Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Hillary Rodham Clinton Historical Record Guarded Secrets The Clinton Mobster have a history that the main stream media will not research or report. Read the History of the Clintons American Women

The Clinton Body Count

There are several websites currently displaying the list of those who knew too much about the Clintons for their own good:
Arkansas Sudden Death Syndrome A number of persons associated with WJ Clinton or Arkansas politics have died of unnatural causes or suddenly under circumstances that have raised questions
The Clinton Body Count part 1
The Clinton Body Count part 2
"Arkancides" and other Mysterious Deaths
The Clinton book companion - Jun 23, 2004 A is for Arkancide, or as I like to call it, S.A.D.S.: Sudden Arkansas Death Syndrome. The dozens of mysterious deaths, suicides and really, really bad luck that some associate with those who ran afoul of the man from Hope Body Count
WorldNetDaily: The Clinton 'body count'
Clinton-Witness Life Expectancy Hits All-Time Low - May 23, 2001
Arkansas Connections
The Clinton Body count, Arkancide. An interesting list with links to associates of the Clintons
Downside Legacy Archives
The Boys on the Tracks, Part I: More Unsolved Murders in Arkansas? - Jul 29, 1998
Clinton Body Count
The Clinton Body Count
The Clinton Body Count
The Clinton Body Count a partial list of people with connections to the Clintons who have died under suspicious circumstances
Who's Killing Clintons Enemies? "Many people have died who attempted to expose Clinton or just knew to much about him....Such as Parks and Mahoney and former body guards." ... "Who needs convincing when the facts are all there?" ... "Where's today's Woodward & Bernstein in the media looking into this stuff?"
The Clinton Body Bags
Clinton's Hit List Can somebody kindly explain these "coincidences" . . . ?
The Clinton Body Count
The Clinton Body Count The long list of people associated with Bill Clinton who have ended up dead
90 suspicious deaths of individuals close to Bill Clinton, 81 while President A trail of death
Partial list of deaths of persons connected to Bill Clinton Read the list and judge for yourself, but ignore the Barbara Olson entry; the Clintons were not behind 911
Review of The Secret Life of Bill Clinton The last section is about the Dixie mafia and drug smuggling in Arkansas, and how various people who knew too much about Bill Clinton's friends ended up dead. If you ever wondered whether Arkansas is just another banana republic, you'll have no more doubts after reading this book
Obstruction of Justice on VHS. The amazing story of drugs, murders, and betrayal by Arkansas government officials
The Clinton Hit List
Prevent Truth Decay: The Clinton Body Count
Clinton Scandals Body Count - A Darkness Across The Land
Clinton's Kiss of Death "There is less evidence against 90% of the people on death row than these troopers have brought forth relative to Bill Clinton and his activities"
Clinton Casualties A "Casualty" is defined as anyone threatened with harm or actually harmed because of their knowledge of and/or involvement in one or more of the Clinton Scandals
Update to Clinton's body count...
Is The President A Psychopath? - Mar 01, 1999
Political Dysfunction A Call to Action
links to victims of Arkancides
Clinton's Legacy by Dr. William Pierce Bill Clinton is what the psychiatrists call a constitutional psychopath, or a sociopath. He is not only amoral, but he also lacks the judgment and self-control necessary to conform his behavior to reasonable norms
Is The President A Psychopath? By Edward Zehr according to liberals, women NEVER lie about rape - unless the "alleged" rapist is Bill Clinton
How Clean are the Clintons? You decide - May 11, 2007
Hitchens: Clinton could sell out Blair - Jun 03, 1999 After years of Clinton-watching, The British-born journalist is convinced that the most powerful man in the world is incapable of grasping the concept of morality as anything more than an easily-dispensable slogan. He killed 2000 children in the Sudan to draw attention away from Monicagate
CJ Barr: Toward a Unified Theory of Clinton - Mar, 1999 Clinton's conscience problem is that he has absolutely no conscience at all. Clinton is what I will call an adaptive psychopath, borrowing the term from "Manufacturing Social Distress," by Robert Reiber of CUNY. There is a clear match between the hidden life of William Jefferson Clinton, as we are beginning now to glimpse it, and this description of psychopathy
Clinton family connections seem suspiciously fatal - Oct 18, 2007 46 people, with connections to Bill and Hillary, have died under, what I would classify as, very suspicious circumstances. Yet, it seems that no investigations have been launched to determine exactly what happened in these instances
Bill Clinton Murders

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