Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

As Baltimore burns Barack Obama stays on schedule and that's the problem. People are no longer afraid of the radical Barry Soetoro, and now known as Barack Hussein Obama, clearly indicating his Islamic Muslim Militant leanings he plays with the lives of millions of people but the love of you as an American does not enter his agenda. Barack Obama was voted into office by the people and his power has been removed by the people. Barack Obama is boxed in as a Muslim Extremist and he's fighting the America people,

As Baltimore burns Barack Obama stays on schedule and that's the problem. 

People are no longer afraid of the radical Barry Soetoro, and now known as Barack Hussein Obama, clearly indicating his Islamic Muslim Militant leanings he plays with the lives of millions of people but the love of you as an American does not enter his agenda.  Barack Obama was voted into office by the people and his power has been removed by the people.  Barack Obama is boxed in as a Muslim Extremist and he's fighting the America people, transforming their country, allowing Iran to gain nuclear weapons and trying his best to stop Israel and their people from defending their nation.  Muslims have promised to kill infidels, if you're not a Muslim you will pay a tax or retribution for now bowing down to Muhammad the profit of Allah, this is what Obama believes, not in the U.S. Constitution.

People are now fully aware that Barack Obama is most likely a security risk to the nation as he continues to lie to the American people, abuse the peoples power inside Congress and makes bad deals with people that want to kill Americans. Many Americans are in danger today, maybe you and your family. Learning the history of Islam, Muslim Brotherhood, Allah and Muhammad will allow you to see Barack Obama clearly for the first time.  The Muslim Brotherhood is alive and well inside America, known as CAIR and supported by Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and thousands of others.

President Barack Obama has never loved America, in fact, president Barack Obama has no emotional attachment to America or it's history of freeing millions of people from tyrants and dictators.  Barack Obama has proven to be dishonest and divides which proves he does not love you, or your neighbor or the nation. If all this is true, who does Barack Obama love?  Barack Obama's heart belongs to Allah and Muhammad the prophet.  Barack Obama is cowardly and is ashamed of his love for God or Allah and the prophet Muhammad.  His elective name change proved the point and the hiding of his college years but most importantly his actions.  Barack Obama wants Iran to gain a nuclear weapon and power over Israel, the land of the evil Jews.  The Saudi Arabian Kingdom despises Barack Obama and his fake friendship as they understand that Barack Obama has no honor.  Obama really stands for nothing.  GITMO releases powers up the radicals with new hero's to kill Americans but Obama insist on closing the GITMO prison and doing favors for the Castro brothers of Communist Cuba.  The war is on and Obama stands ready to destroy the entire United States for no good reason at all. The people have rejected Obama.

Israel cannot survive a nuclear strike from Iran.  The United States cannot survive in the middle east without Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and others.  Barack Obama leans to radical solutions covered up with big words and wild promises.  Foreign leaders now understand that Obama is a liar, they know the story about Benghazi, ObamaCare, Fast and Furious, Louis Lerner IRS and all the other scandals. Who would trust Barack Obama?

The White House secret service agent rapped on the door very gently, wanting to wake the president at 3:00 o'clock in the morning.  The presidents diversion yesterday was that Islamic Summit inside the White House so the agent knew the president stayed up late entertaining Sharia Law with his collection of new friends.

Barack Obama is a very distinctive black mark in American history and will go down through the ages as the militant radical extremist socialist that almost destroyed America before American citizens and their U.S. Constitution destroyed him and his legacy.

The White House Security Breach by Islamic Extremists is fiction but you must wonder as the reader, what if? Secret Service and Russian Special Forces fighting it out on the White House lawn, beheading's in Washington D.C., fires started and shots fired.

The Islamic Extremists were killing Christians again but this time the blood didn't flow into the sands of the Barack Obama red line in Syria or Iraq as  the blood soaked into the ground of Washington D.C. the place of liberty and freedom around the world.  Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Bill Clinton, Bill De Blasio, Joe Biden, Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson Sr and others say nothing. 

