Hall of Fame Stunned by Hillary Clinton Ties to Prostitution King Ng Lap Seng - Oct 06, 2005
Hypocrite of the day - Hillary Clinton, Vince Foster and the Cheney shooting - Feb 2006
The ultimate Hillary quotebook - Mar 16, 2006 'I've Always Been a Yankees Fan' will arm you for battle
Kuiper: I've Always Been a Yankees Fan: Hillary Clinton in Her Own Words (2006) she grew up in Chicago rooting for the Cubs. Here's what she told her Secret Service guard who wanted to keep his hands free in case of a security threat: If you want to remain on this detail, get your ass over here and grab those bags. Charming little psychopath!
Hillary Clinton's Arkansas Plantation - Jan 18, 2006 when Hillary and Bill ran Arkansas, Dr. King didn't even have a holiday in his honor - at least not all to himself. Instead, Arkansans celebrated a combination holiday that honored both King and Robert E. Lee, the Confederate general who fought to allow the South to keep blacks enslaved
Top donor seeks to expose 'Hillary's Chappaquiddick' - Mar 29, 2006 Claiming Hillary Clinton pulled off the biggest campaign-finance fraud in history, business mogul Peter Franklin Paul is preparing to file a complaint with the Federal Election Commission charging the Democratic senator with submitting a false report – for a fourth time – that hides his personal donation of a multi-million dollar Hollywood gala and fund-raiser that helped put her in office
Liberals attack book of Hillary Clinton quotes - Apr 24, 2006 there are some good ones here, including: Jay, there are literally millions of people who have never read a printed book. You cannot believe, Jay, how many people I have met who have told me that MY book is the FIRST BOOK they have ever read That's right, Hillary - we don't believe it
Hillary Clinton Hopes Country is Ready for Female President - Aug 31, 2006 while pretending to be too focussed on the Senate elections to think about a presidetial bid!
US mid-terms: Crazy like a fox? - Sep 29, 2006
One Clinton Boosts Other for His Old Job - Oct 13, 2006
Hillary raids the war chest in drive for landslide - Oct 27, 2006
Hillary Clinton joins 2008 race - Jan 20, 2007
'I'm in' – Hillary joins White House race - Jan 21, 2007
Hillary Clinton Booed at Madison Square Garden - Jan 21, 2007
Hillary Clinton leaps ahead in Democrat race - Feb 07, 2007
Hillary on the Couch - Is Missus Clinton Mentally Fit? no
Clinton and Obama row over backer - Feb 22, 2007
Enemies hope the Hillary campaign show will bring her down - Feb 25, 2007
The Hillary Show
OJ Simpson endorses Hillary - Mar 08, 2007
Hillary Clinton and Her Martin Luther King Jr Problem - Mar 14, 2007
Hillary, King and Goldwater - Mar 12, 2007 On March 4th Hillary claimed to have had an attachment to Martin Luther King Jr. as a high school student in 1963. As a politically attuned honor student, she must have known in 1964 that Goldwater was one of only six Republican senators who joined Southern Democratic segregationists opposing the historic voting rights act of 1964 inspired by King
Hillary Threatened Juanita Broaddrick 2 Weeks after Rape - Mar 27, 2007
Hillary's other man - Jun 03, 2007 Hillary's relationships with Vince Foster (who she had bumped off) and Webster Hubbell (Chelsea's biological father), in extracts from A Woman in Charge: The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton, by Carl Bernstein
Hillary Clinton Felonies Caught on Video - Jun 22, 2007
Hillary Clinton and "The Largest Election Law Fraud in History" - Jun 24, 2007
Hilary Heckled Again Over War In Iraq - Jun 25, 2007
Katherine Prudhomme confronts Hillary over Broaddrick rape, is threatened with arrest - Jul 13, 2007
Clinton Campaign Will Keep Contributions - Aug 28, 2007 Donations from two major campaign contributors closely track one another. Mr. Hsu is a “bundler,” or a person who holds fund-raisers and collects campaign donations from other contributors. For that reason, many of the checks “bundled” by Mr. Hsu all have the same contribution date. But Lawrence Barcello, an attorney for Mr. Hsu, denied any suggestions that the Paw family donations had indeed come from Mr. Hsu rather than the Paws.
