Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Is Judge Gonzalo Curiel an Illegal Anchor Baby? The child of Illegal Aliens, making him biased against Donald Trump? Obama Clinton Loves illegal aliens, that's why silicon valley is pulling out of RNC - Cheap Labor Bigger Profits

Judge Gonzalo Curiel- CNN and FOX should investigate and then show the results to the American people by noon next Friday.   Obama had an illegal aunt hiding in America for years as he was president, anybody yell at Obama or arrest his ass for helping her...

President Obama supports illegal alien wetbacks,
so it's o.k. for the judge to bury Trump?

U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel, a federal district judge in the Southern District of California, has made "rulings that people can't even believe." so be it but Donald Trump may have a point you don't like.  Donald Trump tends to word things wrong but honest people knew what he meant.  Hillary doesn't like talking about her rapist husband Bill Clinton and once in a while steps on her .... tongue I guess.  We know Hillary loves Huma and the Muslim's so it's difficult for her to talk about and we know the Judge hates Donald Trumps guts.. he just can't talk about it outside his family members.  The FBI should at once, investigate and question court house people concerning the good judge Curiel and check for that illegal bias running rampant across America.  You know, White Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter and Brown Lives Matter.. even if their illegal aliens. 

We can suggest that Judge Curiel might have a strong biased against Donald Trump and he should not be the judge.  The DOJ could look into the question but Obama's girl Loretta Lynch is too busy guarding Hillary Clinton's ass from Comey of the FBI and keeping DOJ Eric Holder out of jail for Fast and Furious illegal gun running to the Mexican cartels killing hundreds of people with U.S. Government supplied guns and ammunition. 

Did the parents of the Honorable Judge Curiel come to the United States as Illegal Aliens making the judge a great example of an anchor baby doing well inside America?  You can be sure that Judge Curiel has worked hard and has done well there is no doubt but the fact that he has a Mexican heritage, most likely founded in a probable illegal crossing into America brings about the question is this the absolute wrong judge to give Donald Trump justice?  If you're an illegal alien anchor baby Donald Trump would piss you off endlessly and the Judge may not be able to contain his anger...

When the world found out that Jeb Bush married an illegal alien.. well he's gone and maybe the judge should find another case.. or maybe another job...


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