Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton “about to melt down at any moment,” Memory Loss Cognitively Impaired Enabler Sex Addict Bill Clinton Pathological Liar Anger DNC Clinton Foundation

Well, having met “Billy” when she was just 11 years old, and he was “12, going on 13.”
“We met on the Belvedere Country Club golf course in Hot Springs,” she recalled. “Forget about his stories of growing up in poverty, okay? Forget that. We met on the golf course. We were friends in high school, we were friends in college, we ultimately became lovers as adults.”
“He was married, I was married, during part of this,” Kyle said. “I have repented. I discovered I was a sex addict. I got treatment. I told Billy about the problem. I warned him, I begged him, to get help for his sex addiction problem.”
“He admitted to me that he had sex with 2,000 women,” she revealed. “He said that in response to our discussion about Wilt Chamberlain, who said he’d had sex with 20,000 women, and Billy said, ‘well, that’s ten times more than I’ve had.’”
“We went through the 25 questions that you ask yourself if you’re a sex addict,” Kyle said. “He absolutely was. Is. He admitted it. This is like an Alcoholics Anonymous or drug-addict thing. You don’t have to go to a counselor to know you’re an alcoholic.You go to an AA meeting, you hear the questions, you know that’s who you are. And then you dosomething about it. But he’s done nothing about it.”
“And what Hillary has done about it is enable him,” she charged.
Kyle recalled an early relationship between Bill Clinton and a woman named Marla Crider at the University of Arkansas, before Bill and Hillary got married. “Hillary found out about Marla. She started threatening her, she was calling her in the middle of the night, she destroyed her letters to Billy. She warned her to stay away from him.”
Kyle thinks Hillary Clinton remains “about to melt down at any moment,” describing her as “cognitively impaired.”
“Look at the CDC website, and see the symptoms for cognitive impairment. She is showing a lot of those,” Kyle asserted. “Including memory loss, and, most terrifyingly, the inability to handle a crisis, an emergency.”
“I believe the woman not only is a pathological liar, which has been proven by everyone over the decades, but I do believe she is now cognitively impaired,” she repeated. “If you look at the way she reacted to some of those young black women who asked her legitimate questions, she couldn’t function. She had to turn around quickly and find someone to escort them from the room. She can’t deal with even a crisis that small, and we want to put her in charge of the nuclear weapons, when she’s already said if Iran does anything, she’ll nuke ‘em off the planet. I mean, this woman is just waiting to attack someone, because she’s so angry.”
Kyle said it was “totally ridiculous” for the media to push Hillary Clinton’s nomination as a moment of symbolic triumph for young women across America, because “What you’re seeing is the result of a woman clutching onto the coattails of a serial rapist and sex abuser for decades, just to get into this position.”
“What has Hillary ever done on her own?” she asked. “I mean, she was Secretary of State, she traveled a million miles. What did she accomplish? What did she ever accomplish?”
Kyle declared that she “absolutely believes” Juanita Broaddrick’s accusation of sexual assault against Bill Clinton.
“I believed her when she said he raped her,” said Kyle. “I believed her when I saw the interview with Lisa Myers on NBC. In the last month, I have come to know Juanita personally. I had never met her before, but we’ve talked several times. There is no doubt that he raped her. There is no doubt in my mind that he attacked Kathleen Willey. There is no doubt in my mind that he grossly propositioned Paula Jones.”
Kyle recalled her angry reaction to watching Hillary Clinton declare “women who say they were raped or sexually abused should be believed.”
“That lying hypocrite, who has attacked every woman Billy’s had any kind of sex with!” Kyle fumed. “The nerve of her to say that! And I will say this: There are hundreds, if not thousands, more women he had relations with of some sort, and you know why you haven’t heard about them? Because they are terrorized to speak anything.”
“Hillary is a terrorist,” she said. “She uses lies, threats, intimidation, violence — whatever it takes to achieve her political ends.”
Kyle said that if “the media were doing their jobs,” Hillary Clinton’s declaration of unquestioning support for every victim of sexual abuse, except the women who have been exploited by her husband, would “come back to haunt her every time she opens her mouth — which, of course, is why she hasn’t had a press conference in over six months.”
She said she was not personally afraid of the Clinton machine, but she wasn’t about to take unnecessary chances.
“I fear nothing. He who is within me is greater than he who is within the world,” she said. “I am not afraid of these people — but I am not gonna walk out and just make myself a target, either.”  

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