Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Donald Trump is not trembling - Trump free and happy - American citizens are listening - The butchers in Washington D.C. want Trump cut up in pieces so they're pushing the media away from the real stuff, another distraction.

The main stream media is stunned, almost to silence.  Donald Trump, again, move up in the national presidential polls and ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and the New York Times have tried everything to stop his popularity. 

If you're tired of the stone collections (pet rocks) in Washington D.C. it's o.k. to be brave and help Donald Trump.  

The translation of the Donald Trump for President polls is making their hearts beat faster because the reality is coming to the surface.  The American voter, the honest citizen, is tired of the cheaters, liars and political b.s. that surrounds them.

Sure, McCain is a hero that took advantage of everything for everything.  Sure, he was doing his job killing the little Vietnam bastards when they got a lucky hit and sent him to the ground.  

They tortured him knowing it would torture us.  It was war and the little Communist bastards had an American fly boy with some rank.  

Now several of your shirts are made by the Communist nation of Vietnam, replacing those high priced Communist Chinese slaves that stole your credit card information. 

But, you cannot talk about McCain.  You cannot remember his b.s. during the savings and loan scandals that almost collapsed the u.s. banking/savings and loan industry.  

You cannot ever speak the total truth that McCain took advantage of his hero status and went to Washington.  

You cannot speak about McCain really supported illegal immigrants/aliens just by changing a few words.  

The truth hurts when you realize that McCain was the wrong guy for president.  

Learn about his campaign.  Learn about his ignorance.  Learn about his big dollar supporters and watch his friends.

McCain always says the right things, but does the wrong things.  You can completely disregard McCain as he is scattered and pure Washington. 

Donald Trump is speaking the truth about everything on his mind.  He is speaking to the American people that want Obama on a boat to Africa, where he came from.  Americans still want his college records and writings.  They still want to know about the Chicago gangster friends.  They want to know what Black Negro's hate America so don't sell the old story of slavery, you've never known a slave.  What about the millions of illegal aliens or maybe the Iran Nuclear bomb deal for Islamic Jihadists in Iran?

Barack Obama is a madman.

Donald Trump is waking up America, ding dong, are you there?

Obama had your constitution for lunch and your next.

The government is now the monster.

Trump is trying his best to save us.

Listen to him.

Understand that the media is trying to bury him.

The butchers in Washington D.C. want Trump cut up in pieces so they're pushing the media away from the real stuff, another distraction.


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