Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Hillary Clinton "Sahara Trade Salt and Gold Company" The FBI Special Agent Andy Ledger - The bastard knew about the Hillary Clinton Secret Journal - The damp basement of the Clinton Mansion was the meeting place, the FBI had it wired for video with voice, she rambled on, Hillary was angry

The FBI was like disease carrying mosquitoes around the Clinton campfire and they were about to bite Hillary Clinton.  The Hillary Clinton Journal had only been some rumor but the leather bound journal measuring 12 inches by six inches had been caught on camera being hand carried by Hillary in South Carolina and handed back to Huma in the crowd of supporters. Like inquisitive bastard children the FBI wanted the Hillary Clinton hand written journal that they had recently been told about.  

It was very damp in the Clinton Mansion basement but Hillary Clinton insisted that the crushing cold of winter would be offset underground in her damp basement.  This, like all other Hillary Clinton meetings would be guarded and secret and during the long cold meeting she would talk and then talk some more.  

Hillary was from the old school, certain people didn't have to think, they just had to pull the trigger and Hillary was the Bonnie of Bonnie and Clyde.  When Hillary told one of her operatives to "go get some meat" she wasn't talking about McDonalds.  

She would become terribly excited when she gave disappear orders as her unhealthy cheeks would become flush and red again as her eyes would become clear giving the orders to relieve her internal pain and confusion.  Nothing or nobody walked out on the Clinton's and the sexual bimbo's proved almost impossible to contain during the internet age so suitcases were filled with money, operatives left bullets on car seats, women were pushed down stairways always making the next step disappearing if the hints didn't work.

Hillary was used to snapping her finger and getting things done but her days as Secretary of State had been over a long time, it took cash money to get people jumping as the money cases arrived and each member snatched up their cash rewards.  Hillary knew the cash would keep them warm, after all they were all whores in the Clinton crime family.

They were all servant boy's and girl's as she stood there in her sports suit barking orders as Bill Clinton pulled at the basement window curtains to make sure they were closed all the way.  Bill could hear the wind blowing outside as he stood next to the single window for a moment listening to Hillary.  He knew she would drop every person in the room like a stone if she had too, like killing some ugly insect, she was a sick bitch with nothing to lose now, the FBI noose was closing and the election clock was ticking away her chances. 

Bill was fiddling less with the curtains after Hillary gave him a fu.k you look. Most Hillary Clinton meetings came with pain and cash payments as the old woman named Hillary Clinton understood that cash was muscle and muscle was power.  The vote could be bought thus the political muscle to do anything to anybody and any time. 

After Bill Clinton entered the basement he stood next to the block wall of the basement and while playing with the curtains he kind of looked like he was a pool cue against the wall or maybe being lined up to get shot by his wife.  He would lean against the wall and drink his beer and play her game.  During these meetings Bill was just a member of the audience and only said a few words at a very low volume, it was her room.

Feebly he stood there and listened to the old girl give her commands while wishing he had worn something a bit warmer as Hillary started spinning her own orders to the group.  A couple of days ago Hillary had been coughing up blood and was feeling clammy and the doctors told her to rest and take a few days off from the election, they came home for a while, they came back to Hillary's mansion. The white jacketed "Rex" came down the stairs with a cooler full of beer and just like money from home everybody was glad to see him as he had worked around the mansion for a long time. 

Whatever her intention this time the waiting induced mostly fear in the gathering as the campaign for President of the United States hadn't been going per the plan.  

A fu.king socialist was kicking her ass on the DNC side and a T.V. show clown for the GOP just closed his eyes and got millions of people to follow him.  Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump had to get out of her circus and she had tried almost everything.  Trump didn't need money and that damn Bernie believed everything he said, the bastard.

Bill Clinton stood motionless against the wall and it seemed he was occasionally dozing, it was always hard to tell with Bill.  Every moment in the public's eye was a terrible moment but Bill's plan was to wait until Hillary passed away and at last have some fun but she ordered him to campaign for her again. 

The phenomenon of the Clinton's were over and Bill Clinton knew it well but Hillary wouldn't listen.  They had almost two billion dollars in cash tucked away inside the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation so her silent trading in classified top secrets hand been a windfall.  Barack Obama wasn't going to do anything about it because the little secret teller machine was operated right under his nose, making him look the fool.

The Clinton's had set up one business known as the "Sahara Trade Salt and Gold Company" and all the transactions with Saudi Arabia, Russia, Syria, North Korea and others flowed through this one organization.  

The Muslim Arab's would bring their gold and Hillary would let them dig into U.S. top secret documents that she always called "salt" in her emails and verbal conversations.  

The Clinton "Salt" mine was full and held on her secret underground computer server in the very basement they all gathered.  The people in the room knew all about trading "Salt" for Gold.  Selling secrets was nothing new but selling them at the speed of light was fun and profitable.  Naturally the Clinton's charged millions of dollars for a few documents and they were paid by Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton making speeches around the world.

