Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Hillary Rodham Clinton Shrewd Breathless Suffering Lying Cheating Bandit Hillary Clinton admires Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood that wanted to exterminate the Negro. Hillary Clinton admires Sal Alinsky that wanted to exterminate the government. Hillary Clinton wants to exterminate the White middle class. Who's left? The Clinton's.

Hillary Clinton repeated the same phrase twice during her speech, as it was the teleprompter again they left her audience hungry.

Her pale eyes gave off the color of insincerity and people could almost tell she was lying again. She was far from slender like when she was young but she had become a lot more shrewd even though a lot of people said she washed out years ago.

Her faded eyes glanced back and forth as her script flashed on the teleprompter screen which was over-extending her at the moment.  She never liked teleprompters as they threatened her sanity every time she gave a big speech.

Her husband standing next to her was almost priest like the last few years as he stood there in his x-president costume looking the part of a statesman.

Every speech started out with a little breathlessness but the little coughing fit she was having now made her seem awkward and her public image was suffering enough without fainting on stage.

Her one child was sitting on stage with her seducer short dress showing long white privileged legs but that look of a loving daughter as her mother offered up her canned speech.  She had a strong friendship with her mother but she also knew that her mother was in her twilight and would probably lose the presidential race.

Her father had too many strange stories that turned out to be true from young girls giving him oral sex in the White House to people being colored gone. Her father had been bedding down every woman he could find under a street-lamp for decades and his health was flickering now and lots of blood pressure alerts slowed him down.

Her daughter thought, who in hell would vote for such a troubled family and let them stay rent free in the White House again?

Stepping back the Clinton's have everything but you shouldn't look too close as the entire Clinton Legacy is teetering and their exceptional lives might end poorly.

All my friends told me to write down my experiences as I'm just about the only one that might outlast the Clinton Gang.  The unmanageable bandit that most people know as Hillary Rodham Clinton has used all her vibrating female charm so the public is left with her coarse voice, painted face and a patchwork of bad deals and lies that are the deepest of secrets.

The squabbling of the Clinton Gang is famous but the real clanging is only known by a few people and those secrets, those rotting secrets are starting to smell so our little bandit will go into her famous slash and burn mode, destroying everything.

So it's half dark right now and I'm on my fishing boat playing a brand new game with Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton.  Some say a visitor will show up at the dock some night and it will be the end of me.  

Once I admired certain qualities of Bill but his antics with soft skinned young girls marked the end.  Bill and Hillary's unnatural close relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood kind of takes the cake.  Their stupid child Chelsea, ceremoniously is slightly vexed by the D.N.A. of both her parents and has a total indifference to other people and finds the middle class ugly and useless.

So, during the day I keep still and stay inside.  Last month I was almost sure that a guy throwing stones in the water had a pistol tucked in his pants and he stayed around a little too long.  I have my own pistol tucked under my cot and the teak wood hatch door has a sturdy lock.

Now it's getting late so before you bounce off this page bookmark it so you can find me again.  I want you to imagine that I've known the Clinton's for at least 30 years and I have stood opposite of them as they plotted and planned.  With a concentration that you cannot believe the Clinton's have more internal furious energy than any couple in the world.  

Their hands grip power and the more power they have the stronger the grip.

The dark clouds are over the Clinton's today but it's not the true storm that will tear them apart. 

Hillary Clinton admires Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood that wanted to exterminate the Negro. 

Hillary Clinton admires Sal Alinsky that wanted to exterminate the government. 

Hillary Clinton wants to exterminate the White middle class.

Who's left? 

The Clinton's.

I started to watch them in secret years ago and keeping notes.

At the end of July a few years ago I discovered that they had been watching me.

Proud and unhurried I packed up and got out of town.

Now that it's raining the noise of the rain keeps me relaxed and the most important part of my life is happening now, marked by the beginning of this book.

I'm not innocent or forgetful.

Each day meetings were held.

Every morning supporters with cash showed up.

Lawyers came with scribes.
I was the scribe.

The Clinton Foundation, The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation is a place where the Clinton's barter with dealers and traders for so-called donations.

I have helped pile up money on the table-top.

I have hidden guns in pots, pans and flower pots.

I have hired runners to warn us of the police.

I have heard the banging of the tin cups against the bars of a prison cell.

Often times I look down and see a blank piece of paper as I try and write the story but I can sense their lurching outside.  I hear footsteps in the middle of the night and the delivery man looks different.

This is my story creaking into your head.

Hold on, a man on a bicycle is on the dock.

The sea-sounds didn't hide his noise.

I'll write soon.



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