Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, July 16, 2015

In the future, you will be made to kneel before the government and young women will be made to strip and suck on the community leaders Obama Clinton New World Order - In the future, you will be made to kneel before the government and young women will be made to strip and suck on the community leaders like in China, Syria, Russia, Yemen, North Korea, Iran, Iraq

Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton have made very serious offences against the U.S. Constitution and the People of the United States.  The Iran Nuclear Plan and Plot is just the latest but you are in danger. 

Like a brand new corkscrew Obama keeps digging into the society of law abiding Americans and breaking every rule of the land.  He trades killers for traitors.  Allows Iran a pathway to nuclear bombs but he's silent on illegal aliens killing Americans and hiding in the shadows of Sanctuary Cities like San Francisco and Baltimore. The DHS big shot doesn't even know the name Steinle, the woman murdered by the illegal alien.

He lets people run wild like Lois Lerner of the IRS and Jonathan Gruber teach Congress, the representatives of the people, how to lie about ObamaCare to their voters back home.  You can see the liars talking now about the Iran nuclear deal.  Same crowd. 

It seems that Barack Obama is the terrible weapon used by the Muslim Brotherhood against the American people as the borders are open and the fuses are hot.

We have a very extraordinary Constitution that guarantees your rights and property but the Republican GOP Congress is afraid of the African's skin color it seems.  You cannot say anything bad about the bad president because he's a Negro.

The White Privilege Middle Class has been beaten down as their representatives in Congress grow rich and afraid at the same time.  The media ABC CBS NBC MSNBC CNN is thirsty for money so doesn't report the true findings about the Obama administration.

Even now, you can imagine the groaning and quivering young black girl inside a Planned Parenthood clinic blindly giving up and killing a human baby.  The baby body parts being sold for cash money to cover the cost of the murder and maybe some profit.  Sanger would be proud of Planned Parenthood as they are killing Negro babies as fast as they can and the black community is silent.  

Like a thousand rats, Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, Van Jones, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Joe Biden, Bill De Blasio, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, Louis Lerner, Jonathan Gruber, Eric Holder, DOJ Lynch and thousands of others are scratching at your rights and plan to destroy them.

You now have communist and socialist flies sucking at your wounds but the tossing of the spears and the killing of America is just getting started.

45 million people are starving to death.

94 million people are out of the workforce

24.8 million foreign workers are working while your kid is broke. 

Illegal aliens roam the land, they hide openly in your schools and take up waiting chairs in Emergency rooms at your local hospital and you pay for it all.

Obama mocks your freedom and is truly a radical.

In the harshest terms, understand that Hillary Rodham Clinton is the devil and she has her own goals and ambitions, represented by the Clinton Foundation.

In the future, you will be made to kneel before the government and young women will be made to strip and suck on the community leaders like in China, Syria, Russia, Yemen, North Korea, Iran, Iraq and other places and as their hands are tied behind their backs your government will pull the trigger, recall the diary of history and you can see the future.


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