These basement meetings could last ten minutes or for several hours and mostly the Clinton operatives wondered when they could take their cash payments outside of the Clinton tombs that now held at least a dozen people not including the inner circle of the Clinton empire.  At times you felt underwater in the Clinton basement, trying to breath.

In fact, this was the second day of basement parent teacher meetings with Hillary but faithfully they sat and listened just like third grade students. Several old leather chairs, an old couch from the White House days and several bookshelves stuffed with books and file folders and three floor lamps with single bulbs lighted the basement showing some old clothes in the corner. Some of the people even sat on the damp floor.  Hillary had talked about Nigeria and the Muslim Brotherhood progress for twenty minutes or so but ended abruptly when her smart phone vibrated on the old wooden desk.  She glanced down and read the text message.  With a faint drumming in her chest she read the message for several minutes as Planned Parenthood was being squeezed again by Congress and they needed some dirt on Congressional leadership, another sale at hand.  Hillary would have her computer server tech's open up a file on the secret server and assign an access portal and leave it open for the standard 60 minutes.  She would never actually transfer the information but she left a computer port open for the hacker with the right password.  It would cost them $100,000 for this one file but it was priceless in Washington D.C.  Once the money arrived the password would be activated and her cuffs were clean as she never touched a thing.  The FBI was well regarded but they were dumber than dirt when it came to high end computer hacking. 

The group didn't know what she was thinking, but Hillary was pleased that the lion of the Constitution was gone, Antonin was out of the picture, him and his guns. She was pushing Barack for a new hard left justice, not like the limps he had presented to the Senate before, it was his chance too, to change the world, the new world order. 

People watched "Rex" open up a few bottles of beer and pour some brew into the glasses for the gathering of Clinton operatives.  Everybody thought "Rex" was from the United Kingdom or maybe Belgium but he was really from Bronx New York as he poured Bill Clinton his second glass of cheap beer.  He gestured to Mrs. Clinton but she waved him off but she did stuff a bite of crab meet into her talking mouth that she grabbed up from the plate "Rex" had carried around to every visitor. 

By memory Hillary Clinton started to talk but her sounds were broken up by her own coughing that made some of her words weird tones at best.  Many in the group was glad she wasn't barking like a God Damn dog as they had seen on T.V., she at times did very stupid things regardless of her handlers. 

Hillary Clinton was in very poor health and everybody in the basement knew the old cash cow would never last through her first tour of duty in the White House, if the ghost's of Vince Foster and Webb Hubbell didn't kill her first.  

Hillary has always believed that dead people talk to her, it all started when she lived in the White House talking to the Roosevelt ghost wife.  One time years ago Hillary was found laying face down on a sofa passed out drunk while being surrounded by books on the afterlife and how to talk to dead people.

Huma was the keeper of the journal and Cheryl was the keeper of the cash.  Huma would write down the names of every person in the basement and the dates and times making everybody sign the Clinton journal before they were allowed to leave.  

When it was time to sign your name in the journal it was met with a terrible silence, some remarked it was like Hitler making you sign up for a train ride to a concentration camp, it was scary.  Some with unbearable sadness signed their name because they had been caught in the Clinton trap years ago, they didn't want to disappear.

The leather bound journal was always packed away with Hillary Clinton and she would make her own meeting notes after everybody signed their names.  Some say the entries would be computerized on the secret underground Clinton server which we could all see humming only a few feet away, tucked behind a large chain linked fence dog cage that Bill had bought from Sears several years ago, the little gate had a master padlock closed.

We all missed the cheerful blue sky's above ground but the people held in the basement were so intertwined that they could never be seen together during an election year.  

The Muslim Jihadist by the name of Tanimum opened up the wooden box on the basement floor and took out the colored doll, the expressionless black faced doll with bright white eye's that represented the citizens of the United States but most importantly the Negro voters. 

It was a prized piece of ancient voodoo history of Hillary Clinton's and she believed that the Negro doll was once alive and belonged to the Roosevelt's.  

The strange looking Negro doll had white hair, the hair of an old black woman and her dress was from the eighteen hundreds and it was ragged but clean.  

Hillary would unbutton the dolls dress and insert the secret gold coin given to her by a witch doctor in South America.  Once the gold coin was in place Hillary could see the future through the white eyes of the Negro doll.  

She would then lift the doll and hold it high above her head and carefully speak in some native speech and ask for help from the dead.  The group watched as Hillary's voice was reciting some chant bringing the dead to life, asking for help, asking for power over the Negro and then she laid the doll at her feet and the group had to stand and then bow to the Negro doll and confess their sins in silence to the African queen of the dead. 

