Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Saturday, November 21, 2015

A secret landing spot for Illegal Aliens from Syria Harrisburg Pennsylvania International Airport - Under DHS Guards - Transported and Distributed by the Bus Load off the UPS giant cargo plane.

Barack Obama has created thousands of islands inside America called sanctuary cities and slowly they are being filled with the enemies of the state, hidden there, the street lights turned off and rusty metal locks hold the gates closed. The frenzy of anger unfurled at the Harrisburg Pennsylvania International Airport as it may have been discovered as a 

secret landing spot for Illegal Aliens from Syria 

being brought to the United States by Barack Obama against the law.   

The flying tin can marked UPS United Parcel Services made a landing at the Harrisburg Pennsylvania airport but was whipped into a secure door with DHS operatives and buses standing by to transport the illegal human cargo, some say 25 buses, waiting on the illegal aliens of Barack Obama to unload from Syria. 

They came down the gangway almost hidden from view as the Syrian Refugees were being unloaded from the giant UPS cargo plane in Harrisburg Pennsylvania.  With great care the citizen lifted his arms and camera and started filming this shocking event unfolding in the middle of the night.

He wanted to cry out and yell at the DHS agents and bus drivers but he was afraid that he would have been arrested.  America is no longer really free now when the president Barack Obama can order hundreds and then tens of thousands of Syrians to be brought to America as blood still drips on the streets of Paris France.

The narrow corridor from the UPS plane to the Harrisburg Airport terminal building was full of illegal aliens, Syrians, Iranians and maybe a few from Iraq as the cut into the free air of America on the giant UPS cargo jet.

They descended into the shadow government of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton into that underground government of secret email servers, terrorist attacks and now illegal entry into the homeland of America to be hidden from the honest legal citizens.

The smell of the jet fuel and the breeze from the east rising from the ground made the dark night cold and spy like.  It was like filming a deep dark secret in some dimly lit airport away from the public eye.  The sweet smell of jet fuel burnt his nose but his digital camera kept filming the lie that was never to be told.

He began to examine his surroundings and tried to count all the big passenger buses waiting in line, there must have been at least 25 to 30 buses taking the Syrians inside their bellies like a giant hothouse of illegal aliens.

The eccentric tribe of radicals in the White House were like sewage workers before dawn as they descend into their pit of lies against the American people.

The channels of illegal aliens, like the city sewers were full at night but never to be opened up or seen during the light of day.  The world was tossing their filth of Islamic Radical Extremist killers and terrorists inside America and Barack Obama was taking them, transporting them, hiding them and will feed, house and educate them, the governors of the states will never know, the network of illegal channels are many and they are full as the city's populations grow overnight without anyone knowing except for the stinking waste smell that at times will overcome the early bird citizen going to work.

This story will be forgotten because ABC,CBS,NBC,MSNBC,CNN and others are delighted to tell you about the Syrian children, but only adults got off the UPS cargo jet.

Barack Obama has created thousands of islands inside America called sanctuary cities and slowly they are being filled with the enemies of the state, hidden there, the street lights turned off and rusty metal locks hold the gates closed.

At times you can find an empty plastic water bottle on the street and nobody is around or maybe some broken glass or some old rag that was worn out long ago.  This things are from the forgotten and hidden Syrians and Mexicans and others as they are being strained through customs and open borders and UPS Jets and waiting buses to their new homes in Obama's underground America.

We are falling down the mine shaft, please help my hands stop shaking.


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