Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

El Chapo Mexican Lord Barack Obama Iran Bomb Donald Trump Secret Service Agents Hillary Rodham Clinton The Foundation The Kingdom of Blood, Washington D.C. offers guns to the drug Cartels in Mexico and the scandal was called Fast and Furious staining Eric Holder and Barack Obama as provocative dripping socialists being held in contempt by the American people.

The Kingdom of Blood, Washington D.C. offers guns to the drug Cartels in Mexico and the scandal was called Fast and Furious staining Eric Holder and Barack Obama as provocative dripping socialists being held in contempt by the American people.  

The night in America got darker last night, Obama released over 40 federal prisoners, convicted drug dealers are now again walking the streets.  Mexican drug lord El Chapo Guzman dug a hole and broke out of a Mexican prison.  

Negro's are now raiding private property and tearing down Confederate flags.  Iran has their Obama approved nuclear program.   

As American crumbles and Obama's soiled laundry becomes public we find a barrel of socialist and communist maggots inside the White House and other maggots trying to get inside.

Hillary Rodham Clinton gave a speech yesterday claiming an all out communist movement if she becomes president.  Her eyes were like boiled eggs as she read her words and nothing was coming from her heart.  

She will squeeze the rich and promise the poor as she sits inside one of her mansions, hiding billions of dollars inside the Clinton Foundation, the private Cartel of her own with Bill Clinton, the impeached President, most likely playing poker with pornographic playing cards flying to some island.

You have given Mexico hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to stop the drugs but the borders remain open per the lord of America, Barack Obama.  

Now El Chapo has threatened Donald Trump and El Chapo has killers inside America hiding in urban city drug gangs and Donald Trump needs federal Secret Service protection before tonight.

They will move through unmarked paths throughout the night and they will ambush the vulnerable so lock your door and turn on the lights.

Obama has a hand full of matches so there is no telling where he'll strike at the heart of America next.

You can almost hear the tinkling of empty rifle cartridges hit the pavement so take no chances because the government is plundering everything, 


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