This was the uneasy part as the Muslim Tanimum believed that Muhammad was the great restorer and time was the force working against Hillary Clinton.  If she had more time and more power she could overcome her enemies and strike them down but for one minute he would help her bring her Negro doll to life, demonstrating his cooperation with the Clinton's and receive his bag of money.  The infidel's would be killed in the end so he confessed that he wanted them all dead, in silence to the doll.

Each person in the basement received a text from the Clinton Foundation and were told to come to their parent - teacher conference which meant that the narrow gauged Hillary Clinton wanted another fearsome attack on her political foes and enemies.  

Like a bold marauding orchestra Hillary always became very quiet before she started talking as every performance was recorded and kept for some historical record and maybe a presidential library some day.   She was building an empire and not some colony or another democratic government for and by the people.  She would lead them with drums sounding and the Negro's would answer her calling and the troubled boys would take to the streets without exception and take the country, after all black lives matter. 

They all came from different parts of the United States and their arrival times were dotted all over the calendar and the clock but in the end they all sat in the basement.

They had confessed their sins to the doll and now they again took their seats as Hillary explained her vision for a non-self-government conversion that was not to be considered a transition but a total conversion where prosperity and hope was removed, replaced by scientific rules and regulations, almost mechanical. 

People and machines would run, live, work and thrive on government tracks and operate by a centralized control system and there would be no hunger or broken windows and all the wealth would be re-distributed and the books on the shelves would be set on fire and burnt to ashes in giant burns around the country.  She would start with the Islamic Quran and then the Bible and take the power from Muhammad and Christ thus saving the world as violins played in parks and the automobile and coal mines were eliminated. 

It was the blueprint, it was the plan, it was their goal to fulfill this Hillary dream and make it real, they all remained restless as Hillary kept talking about Black Lives Matter, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump and her voice would rise in anger like some mad hatter having a fit. There would be no minimum wage in the future, no steady income, no big homes or swimming pools except for the elite leadership.  

Her words get very dark, very quickly, as Hillary looked around the room and told them that they suck and they were like children only there for their candy. She waved a photograph in the air and it was a picture of Sally and Bill coming out of some hotel decades ago, Hillary wanted to know why the bitch could still cause so much trouble.

Hillary wanted to know why Donald Trump was everywhere and drawing crowds by the thousands as Hillary waited for a few hundred to show up at events.  

Bill and Hillary Clinton had done everything to stay smart during every news cycle as Bill even talked his friend to pop off a missile out of North Korea with an I.O.U. from Hillary Clinton the President.  

The Supreme Court Justice and his death should have put some rain on Donald Trump's parade but he marches to the White House.  Hillary couldn't get the FBI off the trail and she feared jail as she made some note in the journal about visiting the Mosque in Baltimore, having a meeting with the Negro radical Al Sharpton and sending some mongrel puppy's to the parents of the Benghazi mothers to shut them the fu.k up as her hand was shivering as she wrote.

The meeting was over and without porters everybody grabbed their own bags but it was almost impossible to get to the basement stairs as everybody tried at once, they were all ready to leave, it had been over five hours this time.

Most of them went upstairs and just sat down on their indoor camp beds set up all over the mansion, after all they all couldn't leave at once so they waited their turns.

The Clinton cook came by with fresh hot coffee as the house man "Ben" carried the coal bucket down to the basement and stocked the coal fired furnace in the basement.  The indoor chairs, beds and tables were spread out over several main floor rooms and the china cups were filled with coffee and the tables covered with breakfast foods like toast and muffins with a paper napkin pile right in the middle.

The rattling had started again, but the heat felt good.  It was the old copper pipes carrying hot water to heat the mansion fired by the coal fired furnace in the basement.  

The chop box was filled with wood and many wondered why Hillary didn't start a nice little fire to cheer up the room.  The wood man came and went but never started up the fireplace even though he made several trips in and out of every mansion room.

The Clinton's called the wood man "Rex" but his real name was Andy Ledger and he was a special agent for the FBI task force, directed by the director himself, he had been inside the Clinton mansion for over a year now, discovering their secrets. 

"Rex" Andy Ledger FBI had been recommended to the Clinton's by the Secret Service as a trusting and honest handyman that needed a job and he didn't mind all the odd hours so Bill Clinton had hired him.  Andy Ledger and everybody else working for the Clinton's were paid under the table and off the books.  The Clinton's didn't believe in paying employment taxes or social security taxes on hired hands around the mansion.  Andy knew they could always get Hillary and Bill for tax invasion but Comey wanted evidence of selling national top secrets to the fu.king Muslim bastards around the world.

Andy would recover the tiny FBI camera hard drives as he wandered around the mansion delivering wood kindling to every fireplace.  It was Friday so he would be off Saturday and come back Sunday with even more eavesdropping equipment.  The Clinton mansion had bugs and they were revealing the criminal organization that most people knew as the Clinton Foundation.  It was big.


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