WANTED: Major Hillary Campaign Contributor & Swindler - Aug 29, 2007 Is America Really Ready for another 4 years of Clinton Scandals?
Hillary Clinton caught in a new fundraising scandal - Aug 29, 2007
Leading Clinton Donor Stays Below the Radar - Aug 29, 2007 It is legal for individuals to ask friends, colleagues and family members to make donations to political candidates, though not to reimburse people for such donations
Hillary’s History of Accepting Contributions from Felons Ignored - Sep 01, 2007
Hsu-icide diary: A curious Google search - Sep 13, 2007 who types a suicide note?
Peter Paul, Stan Lee, and Senator Hillary Clinton - Sep 13, 2007
Is Hillary Clinton Abusing YouTube? - Sep 22, 2007
The Shocking Video Hillary Does NOT Want You To See! Part I - Oct 18, 2007 & Part II
Won’t you take me to Chinatown? - Oct 19, 2007
Hillary Clinton's Chinatown Tangle - Nov 02, 2007 Chinese money-laundries
Senator Clinton’s interesting allies - Nov 05, 2007
Hillary Flips Over her Debate Flop - Nov 06, 2007
Hill gets corn-fed question Nov 10, 2007 the beast can no longer absolutely depend on the ratmedia to help her lie
Clinton in planted questions row - Nov 12, 2007
Huma Abedin, Hillary's current girlfriend Gennifer Flowers asked Bill if there was any truth to the rumor that Hillary was having an affair with another woman. Bill laughed and said: Honey - she’s probably eaten more p*ssy than I have. But Hillary's team are trying to keep Huma a secret, even though nobody really cares about Hill's thrills
Filger: Hillary Clinton Nude: Naked Ambition, Hillary Clinton And America's Demise (2006)
Hillary Inevitable No More? - Nov 20, 2007 lingering doubts about Hillary Clinton's honesty and forthrightness are keeping the Democratic presidential contest close in Iowa
Kathleen Willey Takes Aim at Clintons - Nov 20, 2007 Hillary Clinton wants everybody to believe that she's a champion for women's rights, a feminist, a woman's advocate, Mrs. Willey said. She could not possibly be any of those if she continues to degrade and abuse woman like me
America hates Hillary Clinton and Co - Nov 24, 2007 almost everywhere we went people questioned her candidacy... "She couldn't keep her own home together, so how can we trust her to manage America?"
Paul v Clinton: Here are the players in the political drama of 2008 (plus an update in the case) - 24 Nov, 2007
In Iowa, Clinton Is Pressed on Murdoch - Nov 25, 2007 and faces both ways
Couric To Clinton: Has She Considered Not Getting The Nomination? No, I Haven't. - Nov 26, 2007 see the video clip
Bundling becomes major corrupt game of campaign - Nov 26, 2007
Bundling Citizen's Guide Glossary
Hillary's Texas Money Bundler - Nov 27, 2007 Alonzo Cantu "...persuaded more than 300 people in Hidalgo County, where the median household income in 2006 was $28,660, to write checks ranging from $500 to $2,300 to the senator from New York." Cantu's brother-in-law says, "The last thing you want to do is get on Alonzo's bad side."
Hillary uses doublespeak to silence her Democratic rivals - Nov 27, 2007
Hillary Aide Scolds Scarborough For Airing Party-Pooping Poll - Nov 27, 2007 there was something chilling about hearing a key Hillary insider tell a network host that a poll the Clinton camp didn't like "shouldn't be on your show"
Bill Clinton '07 vs. Bill Clinton '03 (and '04) - Nov 28, 2007 It's amazing how much of a pain in the ass the truth must be for Bill Clinton. The truth keeps coming up and biting him there
New film feature's Hillary's 'crimes on tape' ("Hillary Uncensored") - Nov 28, 2007 the star-studded story of Hollywood mogul Peter Franklin Paul's civil fraud suit against the Clintons
The sheer arrogance of that woman - Nov 29, 2007
Hillary’s 2008 liability: Bill Clinton - Nov 29, 2007 It isn't just Bill who would rather not mention Hillary...
