Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, July 27, 2015

Obama Exposes Slavery to African Muslim Slave Sellers - The peculiar Truth of Barack Obama Hillary Clinton and the Negro's in America Africa and other Dark Night Places

Seemingly Dangerous Barack Obama is trying his best to hold on to power even though Americans voted him gone during the last election.  Barack Obama can be dangerous because he's a radical progressive Negro but he's more embarrassing.  

Barack Obama is not the master and Hillary Clinton has lingered around way too long and has no value.  The wretched lot, the middle class, has found a new champion by the name of Donald Trump, and he has a few billion reasons to follow him.  You cannot bribe Donald Trump, he knows how to read, faster than the Chinese Communist Menace, he's smarter than the Mexican Illegal Wetbacks and he knows that the main stream media, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, the New York Times has no power left and they have no right to speak to the American people. 

Barack Obama is putting his best face forward playing the Kenyan that raped American taxpayers and is very willing to share the loot, always the community organizer.  Obama continues to use the bitter experience of world slavery to exploit more and more minorities of color.  

Obama and Hillary Clinton degrade the U.S. government and their peculiarities of lying, cheating and stealing gives them no rights. 94 million people are out of the workforce, 46 million people on food stamps and over 21 million illegal aliens are holding jobs and Islamic Jihad rages around the world, banks are still too big to fail, stock market bubble about to burst, no answers for Benghazi, Ukraine is lost, hiding Hillary's crimes and computer servers, Planned Parenthood abortions, and of course Bill Clinton is chasing skirts while people read about Bill Cosby and his life long crime wave, right?

God will tolerate Barack Obama but God will never sanction his lying, cheating and stealing and using ignorant human chattels for political gain.  

Barack Obama does many things unlawful but now his actions are unsafe to America.  Russia is on the move, China markets are in full collapse and Islamic Jihadist armies are killing by the tens of thousands.  Obama has decided to be Master because being the President forced him to deal with the people that gave him the power.  If you do not obey the child master Obama you will be worked to death to pay your taxes. 

Barack Obama talks and harps about American slavery in the place where the Negro sold the Negro to the White Man.  Most of us know that slaves were not taught to read and strongly encouraged to embrace the Christian religion offering some kind of centralized control over all the Negro's.  Even Sanger knew that the preacher could help round up the Negro's and make them behave as she plotting and planned to kill them off and remove them.  

Sanger's brainchild Planned Parenthood still lives on today and is supported fully by Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama so the oppressed Negro can be exploited for their votes and their numbers (population) decreased by publicly funded executions called abortion. 

Of course Barack Obama wan't born to a slave woman and he's never met a slave but he allows the thugs and gangster in Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and other places continue their robbing, burning, murdering as their Negro regiments carry guns, sell drugs, run whores and destroy property.

Ignorance and inexperience are the hall marks of Barack Obama and his incredibly dumb actions around the world prove the point.


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