Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, July 30, 2015

This next election is the last battle. Government has raided everything. Refuse to recognize Hillary Clinton and her evil intentions. Empire above Liberty, Political Oppression and War, Elite Power and the Constitution,

Hillary Rodham grew up in a shantytown and we all know that her lesbian life-style and Muslim leanings didn't come from any Betty Crocker mother or women friends.  If you have noticed Hillary Rodham Clinton is always starting over, always on the road trying to convince people that her cleverness is smartness but most all of us know different.

The down and dirty is that Hillary Rodham Clinton is a clever liar and cheat with little else to offer the poor bastard that married her or your family.  Hillary wants to interpose his progressive socialist thoughts on your family as she feels that the elite ruling class always knows best.

It's past time that American's become indignant as illegal aliens run wild, major cities burn down, black on black crime, no jobs, international threats, government spending and welfare programs bring about our total destruction.

Without the intervention of the Civil War you could just imagine Hillary Clinton standing on the front porch of her plantation mansion yelling at her worthless slave pets.  She would be right in the middle of the cotton-trade but she would be the first importer of Muslim cotton from Egypt. 

Most American's are unwilling and some are afraid but Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and many others are on a collision course with the American people. There will be a very strong intervention by the honest American citizen and the slave breeding crowd known as the DNC Democratic Socialist Progressive Party and their illegal impulses are about to hit a brick wall, by the name of Donald Trump.

As you struggle her indifference is startling and her stance on most things is purely based on lying to women, young people, minorities both Negro and Latino and radical groups that object to the government that feeds them.

The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation (The Clinton Foundation) proves that Hillary Clinton is indeed popular with American Haters, Muslim Brotherhood Supporters and other evil empire groups around the world.  There is no great rush to her public meetings as they are all staged and the weak national media is made weaker by keeping them at a distance.

The more you know about Hillary Clinton the more you worry about her supporters and the future of the United States and its Constitution.  You could truly consider Hillary and Bill Clinton the modern Confederates that want a new country and they want to be the next rulers replacing the now infamous Barack Obama.

The ravenous wolves of the Democratic party has no mercy and have actually been caught selling dead baby human body parts through Planned Parenthood for cash money.

They are now millions, tens of millions of people that are arrayed against the Clinton political machine and RICO charges are pending.  Hillary has no intentions to respect and obey the spirit of the laws and release her secret computer email servers to Congress, it would reveal her vindictive nature and her harm to the country.

With some warlike purpose she is running for the office of the President but she is not wise or prudent in timing or character.  She is dishonest.  She is inconsistent with the laws of the land starting with your U.S. Constitution. 

She has brought no manufactures back to America. She has plunged the United States into a cash making reset with the Soviet Union (Russia) and tens of thousands are dead.

She has offered no quality jobs through the free enterprise system known as commerce but she has gathered two billion dollars from the enemies of America.  She allows the death of Americans and then refuses to answer questions about Benghazi and one thing is positive she cannot keep up with her whore monger husband, impeached President Bill Clinton.

She does offer socialistic maintenance for families with taxpayer supported welfare if you're black or brown as the military falls apart and ISIS ISIL Muslim Brotherhood expands their death march.  She plans to follow old man river Barack Obama down into the swamps and use the minority groups to strangle off America.  Hillary Clinton thinks she is the one woman band of a new Woman's Bureau while at the same time minority Negro babies are being murdered by Planned Parenthood and their human body parts are sold for profits.

Hillary Clinton knows that poor people don't like being poor so she offers them some instant success by stealing cash from working people for re-distribution.

During her many years running around with Bill Clinton they waved the Confederate Flag to raise money but now she waives the black flag behind closed doors.  She has trampled every field of liberty and freedom and she has no real power yet.  Unbearable in voice she won't stop talking about the bright future of a Clinton as ruler over America.

Hillary Rodham Clinton belongs in the slammer and her husband should have been incarcerated years ago for his crimes against women and America.

The Clinton's pillaged America and took the loot back to one of their many plantation mansions as Baltimore, Philadelphia, Detroit, Los Angeles and Chicago fill their corn-cribs with the body's of Negros.

Now, the Constitution is simply a charred remain of the original document as the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court, the sentinels of guaranteed freedom, sold out every American and the economy and culture lay in ashes.

The poor Negro wants to put a noose around the White Man's neck and take their stolen guns and shoot up law and order. 

In some dark room, the Hillary Clinton campaign plans of a few little patches but the destruction of America is at hand.

Hillary thinks you should be in total obedience to government when it should be the other way around.  You are the government, not the Clinton's or Obama Thug Gang.

You are not the servant of government.  You are being placed in slave pen cells by regulations, government spending, welfare, big media, big government, big unions, big business and  higher taxes and the taking away of your rights under the Constitution.

You have been trampled down by government.

You will soon be a carcass on the road, as the elite pass you by driving to their mansions.

This next election is the last battle.

Government has raided everything.

Refuse to recognize Hillary Clinton and her evil intentions. 

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