Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, April 17, 2015

IRS Melissa Harris-Perry MSNBC Imagine Melissa Harris-Perry, Jesse Jackson Jr. and Al Sharpton giving other hard working and tax paying Americans advice on anything about anything while at the same time living their Negro shadow and dishonest life, starting with the IRS bills left unpaid.

Another dressed up Barack Obama supporter Melissa Harris-Perry does not pay her taxes. 

The Internal Revenue Service just placed a $70,000 tax lien against Harris-Perry but really nobody is surprised.  

Often times, the Obama talking heads have nice clothes on credit cards, a do nothing job like MSNBC and just fake their lives for others to see, just like Barack Obama.  

Melissa Harris-Perry the fake girl brain on MSNBC doesn't pay her bills which is a central point to Negro economics.  

Imagine the poor college kids sitting in her class listening to her story and perspectives while building up long term debt to pay for college, while she robs the American people by not paying her taxes.  She says they had personal problems?  They always seem to have personal problems, always. 

Live the style but nothing to back it up.  

Melissa Harris-Perry joins the club of Jesse Jackson Jr. who was just released from prison and Al Sharpton also of MSNBC that owes millions to the American people through the IRS.

Imagine Melissa Harris-Perry, Jesse Jackson Jr. and Al Sharpton giving other hard working and tax paying Americans advice on anything about anything while at the same time living their Negro shadow and dishonest life, starting with the IRS bills left unpaid. 

.Harris-Perry is most famous for her the terrible things she has said about Mitt Romney’s black grandchild, wearing tampon earrings, and telling parents that their children belong to the community.

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