Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Gretchen Carlson FOX News Barack Obama Hillary Clinton - Second Amendment Gun Rights, The Hopi Indian Puff Gun Make Yourself a Real Hopi Indian Puff Gun and Eliminate the AR-15 Assault Rifle Gretchen Carlson REALLY, Gretchen Carlson of FOX News is just fine with the AR-15 type weapons being taken away. When the citizens have been reduced to blow - dart - guns and the government kills off the problems maybe Gretchen can change her mind. Governments have the power over the people now and that's with armed citizens. Imagine Gretchen how New York City would be if the average person could never own any type of weapon except a tribal blow dart gun made of bamboo.

The Hopi Indian Puff Gun Gretchen Carlson REALLY,  Gretchen Carlson of FOX News is just fine with the AR-15 type weapons being taken away.  

When the citizens have been reduced to blow - dart - guns and the government kills off the problems maybe Gretchen can change her mind.  Governments have the power over the people now and that's with armed citizens.  

Imagine Gretchen how New York City would be if the average person could never own any type of weapon except a tribal blow dart gun made of bamboo. 

The AR-15 has saved thousands of lives as it was the super-gun for the good guys....  

You want the good guys and gals to have a little six shot pistol because that should take care of the guy stealing your car but what about Orlando Florida and Paris France when Islamic Radicals or Street Negro's come a calling with machine guns to kill your entire family?  

What about Chicago and the dozens of shootings every week?

49 people are dead, the gun didn't do it Gretchen, the ass wipe Omar pulled the trigger, reloaded and kept pulling the trigger.  

If you outlaw.. the AR-15 type weapon it will be fast and furious in reverse, thousands of high powered military type rifles will be crossing the border with the illegal aliens... 

So keep you piss ant six shooter Gretchen because when the Islamic Radical in your neighborhood shows up with his AK machine gun the cops cannot save you... your pistol won't save you... so call 911 and hide in the basement and wait for the SWAT team to arrive... so they can wait and stage outside for a few hours and maybe sip some coffee...

Maybe the FBI should arrest suspects.

Maybe we should stop the Anchor baby game.

Maybe we should close the border.

Maybe the Muslim's should police their ranks.

Maybe Saudi Arabia should be cut loose.

Maybe Barack Obama should release the 28 secret pages.

Maybe Felons should stay in jail.

Maybe Barack should go back to his real non Muslim name, Barry Soetoro.

Maybe we should start a blow dart gun factory and create American jobs.

So Gretchen Carlson - keep to reading the news inside a guarded building.  It's not about the gun Gretchen... Now that we know Gretchen Carlson is a progressive socialist it brings more light on FOX News, we thought Megan Kelly was something..

Yes, Gretchen, We still love you.


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