Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Lawyers and Pistols tell the story of Hillary Rodham Clinton and her impeached husband Bill Clinton The Clinton's can make you disappear, it's what they do. The cash and carry Clinton's will pay you off or carry you off, yes they have a list.

Surrounded by lawyers and drawn pistols you cannot get too close to Hillary or the truth about the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation until now. 

What is the Clinton Foundation and who really cares?

Putin cares, he now controls the Uranium around the world.

The White House and Barack Obama is pumping out hard to find facts about the Clinton's to bury them in the media, thus the payback from Barack Obama and his 2008 firefight with the Clinton's.  The Clinton's are a criminal organization just like you would have found in Chicago in the 1920's.  The turf battle is now between the White's and the Black gangs inside Washington D.C., between the Obama's and the Clinton's and its just getting started.

The Chicago Gangsters called her late at night as she stood still in the corner of her office with the lights off and the blinds pulled shut.  They had more cash so they needed another rendezvous before Congress picked up on the crime of accepting millions of foreign dollars, it was the window of opportunity that Hillary had been enjoying for over four years now. 

Her friends in Chicago had volunteered to mule the cash around the world, they had a lot of experience running drugs, cash and guns but after an eye witness placed Hillary at the Saudi embassy with witnesses to the Benghazi Islamic Radical murders of Americans the mob and Hillary was in a hurry.

The friendly Judge promised Hillary that the eye witnesses could be handled overseas and to stop worrying about the Congressional probe, it would die out soon.  The Judge needed one million dollars in cash, by next Tuesday, to pay some friends of Hillary that would make the witnesses of the Benghazi killings long term prisoners of Saudi Arabia without legal objections from the American government.

The one Muslim Brotherhood member already confessed that he had taken part in the Benghazi murders but they were many others as he begged them to stop, please stop the needless torture for more information.

The American friendly Judge had practically everything he needed except for the million dollar suitcase that would be delivered by a lawyer directly to Hillary and then on to the Judge.  Hillary thought this should close the book on Benghazi because they didn't have any emails or her fingerprints on anything important. 

Bill frowned on her moves but he could never give evidence against her, that was always part of her plan.  She controlled Bill and he knew it, he just didn't like it.

When Hillary left the government she had hoped to avoid all the lawyers, police agencies and most importantly juries of American citizens.  Barack had helped but she couldn't force Barack like she could Bill so she worried a lot.

She hung up the phone knowing she was in complete violation of dozens of U.S. laws and even a few constitutional provisions that she always ignored.  The principles of a bigger lie covers a smaller lie was still working but Monica was talking and she would need some financial support.  She felt her blood pressure rise some and her doctors had warned her that her daily use of powerful drugs would only help, she had to attempt to calm down.

Becoming the next President of the United States would require her sitting quietly as powerful men made their deals and moved the cash.  It wasn't good for her blood pressure but the Clinton Foundation was the key to laundering the money, the boys had been right so she had closed the blinds and turned off the lights, sitting quietly as she had been told, her respiration returning to her normal.

The deception would never be complete as she had to build one lie on top of another but the race was on and the supporters were giving hundreds of millions of dollars to the foundation.  With the truth and lies of a ledger sheet hard to discover the money was moving the votes, the people were being paid, favors promised and Bill wasn't directly called out yet about his teenager whores.

The Clinton Machine had their Super PAC's and they would not be denied and the first tests indicated the media was going to play along again.  The American people had swallowed Fast and Furious, Millions of Illegal Aliens, Iranian Nuclear Weapons, V.A. Veterans Administration Waiting Lists, Destruction of Israel and even Benghazi as even Bill's and Barack's lying about everything held firm.

She turned around and turned on her desk lamp, the third degree pain was easing so she tempted a smile and stared at the poll charts.  She drew out a piece of paper from her desk drawer and amusing herself wrote a note to Barack and addressed the white envelope to the special White House address, assuring it would be delivered directly to the President;


"Bill has been talking about suicide" she wrote.  "My valuable little canary is almost done, so how about Michelle for Vice President?"  "If my canary is found dead in the house the entire estate is mine."  Hillary paused for a moment wondering how much better her life would be without....