While the agent was trying wake up the President other agents across the nation were also rapping on doors in the middle of the night. America was attacked, in several places at once as the drunken president watched T.V. from the bedroom in the White House. 

Reporters know whenever you hear ‘look’ or ‘listen’ come out of the president’s mouth, that means he’s no longer answering your question, he’s answering his question.”

Barack Obama is a dangerous fraud as he announced his war plans to the enemy which could cost tens of thousands of lost lives and ISIS ISIL TALIBAN AL-QAEDA to regroup in a different area to save their Islamic Caliphate State of Murder, Raper and Destruction.

The national security of the United States is a play today as Germany has failed NATO and cannot fight, Greece cannot pay back its loans and they will default as China dumps 80 billion dollars in U.S. bonds which will force an international trade war, like in 1930 that will collapse America, American jobs and put every home and family in danger. 

These things are the things that create the times of war. The time of war is again upon the people of the United States and we have the wrong leader in the White House.  The Middle East is in the heart of Obama and not America.

The White House, Barack Obama, has ordered the State Department to issue a travel warning to Israel, of course two weeks before Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel date to speak in front of the entire U.S. Congress, all will attend except the radicals of the DNC that will boycott.

Barack Obama has sent operatives to Israel, the Jewish State, to overthrow the government and destroy the re-election of Netanyahu as Israel understands that Iran plans on a global nuclear war, which Obama will be party to as he has done nothing to stop the Islamic Muslim Extremists develop a nuclear weapon and international delivery system. 

This is the Obama lie that may kill you.

Timidly the White House secret service agent rapped on the presidents bedroom door, perhaps apprehensively but with more force than the first time.  President Obama was now the world's greatest hobbyist as the American people no longer respected his words or deeds to the presidents astonishment.

The Islamic Extremists were killing Christians again but this time the blood didn't flow into the sands of Syria or Iraq the blood soaked into the ground of Washington D.C. the place of liberty and freedom around the world.  While the agent was trying wake up the President other agents across the nation were also rapping on doors in the middle of the night.

Relaxed and mostly asleep Barack Obama opened his bedroom door which was his silent reply to the agents knocking on the locked door.  The agent would never understand the character or lack of character of Barack Obama but as the nation's chief executive he always gave Barack Obama a smile and total respect, it was part of his job as a secret service agent assigned to the White House.

This president, thoroughly, could care less about the United States and his only occupation was acting like a spoiled teenager when he didn't get his way.   Beyond golf and riding around on Air Force One this president always claimed the high ground even if he had to dance around the truth in front of the entire world.

The presidents late night that the press would call needed leisure time had done Barack in as his eyes were puffy and you could tell he had been drinking and smoking too much, just like the activity reports suggested when the agent reported for duty tonight.

ISIS, ISIL, Taliban, Al-Qaeda, AQAP and dozens of other Radical Islamic Muslim Extremists were painting their Sharia Law across the world with blood but leisure time dominated this presidents schedule.  In the last several months, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Jordon, Yemen, Libya and other hot spots around the world moved from private hands of their citizens to the bloody hands of the Jihadist.

The problems inside the United States bear heavily on every honest citizen as unemployment breeds the Barack Obama welfare state and wealth re-distribution.  The terrorists are killing by every way possible but President Obama has reduced 100 million Americans into poverty by his combined failed liberal, progressive, socialist government policies.  The combination of Islamic Terrorism and Economic worries the average family could not forget his daily problems even with ObamaCare, Food Stamps, Free Cell Phones, Subsidized Housing and other government welfare programs.

All the official government reports were lies and cheated the truth like M.I.T. professor Jonathan Gruber did and now made famous by lying and cheating citizens about ObamaCare.

The American people discovered that Brian Williams of NBC  lies and cheats the truth to get the cash and to be a big shot.

