Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Islamic Codes Broken by CIA and Russian Operatives in Baltimore - Terrorist Use Notes on A.M. Radio. "The piccolo if you please" The sound of Islamic Radical Extremists on A.M. radio inside America The coded message was for Time Square New York City New York

The Islamic Terrorist Codes Broken by CIA and Russian Operatives in Baltimore - Terrorist Use Notes on A.M. Radio as played by famous Piccolo player Naser Amari, a Syrian Jihadist network inside North America aimed directly at the United States plays out the coded notes in music to be used by assassins and terrorist inside America.  The plan revealed by CIA and Soviet Russian Operatives as White House claims Syrian refugees are not a threat - Paris France was warned about the Piccolo coding system months ago, but failed to record secret messages.  

"The piccolo if you please"  as the Syrian composer and musician  reached for the sheet music from one of the Iranian guards. 

Naser Amari is one of the most famous piccolo players in the world and every Thursday he plays his favorite instrument inside the New York City recording and broadcasting studio for radio stations across the United States.  Little did the Americans understand that the notes he played were secret coded messages to terrorist all across America, in a way it always made him smile. 

National Public Radio of America, within their culture and arts budget allows Naser Amari to play his world famous piccolo to millions of people across North America.  Naser earned $1,300 per session and played live every week.  It was a good gig but he had to turn over the cash his dark skinned handler in the cheap Iranian suit smoking inside the studio. 

The eager Naser gently places his half sized flute called the piccolo in the proper position as he readies himself to add sparkle and brilliance to the sounds of men and woman across North America, it was almost time for the broadcasting light to flash green as his performances are broadcasted live to music lovers everywhere.

The Syrian composer Naser Amari  had a number of pieces for his piccolo today but he had noticed that his plain clothes Iranian guard was on edge today.  He had been nervous but a little more today, maybe things at home were not good.

He handed Naser the first piece "play this line" as the Iranian guards face betrayed some tremendous stress he was feeling at the moment.  Inside the Islamic Jihad against the United States even entertainment is no longer innocent.  The Muslim's didn't care for mistakes or Americans. 

Naser would play the scripted notes on his piccolo and on the other end of the world Islamic Jihadists would scribe the notes, the coded messages to the Muslim killers hiding all across America.  As the FBI, CIA, NSA, tried their best to catch the Muslim invaders their messages were being sent via open air waves on A.M. radios.  The Islamic radicals had tried dozens of communications channels but playing piccolo music, coded by notes into secret messages had proved very effective.  The band plays on. 

The first line of notes were erratic and unpredictable but Naser the piccolo expert made the irregular sound innocent and charming.  The perilous penetrations of the Islamic Radical Extremists known as ISIS or ISIL inside America was one of the darkest secrets of the Muslim world.  Naser would never know but he had heard that over 10,000 Muslims were ready inside America to strike out against the great Satan. 

Right under the nose of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and all the national defense efforts of the CIA, NSA, and the FBI Naser would play his piccolo with secret messages to the terrorists waiting for orders and instructions.

As Barack Obama imported thousands of Syrian refugees Naser noticed that more lines of notes were being played.  His piccolo notes would rain down like little bombs all across America and the scribes would write down the secret codes as the sinister crackles of A.M. radios proved to be a deadly weapons against the Americans.

The Islamic saboteurs would strike out, following every single note of their orders and the spies would travel to electrical grids and take their pictures, people would be followed and guns would be purchased, the orchestra of terrorism.

Hundreds of thousands of American homes would tune in Naser and most of his notes fell harmlessly on the deaf ears of capitalists and Christians. 

The oily voice of the commentator would introduce the next selection called laying down the line and Naser would play some more.  His eager Iranian agent would sit and listen and follow the notes has he was trained to monitor every performance.

Some lines were of tremendous diplomatic or military importance as the coded messages of piccolo music sent assassins into motion and people would die, fires would be started and bombs would be planted.

Even Naser knew something was very special this day as the commentator announced the next selection;  Times Square by Naser Amari

Most likely hundreds of foreign agents and spies were getting ready to catch the new lines from this new tune.  Islamic agents across America would be recording it and analyzing it and moving quickly if necessary.

