Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Saturday, November 28, 2015

The easy sex of the female Negro Sentimentalists blame slavery but her low character and lack of education and emotional control is the true culprit.

The Gift of Slavery,  The Negro Africans brought to us had been slaves in their own dark country and only underwent a change of masters.  All Negroes, living on the dark African continent, lived in utmost destitution, weakness, and absolute misery.  

The Negro of today, freed of slavery, is living in utmost destitution, weakness and absolute misery and struggle for their very existence.

The act of slavery was a great evil all over the planet and the institution of slavery was not only embraced by the Islamic Masters but offered great abuse to the slave.

The free Negro has no guarantees from society so politicians like Barack Obama Hillary Clinton Jeb Bush Marco Rubio offers them security using others people money, the government welfare system.

The Negro, still murders their own parents, children and other Negro street children but society still funds their temptation to murder, steal, extort, burn, riot and offers up self injury as some kind of solution to poverty. 

The Democratic Party under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton does more to protect domestic animals than they do the street Negro or welfare Negro.  Over 400 dead in Chicago within 2,700 shootings prove the point.

You can punish the Negro and jail them but Barack Obama again sets them free in some attempt to build a long lasting political base of radicals.

The unbridled lust for sex, drugs, money, guns and crime of the Negro is the wide stew of slavery and not modern society.  The easy sex of the female Negro that produces more and more street Negroes are no longer outcasts of society but are noted by the government as needing more services.

Sentimentalists blame slavery but her low character and lack of education and emotional control is the true culprit.

Her offspring is another Democratic voter, the cycle continues. 


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