People knew the name Lois Lerner, the now retired I.R.S. liar and cheat that targeted the American Tea Party that now wanders around during her retirement paid for by taxpayers.
People now understand that New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio is comfortable with Socialism and Communism and doesn't think much about the NYPD police department but he loves Cuba.

Congressional records clearly indicate that Eric Holder should be held in contempt of Congress, the first attorney general in the United States to be held in contempt.  The Fast and Furious Gun Running by the government has probably killed hundreds of people in Mexico but Eric Holder isn't going to share the entire story with the America citizens or their Congress.

With all this is mind the secret service agent stood silent for a couple of seconds while Barack Obama tried to open his eyes and clear his head from expensive alcohol and tried to speak.

By this time the staircases leading up to the presidents White House bedroom were filled with armed guards and secret service agents.  The agents filled the White House grounds and military security teams were activated within the one hundred mile radius of the White House.

The White House Mansion was now a military fort and graphic reports flowed into the situation room about Militant Islamist Jihadist killing people all across the District of Columbia the home of the United States government.

Despite official reports and documents the American people had been told by Barack Obama that Islam was not the problem as  it was just a few bad apples at the bottom of the barrel.  Many wondered about the size of the barrel as thousands of minority Black and Latino insurgents filled the streets and joined in with the Islamic Extremists and were lighting fires of arson across the country.

The Congressional library was on fire this very moment and the first responders were being fired on with high powered rifles and even pistols from drive by cars.  It was being reported that collections of books were already destroyed and some of the finest paintings in the world were ashes and the fire was growing.

America was under attack this morning, not by planes like 9/11 it would be a ground war by the hands of Islamic Terrorists.

Reports of heroic deeds by the New York City Police Department were coming in to the almost empty situation room and vivid pictures of Americans being beheaded on main streets across the nation.

Even Ferguson Missouri was making the national news again as colored militants and insurgents were busy burning down the local police department and rioting was reported across St. Louis as excited local reporters got in their news vans and hurried out and away from the gun shots and radicals.

The Al-Jazeera network was on top of the news reporting with more vivid shots of riots, shootings and fires as the president knew as Barack's T.V. was on and tuned into Al-Jazeera in his bedroom and his private study.  Barack Obama looked up but did not say a word and opened the door wider to allow the Secret Service agent enough room to enter as if the agent was a most intimate friend.

Authorized persons were standing outside the bedroom as they are not permitted to enter the presidential bedroom at these hours without permission from Barack Obama or Michelle.  Michelle Obama  was also up and covered by her silk pink robe as she hated these late night visits, even though very rare.

The presidents mother-in-law was now walking down the hall and entered her daughter's bedroom and revealed her displeasure about all the men in the halls.  She always had an interesting angle on anything and everything and was mostly just a house pet that enjoys the good life helping supervise the grand children's sun shinny days.  

She also had a bad habit of collecting heads of secret service agents she didn't like and she was on a roll trying to find out who leaked the picture on Twitter of one of the girls.

Barack Obama went into his study and the secret service agent followed and ingeniously remained silent until the president spoke his first words of the day "What is it?"  the president didn't even look up as he returned to his television watching.

The secret service agent was staring straight ahead at the Gordon Grant painting of the ship "Constitution" to avoid staring at the hung over and ragged president at 3:17 on a Friday morning.

"Cottage Burning Sir!"  the agent truly stood at attention because those two words "Cottage Burning" was the code for a complete evacuation of the White House Mansion.
The remarkable group of guards and secret service agents were mostly men of war and they knew a war when they seen one and they were about tired of waiting.

The president raised his left hand and gestured to the agent to stop talking as he was listening to a special report on Al-Jazeera.

The governor of New York was planning on calling out the National Guard in Albany and New York City as the governor and New York City mayor Bill De Blasio were being shown together in their own situation room in some basement filled with computers and advisors in bright red jackets with large white letters printed on their backs "Emergency Response".
The secret service agent waited some more and was now looking at the painting of the war ship "Old Ironsides" which was noted for its victories in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 which was the last time the White House was attacked and set on fire which could happen again in only a few moments.