It was the Islamic Radical Extremist on the eastern shore of Maryland that sat up straight when he heard the Naser title "Times Square"

This man, a suburban business man with ties to Iran selling a cluster of products to the Americans sat still with his ears glued to his A.M. radio.  He adjusted his headsets and wrote down every note that Naser played and the business man looked confused as he was sure he got the message right;


He had recorded the musical notes and played them back three times and every note fit his secret code book.  He maintained his vigil over the sounds as he digested his message because he was the Islamic Jihadist code named "Time Square"

There were no harmless notes coming from the Middle-East even as the list of cities may seem harmless at the first reading.

As his fingers played the last notes on his piccolo Naser looked intently at his Iranian guard as his quick fingers skipped a note by accident.

Naser had been warned before, there must be no slip-ups as you play the notes of Mohammed and they were no harmless mistakes allowed. 

The broadcast was ending and the commentator thanked Naser for his wonderful music and the delights that he had offered as the small panel light flashed red which meant Naser was free to relax just a little.

There was a not so casual silence for a moment as the Iranian guard jotted down some notes most likely for his reporting back to Iran and his leadership. 

The businessman in Maryland was pleased that the piccolo concert was over as it was always very intense trying for listen to his code name "Time Square".

From his basement the Maryland man snatched up his computer laptop and connected to his high speed wireless internet and typed in the dark internet address he had been given by the Clinton State Department and typed in his username and password.

Before the first shot was fired the State Department would be informed and the Maryland businessman would receive another ten thousand dollars. 

In most cases the Clinton State Department didn't do anything with the information but the bundle of cash was never late and never needed to be counted. 

The military value of the Benghazi musical notes a few years ago were not picked up by the State Department or the U.S. decided not to do anything?  Certain illegal aliens crossing the U.S. Southern border brought little reaction so the Maryland man always guessed that his stuff might just be considered propaganda but the cash kept rolling his way. 

The businessman in Maryland had been doing this for seven years now but he always lied some because he had to be very careful.  He knew he was turning the U.S. government wheels and now that Paris France was hit by the Islamic Radicals the communications he offered were worth ten times the price.

After he collected his cash he would send half back to Iran in the form of a 7-Eleven money order to his handler.  There was a tense struggle now with Iran, Iraq, Syria, Russia and maybe even the United States grouping together to strike against ISIS ISIL.

Uncle Sam had the watch dogs out but the NSA, CIA and the FBI spent a lot of time in a struggle with Congress so it was still smooth sailing.  With the U.S. presidential races heating up for 2016 the Maryland man heard a lot of growling about security but President Barack Obama and the want to be president Hillary Rodham Clinton launched more leaked secrets than the Iranian's could capture.

The Maryland business man was pale and tense as his expressions strained to see in the darkened room upstairs.  The Russian operative didn't miss when he fired his 9 millimeter silenced pistol two times into the Maryland businessman's chest.  The assassin maintained his distance as his victim dropped to the floor dead and only then did the killer walk up to his victim.  The Russian killer looked strangely at the Maryland businessman because he had expected another Syrian and not a European with white skin and blonde hair. 

The Russian assassin turned on the flat panel T.V.  and tuned in the NBC news room from New York City as they flashed another alert about Russian bombing ISIS ISIL in Syria.   He was watching Germany evacuate a stadium and the French killing off a few terrorist but nothing yet about Baltimore Maryland, maybe the eleven o'clock news.

He made him some coffee and found some cake as he listened to John Kerry trying his best to speak French again.  The FBI was telling Americans that 1,000 terrorists were running around but Obama was wanting to bring in Syrian refugees.

If Donald Trump ever got into the White House, he was going to find another line of work.

In a few minutes it would be eleven o'clock.

His comrades had completed 2,300 sorties against ISIS ISIL in Syria, it made him proud to watch the guided missiles fly to targets as he had tuned in CNN for alerts.

There was a slight tap on the back door glass. 

It was his comrade with the gasoline can.

The local news would report about a fire he would start after the news.

Vladimir Putin was on the news again, looking strong and in control.

His partner lit the match.


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