Bill Clinton, Secret War Opponent - Nov 30, 2007 Hillary was prescient enough in anticipating Bill’s reversal and tax-hike (retroactive to the beginning of 1993, even before he was sworn in as president), that she took her Rose Law Firm bonus early (December of 1992) thus avoiding the impact of that tax-hike. What’s the old expression... “character is revealed by what you do when nobody is looking”? The Clintons don’t care even if everyone is looking
She Still Takes a Villager -- Hillary’s Authorship Lies - Dec 01, 2007 The hype says: For the most part, this is not the former first lady and presidential hopeful we all know. That's because the actual author was Barbara Feinman Todd
Hillary Clinton suggests Obama has character issues - Dec 02, 2007 That's good, coming from a psychopath. To find out how Hillary reacts to a simple "good morning" see message # 39
Hillary email - Dear doug, it has been 316 days since we started this journey - Dec 03, 2007 see if you can read it without puking
Will Clinton's Obama Attacks Backfire? - Dec 04, 2007 Hillary tries to dig the dirt on Obama - from his kindergarten days! Stephen J. Wayne, government professor at Georgetown University: it will reinforce the negative stereotype of Mrs. Clinton as a cold and calculating person who will do whatever it takes to win. In other words a psychopath
Clinton Campaign Attacks Press For Not Realizing Kindergarten Crack was "a Joke" - Dec 04, 2007 Laugh at my jokes or I’ll kill you!
Robert Reich: [Hillary] Clinton lacks 'conviction about anything' - Dec 04, 2007
Exposing Clintons' lies - The Washington Times - Dec 04, 2007 no presidential candidate as beset by scandals and brushes with the law as Sen. Clinton has ever existed. The runner-up is her husband
Hillary Prepares To Soil Obama - Dec 05, 2007
Hillary on Obama: Fear and Hatred on the Campaign Trail - Dec 05, 2007 The woman whose heathcare reforms failed so dismally called Obama a "talker" not a "doer" and a purveyor of "false hopes." A senior House Democratic aide notes, "The Clinton people are going nuts in how much they hate him [Obama]." Clinton Campaign calls Obama "uppity." Which word beginning with N usually follows "uppity?"
Clinton endorsements questioned (Hillary caught in another lie) - Dec 05, 2007
Hsu's indictment has Clinton battling perceptions - Dec 05, 2007
Clinton Volunteer Quits Over Obama Email - Dec 05, 2007 Hillary gets dirty
The Clinton Cow in the China Shop, Part 1 - Dec 07, 2007
Friends of Hillary (Alpha Women Remain Elusive) - Dec 08, 2007 women who have struggled to the top by their own efforts resent this "feminist" hypocrite who rode her husband to the top and who wants to tax them heavily
Hillary Clinton wobbles as her backers turn to Barack Obama - Dec 09, 2007
Clinton Accuses Obama of 'Power Lust' - 09/12/07
Clinton, Buffett Denounce Income Gap - 11/12/07 How much is Hillary worth these days?
Clinton Camp Targets Obama's Drug Use - 12/12/07 is there anyone out there who can't see how funny that is?
Hillary Clinton Net Worth $34.9 MILLION - Dec 15, 2007
Bill Clinton clashes with Hillary's advisers - Dec 16, 2007 he said it would now be a "miracle" if she won the key first caucus state of Iowa. But Mrs Clinton denied her White House run was in disarray!