The DOD Department of Defense, CIA Central Intelligence Agency, FBI Federal Bureau of Investigations, DIA Defense Intelligence Agency, DHS Department of Homeland Security, CBP Customs and Border Patrol, NSA National Security Agency and White House officials were now arriving and leaving the White House at the same time.  The "Cottage Burning" order was out so leadership arriving was removed and the leadership in the Government including Congress, Supreme Court and the White House were ordered and escorted off White House grounds.

Barack Obama's chief of staff entered the presidents bedroom without asking and not one person dared to make him pause.

He sat a presidential executive order on the presidents candy desk in the study and handed Barack a black pen.  There were three copies of this presidential executive order and Barack took the pen and started signing the documents.

It was not appropriate for the secret service agent to try and read the order but tried he did.  The deeply tanned chief of staff was in blue jeans and wore a white t-shirt with Harvard printed on the front in red letters.

Reports were now coming out that the ports on the West coast down around Long Beach and San Pedro were now on fire and SWAT teams were in a fire fight with unknown subjects.
The little steamer Al Sharpton was now showing up on another T.V. set, The  MSNBC network militant radical star Al Sharpton was shouting about the sinking of America and a new beginning and was giving some kind of victorious speech when his voice cracked in excitement.

ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and others were reporting some kind of engagement with Cuba in the Gulf of Mexico with U.S. Naval ships with a promise of more information to follow.

FOX News was the first to report that the radicals from the Gaza Strip was firing hundreds of missiles at Israel.  The secret service agent was sure now that the president was trying to avoid hearing the news even as he watched the pictures on T.V.  FOX also reported that our own Secretary of the Navy was about to go live on T.V. to make some announcement which motivated the president to get out of his chair and stand by the mantelpiece of the fireplace.

The noted Secretary of the Navy showed himself in full camouflaged uniform which the secret service agent knew was a very close friend of president Obama.  The president turned away from the fireplace and was watching FOX news of all things.

The Secretary had just returned a few days ago from a tour of Europe and an inspection of NATO ground forces that were still fighting the Russian bear in the Ukraine.  Putin didn't stop at Crimea and he had sent over 100,000 Russian troops into Ukraine and thousands had been killed and the CIA reported that Moldova and Romania were next on the list.

The Secretary was aboard a Naval war ship and fully camouflaged which made him look a little ominous and threatening.  This man had earned his way up the military chain and now the political chain but was sinking in front of the cameras.  It was reported that he was aboard the U.S.S.  Naval Vessel Roosevelt somewhere in the Persian Gulf area which was considered secret.  A few years ago the Secretary of the Navy was the picture of health but even his deeply tanned skin didn't hide the scars of reporting to the current commander in chief.

Last summer the Islamic States of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Libya and Egypt among others declared Jihad against Israel and the United States and the friends of America.

Last summer Putin of Russia mounted a strenuous campaign against the United States and NATO allies and at the same time the Islamic Radical States declared their Caliphate and Jihad.

Closer to America Fidel Castro died and passed on to hell as the island nation of Cuba slipped back into the hands of Russian economic, military  and political power even as U.S. citizens spent their dollars at the newly constructed hotels and casinos built by capitalism.

Americans could fly from Orlando Florida to Havana Cuba during the summer for $29.00 one way so tens of thousands would travel daily to the island of whores, poker hands and legal drugs under Communism including Congressional leaders and White House staff members.

The Secretary of the Navy; "It has been reported but not verified as of yet that Israel has completed early morning airstrikes against the Islamic State of Iran."  the secretary turned the page of his white briefing book and continued

"Israel rebukes the government of Iran and their killing of Jews and Christians around the world."  the secretary turned the page with a little more energy this time

"It must be confirmed but DOD Department of Defense has determined that Israel most likely used several U.S. made "Amberjack Bombs" and as many know they  can leisurely destroy most capital cities."  the secretary looked up as he turned the page of his statement

"After the last election, our past friend, Netanyahu of Israel, promised that he would never allow Iran to gain nuclear weapons and after months of trying to convince our own leadership took matters into his own hands."  the secretary closed his briefing book and looked straight at the men and women gathered on the deck of the ship. 

