Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, June 13, 2016

Hillary Clinton Threatens President Obama, “The fix is in” regarding Clinton’s email scandal. Barack Obama President of the United States Indictment FBI NSA CIA DOD DOJ The Rest of the Clinton Email Story Unfolds

The Rest of the Clinton Email Story Unfolds, The Stinking Fish Head at the Top; Judge Jeanine Pirro delivered a rant on Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama, who recently endorsed Clinton for president, saying that “the fix is in” regarding Clinton’s email scandal.  It's common in America if you catch a gang of bank robbers you jail them all, that's the problem.  A gang member, Barack Obama, part of the Clinton Email Scandal, used the Clinton private server for emails back and forth to Hillary Clinton.  So who goes to federal prison?  Clinton, sure.  Obama, never.  You have to let Hillary Clinton go free even as she is a guilty bitch, because of Obama. 

President Obama is clearly the dumbest president that ever got inside the White House because the White Players - Dixie Loving - Clinton's have the dumb ass in a corner.  The FBI is shut down and told to shut up... The Clinton's have Barack Obama by the balls and are squeezing him hard right now... go ahead Barack, indict a Clinton, dare ya.  You'll also find out that dozens if not hundreds of government officials communicated with the corrupt Secretary of State Hillary Clinton through her private illegal server, including foreign government dictators from Islamic Radical States, ISIS. 

“The president of the United States is complicit. 
He was aware of her private email server and actually communicated with her on it,” Pirro said.
“Hillary threatens the president. It's not that hard because Hillary and Bill Clinton are criminals with the "juice" to hold Obama hostage.  "Go ahead and indict Barack" we'll share a cell with your black ass and you as we've said before, can bring us coffee. 
According to reports, there were 18 emails sent by Hillary from her un-secure server to the president of the United States, and the president replied to at least two of them,” She continued. 
“Translation — ‘Barack, you knew the one way that I communicated. And if I’m indicted, you’ll be my first witness because you knew in real time as secretary of state that I was communicating on a private server. You knew, as did everyone. I dare you, Barack.’ Now, if any of you are still skeptics, try this on. She was not emailing the president about her yoga classes or her wedding dress. The sad news is, the fix is in, folks, and I just told you why.”


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