Sick Children Barred From Mrs. Clinton's Hospital Visit (from ten years ago) - Dec 17, 2007 "I've tried for years to find a nurse or administrator to go on record who was there. If anyone can find that person, you will be doing a great service to your country"
Top 10 Reasons Why the Media Want Clinton, Part Deux - Dec 19, 2007
2,600 Pages of Clinton Records Withheld - Dec 19, 2007
Failed Fraudulence - Dec 19, 2007 by Jonah Goldberg of the National Review Online
Clumsy Candidates - Dec 19, 2007 by Noemie Emery of the National Review Online. There is a sense of deja-vu-all-over-again as Bill Clinton’s over-ambitious First Lady replays his vice president’s fate
Video: Hillary’s unintentionally revealing Christmas ad - Dec 19, 2007 and A very Hillary Christmas. The Clintons transcend parody. Some people have absolutely no self awareness
Clinton Acolytes' Racist Attacks - Dec 19, 2007 Her campaign has been clearly playing to the deep seated stereotype that some white people harbor—of Blacks as natural born criminals and drug dealers
Rush to Judgment - Dec 19, 2007 by Maureen Dowd of the New York Times. Back in the ’92 race, Clinton pollsters devised strategies to humanize her and make her seem more warm and maternal. Fifteen years later, her campaign is devising strategies to humanize her and make her seem more warm and maternal. The public still has no idea of what part of her is stage-managed and focus-grouped, and what part is legit. It’s pretty pathetic, at this stage of her career, that she has to wage a major offensive, by helicopter and Web testimonials, to make herself appear warm-blooded
The Clinton Cow in the China Shop, Part 2: The Chinese Revenge - Dec 20, 2007
Hill's brother a deadbeat [Anthony Rodham] - Dec 20, 2007
Guess Who Gave Millions To The Clintons? - Dec 20, 2007 Remember the fit that the potential sale of management rights for American ports to a Dubai company started? What will this UAE donation cause?
Clinton Launches Obama Attack Web Sites - Dec 20, 2007 ABC News has learned that the campaign of Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., has registered the names of two Web sites with the express goal of attacking her chief rival, Sen. Barack Obama
Hillary's Pity-Pot Politics - Dec 20, 2007 Many view Hillary as calculating and cold-hearted
It's All About Hillary - Dec 20, 2007 by Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post. Hillary has been having a difficult time because she is the issue
Hillary Campaign launches Obama attack websites - Dec 21, 2007 so she can't complain about!
The unmasking of Hillary Clinton: Consider the many faces of Hillary - Dec 21, 2007
Tammany Hil (more Hillary Clinton corruption) - Dec 21, 2007 Some of the $500 million in secrets behind the Clinton Foundation and its ties to Hillary's presidential campaign are now revealed. The charity seems to be a clearing house for buying political favors
Halleluiah!... Hillary's Jesus Moment Is Staged... Update: With Video - Dec 21, 2007 Hillary first said, "what? Is the Sunday School teacher here?...", referring to her Sunday School teacher as "the" Sunday School teacher not "my" Sunday School teacher, very weird, very impersonal, very business-like, very pre-arranged sounding. Well, ABC/CNN/NBC/CBS will be all over this... any day now... maybe
When Did Hillary See Martin Luther King? - Dec 23, 2007
Elect me and oil prices instantly drop, says Hillary Clinton in Iowa - Dec 23, 2007
Hillary Clinton's holiday hogwash - Dec 23, 2007
Hillary Had No Role in Irish Peace - Dec 24, 2007
Clinton in panic mode - Dec 24, 2007 Using political surrogates, campaign apparatchiks, and an increasingly indignant former president, the senator's nomination drive has engaged in a level of innuendo remarkable in its sleaziness
Felons among those named to Hillary Clinton's TN steering committee - Dec 24, 2007 it's getting to be a prerequisite
Clinton triangulation comes full circle with Hillary's campaign struggles - Dec 26, 2007 Even committed liberals tell focus groups she's too cold, too calculating
Hillary's Foreign Policy Flub - Dec 27, 2007 the mainstream media stress how well Hillary knew Bhutto and show nice pictures of the two together, but non quotes the flub or remarks on it
Ask me no questions - Dec 28, 2007 Hillary Clinton is taking few chances. She tells crowds that it’s their turn to pick a president, but over the last two days she has not invited them to ask her any questions. When a television reporter approached her after a rally and asked if she was moved by Benazir Bhutto’s assassination, Clinton turned away without answering! Hillary is seen as haughty, arrogant, and ill-tempered. Refusing to answer questions underscores every one of those characteristics, especially when asking for support from voters
Democrats Try to Squelch Report on Clinton-Era Corruption - Dec 28, 2007
Hillary's connection with Mena drug smuggler Dan Lasater (see message # 8) - Dec 29, 2007 As for Lasater, by the mid- 1980s he had become involved in several shaky savings and loans, at least one of which, First American Savings & Loan of Oak Brook, Illinois, had its difficulties with Lasater negotiated by the bank's legal team of Vince Foster, Webster Hubbell, and Hillary Rodham Clinton of Little Rock's Rose Law Firm, much to Lasater's satisfaction. Apparently the thrift was unaware of the relationship its own legal team enjoyed with Lasater. Though the thrift had sought millions, it ended up settling for $200,000