He noticed that his grandchildren would be the age of most of the men and women facing him today.

"Our own leadership, navigating the Islamic menace around the world, looking up and down for solutions, trying many assortments of solutions failed to stop the creation of a nuclear weapon in Iran." 

"It saddens me, and many others, that Iran has now deployed several nuclear cruise missiles against the people of Israel, Saudi Arabia and Jordon  and the missiles have caused great destruction."  the secretary took no question and ended his statement "God bless America."

The president returned to his chair and his Chief of Staff reminded him of the "Cottage Burning" order which mandated the evacuation of the White House.
The president slipped deeply into his leather padded chair and pulled out a map of the East coast of America and looked almost happy and cheerful as he pointed to the exact spot where the pilgrims had landed off the ship Mayflower.

The president talking now, to the room, not to anybody in particular, "It seems the Muslim swordfish and killed the American whale."  "The thrilling enthusiasts of the founding fathers and the so called supremacy of Democracy has been smacked down by Allah."  "It was a thrilling race and the front ranks of Israel have been killed."  "Iran will now kill the various celebrities starting with the gay men, will start beheading high government officials here and there, navy officers, military men and rape the women, slaughter the diplomats and their children, and kill every publicists around the world."  "My friend Putin should postmark his last will and testament today as his representatives are already under ground where you want me to go."  The president was not rambling  but seemed to be confused using wordy stories that could fill volumes.

"The Constitution is Scrap as I told you before."  "The general idea of man being free of Allah was silly."  "The variety of your death and the degree of your torture is not known yet but, it won't be much longer now."  "They are no more cares and troubles gentlemen if you only acknowledge Allah as God and lay aside your own Christian hobby."

The secret service agent heard a pistol hammer being pulled back but the first body dropped to the floor in a pool of blood before he could reach his own.  As the first pistol shot grew older a new blast replaced it and then another.

The secret service agent remembering what happened in China when someone tried to kill a White House representative grabbed the president and tossed him down to the floor.

The president was no longer a man he was just a package and it was the agents job to protect him and get him out of harm's way. 

Now automatic weapons were heard firing, sounding like it was from the attic as  the president was grabbed up by several agents now and pulled down the hall to a lower level.

During the last several years the White House grounds had been breached, one intruder making it inside the White House so the president was first to realize this was a real life attack.  The training kicked in as the agents moved the president lower into the mansion and collected him and his family at the secret door to the underground shelter.

In some ancient sense the secret service agent knew he would die that day but, he had to save the president.  Suddenly like a clipper the agent heard the helicopter pounding and landing on the White House lawn, it gave him hope and his resolve surged a thousand percent as his commander ordered them outside to board the helicopter.

The agent knew they had all been lured out when he realized the Marine presidential helicopter was full of Russian special forces and opened fire on the group.

Finally he felt the pain, likely the shot to his chest would kill him and his wife would become a widow in moments.  They had collected the president and he was loaded into the helicopter and occasionally he could see the presidents face screaming but could not hear him.

It had been a busy day that he had sold off to the government for a middle class salary but he had tried and lost.  Fellow agents laid around him, some already dead.

The engagement to kidnap the president lasted no more than three or four minutes, time has passed in some time warp, nothing in real time, almost slow motion.

He saw the Russian special forces toss out the body of a White House official as they left the ground and turned the helicopter away from the battle.  Some U.S. sailor ran to her side as the wind tossed the tree limbs across her broken body.  The ambitions of this president was like a rolling wave breaking in on the rocks at the beach during a storm.

The giant wave broken up into little tiny drops of almost nothing only to be formed again, repeating the cycle, over and over.

I Am Charlie Fiction

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