Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Who's Bernie Sanders? Is he that colonel that cooks chicken?The steady tramp - tramp of Trump Soldiers marching across America have set up another rhythmic motion based in freedom, liberty, free enterprise and is based on our Founding Fathers and the U.S. Constitution. This steady tramp - tramp of millions of honest voters on the move

The political journals have been wrong about Donald Trump all along as they argue the pro's and con's of Donald Trump for President of the United States.
The same political journals were wrong about Barack Obama who kicked Hillary Clinton's white ass all over America.  What are they wrong about today? Who's Bernie Sanders?  Is he that colonel that cooks chicken?  Barack Obama is out for Hillary Clinton so now is the time to bury them with facts... The middle class has collapsed, you've lost 40% of your wealth since radical Obama gained power.  Obama is a street bitch drug dealer, lie and cheat, get it or take it... let's give it to them.  It's Called the Tea Party

Tea Party American Journal
Doctor Joyce Dorothy Parker Ph.D.

Now in deep water and deep trouble the political journals and main stream media that have supported Hillary Rodham Clinton have been so wrong for so long the viewer's and economic pressure is now great enough to destroy them, sending them to the bottom for the last time, drowning all the rats in the process.
Donald Trump has overcome all the planned and rhythmic talking points from the White House delivered by ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and many others and he has become the political phenomena of America.
Some find Donald Trump too harsh and too direct and pay no particular interest in America becoming great again.

The main stream media in conjunction with the hard left progressive socialists who have taken total control of your grandfathers Democratic Party has convinced tens of millions of Americans, mostly Negro and Latino minorities and illegal aliens that marching with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton is the way to prosperity.
But their socialist structure has been exposed due to the absolute failure of the American Economy being held up by borrowed money from Communist China, Communist Russia and any other place that will loan the United States money.
The steady tramp - tramp of Trump Soldiers marching across America have set up another rhythmic motion based in freedom, liberty, free enterprise and is based on our Founding Fathers and the U.S. Constitution.
This steady tramp - tramp of millions of honest voters on the move will likely disrupt the corrupt Hillary Rodham Clinton marching to her own socialist drums.  It's obvious now that Barack Obama will support Hillary Clinton which means the FBI Comey will be shut down by the DOJ Loretta Lynch leaving justice stationary once again.
Hillary Clinton supporters, Barack Obama supporters, Bernie Sanders supporters have reached their desired level which is way too low for Trumpsters.
People know that Hillary Clinton is a wrecked ship but it's like a ride on the Titanic, they bought a ticket and there's not enough life boats.
Hillary Clinton will descend, the place where she started and will in time rest on the bottom of the political pile with people like Obama, Hitler, Stalin, Pol-Pot and other radicals, dictators and murderers.

Many say these words are too harsh for Hillary and Barack but remember Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS killing off the Patriots by illegal force of government.  Hillary and Barack are evil and their influence has been felt around the world like in Syria, Crimea, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Israel as they both are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths because of their actions.
Carefully groomed out Barack Obama was hurled out into the campaign stating he was for Hillary Clinton after telling Bernie Sanders to back off and do it now.
To help Hillary Clinton beat her own history and beat Donald Trump they had to hurl Barack Obama out there so don't look for that gradual build up, it's full blast.
Hillary and her pal Barack are already hitting some angry waves and Bill Clinton plays duck and cover most of the time because voters have his number on crime and sex.
The Hillary Clinton political ship is in distress, there is no doubt because Donald Trump is sending white caps to drown Hillary and Barack Obama.
The FBI has measurable proof of criminal activity concerning Hillary and Bill Clinton and their now famous criminal organization "The Clinton Foundation".

The FBI didn't have to blow-torch the Clinton safe they left money trails everywhere.  Boeing gave Clinton $10 million and Hillary gave them $Billions in government contracts.
Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and others have been trying to find a way to stop the fire of corruption around them but the back draft will kill just about anybody that helped the Clinton's over the last 20 years.

The high-pitched Hillary will be drummed out of town by Donald Trump so get the progressive violin out and play Hillary a tune. 


Vote Trump

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