(Hillary) Clinton preaches, then runs (didn't stick around to hear pastor's sermon) - Dec 30, 2007
Clinton dodges Obama's POTUS-credentials query - Dec 30, 2007 Hillary Clinton, who has stressed her experience along the campaign trail, refused to say whether rival Sen. Barack Obama is as qualified as her husband was when he ran for president
(Paul v Clinton) New FEC complaint filed against Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton - Dec 31, 2007 The sleaze continues: Senator Clinton violated the public’s right to know who was giving how much to her campaign when she was directly questioned by the Washington Post regarding Paul’s role in Event 39. Through her spokesman, Howard Wolfson, she used the media to deliberately hide Paul’s contributions from the public by falsely claiming Paul had not given any money to her campaign and that the campaign would not accept any money from him
Chelsea Clinton Snubs 9-Year-Old - Dec 31, 2007 normally I leave Chelsea alone but now it seems she's turning into a junior psycho
New probe urged for Hillary crimes - Jan 01, 2008
How credible is Hillary Clinton on Pakistan? - Jan 01, 2008 er, um, guess!
Hillary, The Geraldo Of National Politics (Update: Hillary Fibbing?) - Jan 01, 2008
Is this the end of the Clintons? - Jan 02, 2008 The case she made was far from compelling – that she’s human (honest) and that she has unrivalled experience. Both propositions are debatable and she was much less compelling than Barack Obama and John Edwards have been in recent days. She seems to have had some kind of speech therapy to create a softy-soft voice that made me long for the grating shrillness of yore
New probe urged for Hillary crimes (FEC "aiding and abetting" in felony) - Jan 02, 2008
Contrast Hillary, Bill and Chelsea - before and during a campaign event - Jan 02, 2008
Why Hillary Lost [Iowa] - Jan 04, 2008 Her attempts to soften her image and shed the popular image of herself as a vindictive, cold, calculating opportunist and remake her image into that of a soft caring human only served to convince much of the public that they are watching a contrived performance
Hillary Plans To Draw Sharper "Contrast" With Obama In Days Ahead - Jan 04, 2008 Hillary: Of all the people running for president, I’ve been the most vetted, the most investigated, and my goodness, the most innocent it turns out
Bill on going negative: media bias made her do it [Get this whopper......] - Jan 04, 2008
Democratic Fundraiser Norman Hsu Sentenced to 3 Years in Calif. Fraud Case - Jan 04, 2008
Clinton aides hint that now things'll get nasty - Jan 04, 2008
Democrats Boo Hillary - Jan 04, 2008 they're waking up
What Hillary never mentions (and others fail to ask....) - Jan 04, 2008 "Hillary was personally responsible and not simply acting feloniously at the behest of Bernie Nussbaum." ... "I came to regard Doar, Nussbaum and Rodham as somewhat less than honorable lawyers, unworthy of either public or private trust." ... "it's completely understandable why Hillary never mentions her work on the Nixon impeachment inquiry. I also think it's quite understandable why she's never asked. (Not that anyone's allowed to ask her about anything these days anyway.)" FR Comments
Clintons’ aging strategy has seen better days - Jan 06, 2008 they’re reduced to using ham-handed fools like Billy Shaheen and Bob Kerrey to peddle half-baked lies about Muslims and cocaine dealing
More Clinton Campaign Corruption - Jan 06, 2008
Katherine Prudhomme-O’Brien: Hillary Is a Traitor to the Ideals of Feminism - Jan 07, 2008
The Rejection of Hillary Clinton - Jan 07, 2008 It is impossible to hide the fact that Hillary is about as likeable as a premenstrual badger that is out of Midol. This fact aside, the media has done its best to show her in the best possible light by ignoring just about every one of her many gaffes
Fired Up and Ready to Bore! (Hillary tanking) - Jan 07, 2008 responses include: "Oh, my!!! This is the WASHINGTON POST, not the WASHINGTON TIMES. She is being mocked by the POST" and "Hillary Clinton personally has all the charsima of a dead skunk"
Brittany, Hillary, and Redemption - Jan 07, 2007 Hillary is as addicted to money and power as Brittany is to her pharmaceuticals of choice. Hillary’s attitude toward donors is, if the body’s warm and the check is good, he’s on the list. Hillary cannot be redeemed
Clinton’s Civil Rights Lesson - Jan 07, 2008 Hillary's campaign starts hinting at Obama assassination
Hillary Clinton’s Messiah Complex - Jan 07, 2008 "Hillary acts as though she has been chosen by God." She has some major delusions
On Deep Background – Hillary’s Campaign Staffers Getting Resumes Out - Jan 07, 2008 At least two major PR/Lobbying firms in DC have received a number of resumes and cover letters from Clinton campaign staffers
Clinton allies may dump millions into anti-Obama group - Jan 08, 2008
Cheap shot from a desperate Clinton - Jan 08, 2008
Clinton: I actually have emotions - Jan 08,2008 No, you don't. What other politician would have to say they had emotions? Hillary is emotional only because she sees her campaign going down in flames. She cares only for herself. Rush is right. She’s leaving this race in a straightjacket.