There would be no bullets she knew, nothing like St. Valentine's day massacre, empty shells and blood all over the house... Hillary was painting the scene in her mind and made sure the two guns in the house were always loaded....

Maybe Chicago was right she thought, maybe some simple traffic accident in a Secret Service car overseas that could be just another trivial car accident.

Hillary's mind snapped back to attention, like breaking out of some deep evil place she smiled committed to the presidential run.  Her shaded room and done the trick as she opened the left side desk drawer and pulled out the stolen jewelry she had decided to keep and hide from her husband.  She would have the boys place the stolen jewelry in Bill's pocket when the day came, or maybe at night would be better but she admitted to herself it was a great plan.

They would investigate, the jewelry, the shot and that noise downstairs she had planned for the investigators.  She would say that her computer server warning alarm had sounded and then the pistol shot was heard, murder she wrote.

Even the murder weapon, that old pistol was stolen during a robbery down south when they were in the Governor's Mansion, he had forgot all about it.

She started to become breathless again, even the thought of her plan got her excited when the phone rang again.  She noticed that it was three o:clock in the morning, wasn't that a bitch she thought, just like t.v.

Her Secret Service staff was reporting that Bill was sneaking through the flower beds along the west fence again, she knew it was just another late night date with the neighbor next door.

Maybe she would rethink the plan, maybe the women next door kills him?

Police lieutenants and detectives were easily paid off and state attorneys always wanted more and more. 

Maybe a burglar's jimmy mark on some door or window could add to the mystery but for now she had to pack a few things because Scooby would pick her up at eight in the morning, just a few hours from now.

She looked in the mirror at her life-like breasts and wondered if her pal would appreciate their firmness, they were perfectly made and surely she would like them as much as Hillary did as she slipped her hand further down than normal.

She slipped down her trousers and panties and decided to take some private time, and solve that other baffling mystery that lives inside her body. 

Seldom was sex satisfactory to Hillary but those feelings mixing in her brain was proportion to her fingers circulating at the perfect spot.  She felt her blood stream surge as she leaned back in her leather office chair and at the exact right time, she begged herself for more.

I Am Charlie Fiction

The Clinton Foundation, Criminal Organization, only spends 6 pennies out of every dollar grabbed for charity.  They will approach one billion dollars gathered very soon from some of the worst players on planet earth and these donors want their paid for influence.  How do you think North Korea went nuclear?  The Clinton's.  How did Russia's Putin put the arm on Uranium around the world?  The Clinton's.  The Iranian nuclear bomb that explodes over Israel will be powered by uranium supplied by Russia and by the Clinton's.  When a dirty bomb explodes in America, remember the Clinton's and their Foundation and people like George Soro's and Barack Obama.

The 94 cents left over goes to Hillary and Bill for enjoying the world on their terms.  Bill flies around with billionaires and naked cheer leading teenagers but the news media doesn't have time to offer you up the story.  Bill has a black son in South America somewhere who's black mother was given a case full of cash and an airplane ticket, never to be reported by the national media.  The Clinton's can make you disappear, it's what they do.  The cash and carry Clinton's will pay you off or carry you off, yes they have a list. 

The Clinton Foundation, an organized funnel for bribes has gathered hundreds of millions of dollars to use as bribes to influence further Clinton expansion.  Bill, the impeached president used his office to sell influence around the world, thus a nuclear North Korea and chasing naked girls with cigars around the oval office.  A proven and dedicated liar Bill Clinton wants the power back. 

Why would two old white people want to be in the White House?  

His corrupt and criminal activities have been grafted to Hillary Clinton as she does the same things to gather power and influence.  

The Lesbian Hillary Clinton is unknown to the public and her Muslim Brotherhood sister sharing intimate moments can never be reported on.  Clinton girls are paid by corruption from taxpayer funds and foundation funds.  

The Clinton Foundation is a giant cash and carry organization.  

Hillary can burn up her email server and not loose any sleep because she has more power, called cash.  A suitcase full of cash can remove a Bill Clinton Negro girlfriend, lawyers are cheaper, Congressmen are almost free of charge. 

 in general and her true history has always been buried by lawyers and pistols but the truth is leaking like a fire hose today. 

Insiders clearly state that Hillary Rodham Clinton has had two individual strokes that has caused her considerable harm as she tries to hide her medical records from the public. 

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