Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The GOP pillaging and burning has started as the GOP Republican elites in Washington D.C. have joined with Marco Rubio in a losing battle to hold on to their corrupt power, money and influence and defeat Donald Trump, the peoples choice.

The GOP pillaging and burning has started as the GOP Republican elites in Washington D.C. have joined with Marco Rubio in a losing battle to hold on to their corrupt power, money and influence and defeat Donald Trump, the peoples choice. 

Eager to continue their pillaging of the American middle class taxpayers the Republican party has once again wet their bed sheets and are now supporting Marco Rubio since Jeb Bush crashed and burned, in the GOP establishments name, before the American people wanting and needing Donald Trump as president of the United States.

Marco Rubio, corrupt and eager, smoldering in lies and past practices is ready to deceive the American people for absolute power and the GOP Republicans, in the house and senate are ready to back him up to avoid a Donald Trump administration.  

The political and money games are over when Donald Trump becomes president of the United States, the borders will be closed, the illegal aliens will be deported, the criminals inside the government will be held for trial and the absolute corruption will come to an abrupt end.  The GOP RNC Republicans understand that they are guilty, as guilty as the DNC Democrats when it comes to closed door deals that rape the honest citizen, re-distributes private property, destroy's savings, continued welfare programs, unemployment, under-employment, interest rates, stock market support,  keeps the borders open for big business, millions of illegal aliens sucking on taxpayer funds, sanctuary cities, black lives matter, muslim brotherhood,  refuse to kill the Islamic Radicals and will not defend the U.S. Constitution.

Donald Trump will save America.

Donald Trump is a major threat to the GOP RNC Republicans.

Donald Trump is for the people and the constitution.

The great fire has started.

The roaring storm of political revolution has started.

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