Clintons in Crisis: It's the lies & fakery, stupid - Jan 09, 2008 It's the media's fault. It's sexism's fault. It's the vast right-wing conspiracy's fault. It took a lifetime of lies, deception, hypocrisy and hardball power grabs before Hillary and Bill's political facades disintegrated
Diebold favors Hillary, hand count for Obama - Jan 09, 2008
2008 New Hampshire State Primary Results: A Closer Look At The Count - Jan 09, 2008 it's all in the pink column!
A history of racial and ethnic slurs: The Foulmouthed & Lying Clintons - Jan 09, 2008 Patterson said Hillary was no stranger to the "N" word either. He heard her say "*igger" "probably six, eight, ten times. Being a pathological liar, Hillary denies & denies & denies. It's sad and depressing that millions of moronic Americans believe her
The woman who made Clinton cry was not persuaded that Clinton's display of emotion had been entirely sincere - Jan 10, 2008 Mrs Young ended up voting for Obama!
How Hillary Clinton made a pact with the devil for political power - Jan 11, 2008 Bill seduced any woman in sight - but let HER run the White House. She paid him back with explosions of foul-mouthed rage. As Hillary fights for power in her own right, a new book The Clintons in the White House reveals the brutal truth about her marriage. Hillary's word was law in the White House. "There is a saying," said one top administration official, "If Mama's not happy, nobody is happy." People were scared of her because they knew she could chop off their testicles if she so chose. You did not cross Hillary." FR Comments
Las Vegas Stop: Clinton pitch hits home - Jan 11, 2008 Hillary repeats a favorite lie: I've inspired lots of people to get involved in these elections who've never been involved before. I feel very proud of the inspiration that I am. Compare this with her remarks to Jay Leno after publication of It Takes a Village (which was actually ghost-written for her by Barbara Feinman Todd): Jay, there are literally millions of people who have never read a printed book. You cannot believe, Jay, how many people I have met who have told me that MY book is the FIRST BOOK they have ever read. That's right, Hillary - we don't believe it
Hillary Clinton Researcher Uncovers Tall Tales - Jan 12, 2008 Kuiper's quote book, I've Always Been a Yankees Fan: Hillary Clinton in Her Own Words, features over 500 provocative quotes carefully collected from 63 books and over 100 articles and news reports. "Hillary Clinton has a long history of telling whoppers. There is not an ounce of authenticity to her public pronouncements." FR Comments
Bill Maher Mercilessly Slams Hillary's Crying Game - Jan 12, 2008 with video
Hillary's "Experience" Lie - Jan 14, 2008
The Case Against Hillary Clinton - Jan 14, 2008 Hillary's main "experience" involved the comprehensive fouling-up of the nation's health-care arrangements. FR Comments
'Conservative' targets Hillary case - Jan 14, 2008 Peter F. Paul's complaint to the Federal Election Commission asks the agency to re-open an investigation into illegal contributions to Sen. Hillary Clinton and to probe alleged continuing violations of the law by the Democratic presidential candidate
The Clintons and History - Jan 14, 2008 "What’s most confounding... is the Clintons’ remarkable capacity to cast themselves as the victims in every fight." ... "Some of my African-American friends are so angry, that they have taken to referring to the Clintons as the KKKlintons."FR Comments
Hillary's MLK Jones - Jan 14, 2008
In case you're wondering what Hillary would do with your basic freedoms: Clinton Allies Suppress the Vote in Nevada - Jan 15, 2008 "This is the Clinton campaign. They tried to disenfranchise students in Iowa. Now they're trying to disenfranchise people here in Nevada." FR Comments
