Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, July 23, 2015

United States lifted the U.N. Sanctions against the Ayatollahs' in Iran the Muslim bastards went nuts as they quenched their never ending thirst for Jewish blood.

I wondered about my combat unit, were they truly ready for the landing and the wickedness of battle?

President Obama got the deal he wanted with Iran and now the ticking Islamic Jihadist time bomb was about to explode.

When the United States lifted the U.N. Sanctions against the Ayatollahs' in Iran the Muslim bastards went nuts as they quenched their never ending thirst for Jewish blood.

On hitting the ground my troops were to make a raid on the nuclear weapons plant located deep inside Iran.  We had been warned that we would be entering some kind of pit full of tanks, land mines, machine guns and rings of Iranian Republican Guards as we approached the center of the complex.

We were laying low at the moment and had walked the six miles to the entrance of the valley that helped conceal the Iranian nuclear weapons plant buried deep inside the mountains.

My own body already felt hot and broken as the night time temperature was 98 and the sunrise was still three hours away.

Israel had been hit from the North by rockets and raiding parties and now their Eastern flank was having the same problems.  The United States had entered the conflict after Jordan, Egypt,
Saudi Arabia and even Turkey sent in combat troops.

Our battle was hundreds of miles away deep inside Iran as I lay there on my back waiting for the exact time to attack.  My own recon teams were spread out which gave us some security but the Iranian Republican Guard scouting teams were dug in and had been watching us from several different directions.

My orders were to raid the nuclear complex and attempt to blow the nuclear blast doors that guarded the complex entrance.

The U.S. forces had been using air raids for weeks and had been bombing the area but the complex was still secure.  Iran had broken the Nuclear Weapons Deal that John Kerry and Barack Obama had made without Congress and their inevitable nuclear proliferation had become a reality.

To my immediate right there was a steep rock wall that gave the troops cover but the left side no so much.  I managed to climb the right flank wall and take a look down the valley and took a quick look at the complex nuclear blast door, it looked like a vault door that you might see at some giant bank.

My night vision equipment gave me that green screen look but it also showed up the dozens of guards and troops stationed around the entrance.  It wasn't going to be small potatoes.

I noticed the ground was damp but warm at the same time and the recent rain shower allowed us to move silently as we calmly moved out toward the entrance.

We were looking for a sewer pipe that ran from the complex toward our location that we would use to send a small raiding party inside their fenced and guarded compound.  These same nine men would place the explosive charges as other units occupied the guards with small arms fire and mortars. 

From the moment of contact the entire raid should take less than 25 minutes or less.  The three hundred pounds of high explosives were to be placed against the exposed hinges of the nuclear blast door and then detonated blowing the door off the hinges.
My mind throbbed but I was ready to go as the second hand clicked to the exact time.  The nine men moved and completely in silence entered the southern end of the sewer pipe.  The open sewage pipe was over five feet in diameter so there was plenty of room and the sewage was at its lowest levels as most Iranian troops were at rest and in their barracks.

Trying desperately to hear the tiniest sound my troops were positioned as planned and waited the exact seven minutes to start our attack.

The Iranian complex was off limits and the Iranian government would not let the inspectors check the centrifuges inside for over a year and a half.  It just made since that if they wanted us out that meant we wanted in. Once the doors were blown off the hinges the air strikes would start with directed hits at the entrance of the complex without the blast doors.  Whatever was inside would be destroyed and everybody inside would be killed.

The raiding party moved inside the silent world of the sewer pipe and walked crouched down very quickly.  Gradually the water sewage got shallow as water seeped over them from the very first step. 

Hearing nothing, seeing nothing with my face pressed against my night vision equipment the Iranian guards were still on station, some smoking, some walking around but nothing to cause alarm.

I could feel the darkness around me and it would give me a feeling of safety as time was passing slowly as our fuse was getting shorter and we were locked and loaded.

The nuclear complex entrance looked like some monstrous fish mouth with the blast door set back about thirty feet inside the mountain.  The raiding party would have to fight their way to the door with our cover fire with Iranian bullets lapping around them.  We saw a shadow move which germinated other movement as the rotting bastards opened up with machine guns on our positions.

My men twisted into the ground to take better cover and returned fire and the flames from heavy machine guns were aimed our way. Once you start taking real fire you feel kind of half-grown so the first thing you do is hide regardless of your training.  Once you have a layer of earth protecting you the nerves settle and you get some courage back. 

My body felt weightless as I jumped from one rock to another larger rock for better cover. The creature inside every man puts surviving first and fighting second. Burrowing in the soil deeper I raised my weapon and the confusing dream of combat became very real as my automatic 7.62 millimeter rounds crashed and banged into vehicles, sand bags and bad guys.

I remained curled for protection but the battle was on and my third ammunition clip was empty.

I heard a scratching sound to my left as the Iranian Republic Guard lifted his weapon and fired in my general direction.

He couldn't see us but his muzzle flash gave him away and with great care I lifted my own weapon and killed the bastard.

He limped about two feet and his tall frame started falling in strange angles as he appeared twisted and then fell dead.

The reality intrigued me when a round hit me in the shoulder that forced me back and down at the same time.

I had no idea what to do with myself as I lay there with my face in the damp ground as the slow heat started to rise inside my shoulder.

My battle vest had taken most of the impact which instantly relieved me of the idea of dying in the deserts of Iran.

The greatest state sponsor of terrorism that the world has ever known just put me on my ass and it didn't take a nuclear weapon.

I was about to get sick but then I got hungry which I will never be able to explain, I guess I was still alive.

So far the hand shake with Iran wasn't working out so I pulled myself up with the help of a heap of stones and fired back.

The next thing I remember I was up on my hands and knees and crawled over to a small mound of earth and rocks.  My balance was off and some buzzing in my head made me a deaf man and my clothes were soaked in blood.

It felt like I was drinking a really hot drink when I fully realized that I had been shot again.  I can remember a little puff of wind that knocked me down but getting killed off by the Islamic Jihadist Iranians was full of trickery.

I hoped God was happy with me and expecting me.

The air was pungent, stinging and steamy as the U.S. fighter jets attacked the nuclear blast door knocked off its hinges.

Whatever your theory is about dying in battle, it's all wrong.  I was free but not happy.  My body started trembling as the violence of the bullet passing through my body left me dying in the sands.

For reasons hard to imagine I lit a cigarette and swallowed down some water as most of the U.S. troops were scattered and dying on the same ground.

The butchers of Iran were taking revenge on the dead and dying so my pistol was ready.  They were plundering the bodies and taking the weapons as a bunker busting bomb hit the entrance to the Iranian nuclear complex.

It looked to be a good idea as the mountain caved in on the entrance making my gut shot look like a paper cut.

They poured down on me, my hand trying to lift my pistol but I was hiding behind my closed eye lids as I thought about Barack Obama, the bastard. 

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