Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Iran Nuclear Bomb, John Kerry, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama kept playing with their old pawns, rooks and bishops and when all the pieces fit the way Obama wanted Putin showed them the new piece on the board, the king Barack Obama, didn't have any moves, in the corner, out of time, no cavalry to the rescue, Iran goes nuclear, Israel is dead,

Israel tried to warn the Average America, 

the Russian bastards invented the game, way before the radical Barack Obama was born and he missed his chance to learn double chess as he just lost the nuclear bomb double chess match with Iran because he's just too smart to learn.  The radical progressive Obama met a communist and Putin kicked his ass using Iran and Syria as pawns. 

Barack Obama has fully agreed to a nuclear bomb deal with Iran, the Islamic Muslim Extremists or Iranians plan to kill all the Jews in Israel, and will most like slaughter and murder all the gays by tossing them or burying them alive.  

John Kerry got the deal Barack Obama wanted which means Iran will have a nuclear bomb and North Korea will give them the delivery system.  What you need to watch now is what the DNC Democratic Progressive Socialist Party must say out loud, if they support the bad deal, Congress is lost and so is the nation.  If the Democratic Party won't stand up for America than another civil war will bubble to the surface, don't you think?

The national networks, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN will cover the gay news but nothing about the gay killing Iranians and nuclear weapons.  Obama most likely just killed a million gays across the middle east in the next decade.  Gays will be hunted and slaughtered and the gay red line will be marked by blood. 

The Russian game was to use Syria and Iran to force the ill educated President Barack Obama into a political corner with no escape.  

Syria had crossed the Obama fake red line and Obama held back.  Islamic Radicals killed Americans in Benghazi, Clinton and Obama held back, afraid of losing their power that they don't even understand.  The phone kept ringing at 3 a.m. but the cowards never answered the call.  

The rules were written years ago and the strategy has always worked.  Use your pawns and force the other guy to make dumb moves, wasting time and mental power playing one dimensional chess.  Iran is full blast now.  Obama has approved.  It will end with another War and the history books will mark the page about Barack Obama as the modern coward that held back, sending thousands to their death, trying to correct his mistake. 

Barack Obama discovered today that he's the dumbest man in the room and others know that his appearance and words are just for show, much like a circus clown.

The Russians jumped into Syria which forced Barack Obama to pull back and they just did the same thing in Iran.  Iran knew that Obama was a boy that wouldn't jump let alone play a full court game with Syria, Iran and Russia.  

Putin understands that present day warfare means only the big boys can play and Obama is a boy. Obama doesn't even know the rules, they are none. 

John Kerry, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama kept playing with their old pawns, rooks and bishops and when all the pieces fit the way Obama wanted Putin showed them the new piece on the board, the king Barack Obama, didn't have any moves, in the corner, out of time, no cavalry to the rescue, Iran goes nuclear, Israel is dead, 

Barack Obama just gave Iran the Nuclear Bomb so any active forces in the middle-east will be a waste of time because Obama gave them the ending and also the ending to Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and many other places.


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