Hillary and MLK - Jan 16, 2008
A blogger writes: "Did I Make Hillary Change Her MLK Story?" - Jan 16, 2008
Going Old South On Obama - Jan 16, 2008 Ma And Pa Clinton Flog Uppity Black Man. "some of the suffragettes that she and her followers hail as feminist pioneers were racists. Some even endorsed the lynching of black men" FR Comments "Clinton’s campaign has been pursuing a fairly obvious strategy of having surrogates attack Obama while the campaign itself denies any involvement"
Judges Restrict Anti-Clinton Movie Ads - Jan 17, 2008 Hillary Censored
The First Look At Hillary Documents - Jan 17, 2008 In a press release from Judicial Watch earlier this evening, they excerpted some explosive passages within the records from Hillary Clinton's task force on revamping the American health-care system, passages which will create some uncomfortable questions for Hillary on the campaign trail. FR Comments
Clinton China link - Jan 18, 2008 Hillary hires some of her sleazy friends. FR Comment "I wonder if the Clintons think no one remembers any of this"
Politicizing the Office? (More On Those Hillary Clinton Documents) - Jan 18, 2008 A mere two weeks after her husband's 1993 inauguration, Hillary was abusing her position, a position she didn't even hold... FR Comments
Fact Checking Hillary's Website - Jan 18, 2008 "She said on Sunday's Meet the Press that she was only 14 when she went to hear Martin Luther King speak in Chicago in April of 1962, but Hillary’s campaign website still features a major speech she made less than a year ago stating it happened in 1963." ... "She said she saw MLK in January of 1963, but the sermon she says she remembers was given in April of 1962. I doubt she was there at all"
Hillary's Oedipal Problem - Jan 18, 2008 The pattern of working with corrupt and criminal figures to achieve radical aims characterized the first two Clinton terms. Whether Hillary knows when she tells the truth by now is doubtful. FR Comments
Hillary Clinton pretends to reveal personal anguish over Lewinsky saga - Jan 18, 2008 I never doubted Bill's love for me, ever, and I never doubted my faith and my commitment to our daughter and our extended familyFR Comments How very touching, except that Hitlery's idea of being "true to herself" meant blaming her cheating husband's situation on the "vast right wing conspiracy"
Good Morning Mrs. President - Gary Aldrich anecdote about Hillary and her health care - Jan 18, 2008 How Hillary deprived her staff of health insurance
The First Lady: A Comprehensive View of Hillary Rodham Clinton (health care task force debacle) - Jan 18, 2008 Hillary was the only First Lady in history to confer with Congress on a crucial domestic policy issue, whereupon she flouted her own "public interest" principles by shrouding her failed project in secrecy
Obama Manager Accuses Clintons of Widespread Dirty Politics (Fraud by Hillary's Campaign) - Jan 19, 2008 There are reports of over 200 separate incidents of trouble at caucus sites, including doors being closed up to thirty minutes early, registration forms running out so people were turned away, and ID being requested and checked in a non-uniform fashion. FR Comments and more FR Comments
How the Rockefellers Created Hillary - Jan 21, 2008 FR Comments
Hillary's Henchmen Neuter Chris Matthews - Jan 21, 2008 Hillary: You know, I don’t know what to do with men who are obsessed with me. (True enough; ask Vince Foster.) FR Comments

Why Primaries Should Be The Standard - Jan 21, 2008 "One voter who hadn’t even finished registering said that she was undecided, and the Hillary operative physically escorted her to the Hillary side" ... "The Hillary operative tried to force the doors to close at 11:30am"

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