Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Vladimir Putin always had a plan, Barack Obama sent Hillary Rodham Clinton to enjoy the excellent meal after abruptly changing his travel plans due to riots in the United States by Negro Islamic Jihadists.

It was just another party until the Secretary of State of the United States walked through the door and the cruel old colonial nightmares filled the room.  She was too short and too old to be that powerful but people recognized Hillary Rodham Clinton from the cesspit of America.  

Hillary Rodham Clinton was to have dinner behind closed doors in the old Moscow office and Putin had planned for it to be her last supper in Russia.

The Russian special forces soldiers surrounded the building and numbered in the hundreds.  Barack Obama was to be the original guest of Vladimir Putin but suddenly he had changed plans and would not be attending the dinner.  

Barack Obama sent Hillary Rodham Clinton to enjoy the excellent meal after abruptly changing his travel plans due to riots in the United States by Negro Islamic Jihadists.

Top Secret technology supplied by China allowed Communist Russia to spy on the United States and even into the White House.  The hackers had revealed that the United States was running weapons, ammunition and supplies through Libya so the Islamic Jihadists were ordered to raid the embassy in Benghazi and kill every American found. 

Russia was not about to let Barack Obama's America destroy all their secret work in the middle east.  Vladimir Putin had told Barack Obama if he pushed too hard in Syria he could expect military movements in Ukraine and he had kept his promise.  

This dinner was to put Obama and Clinton on notice for the last time, Iran was to be allowed a nuclear program or there would be trouble.  The Iranian nuclear deal had to be made or Obama and Clinton would pay a terrible price, one they couldn't afford. 

This extraordinary dinner had been planned for months but the drama was only beginning.  The President of the United States, per the planning, was to be kidnapped and held deep inside a neutral country and everything was set and the Islamic Radicals of ISIS ISIL would carry the blame.

The Benedict Arnold of America, Hillary Rodham Clinton, would have to do as she was now the rat that would be crushed by the Russian trap.  

Vladimir Putin had enough on the Clinton's to bury them and the spine-chilling truth about the Clinton's were to be used against them and the American people, one little story at a time.  Putin and his General Fedotov would release secret Snowden files every month or so and watch the Americans play hide and seek. 

The Soviet Russian General Fedotov greeted the Secretary of State of the United States Hillary Rodham Clinton as her Secret Service wooden soldiers spent valuable time admiring the wonderful Russian woman dressed like Hollywood movie stars.

General Fedotov was the top General but no American really knew a lot about the pudgy ranking official except he was in charge of the Secret Police inside Russia.

There would be little diplomacy tonight as the Russian guards gently pulled their pistols and moved to block American agents from entering the office building.

Shots were fired,

With wolf like jumps the Russians moved as ....



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